American Caramel Movie Actors and Actresses (Numbered-Large Photo Offer on Back)

Issuing Company: American Caramel Co.
Country of Issue: USA
Year of Issue: 1927
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set: 120
Card Size: 2" x 2 1/4"
Issued as insert with what product: Caramel Candy

Notes: Checklist incomplete. These cards have a mail-in offer for a large photo on the back. This set differs from the American Caramel Co. Movie Actors and Actresses (Unnumbered - Large Photo Offer on Back) (1927) set in the following ways:

Date info: The only film title I've seen so far is from 1927, so I'm putting a 1927 date on this set, though the date could be a bit later.

34. Natalie Kingston - In "Lost at the Front" A First National Picture

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