Bob Gale Film Star Stamps

Issuing Company: Bob Gale's Stamp Club
Country of Issue: USA
Year of Issue: 1938-1939
Color/B&W: One-tone color
Number of Cards in Set:
Stamp Size: 1 1/2" x 2" (gummed back); Stamp Sheet Size: 4" x 6 1/4"
Issued as insert with what product: Given out at movie theaters

Notes: Checklist not complete. These are sheets of 8 stamps showing a scene from a particular movie. The stars are not identified on the stamps, only the movie title and studio. They were designed to be given out one sheet at a time to movie patrons. An album was apparently also issued with this set to house the stamps.

The checklist below is organized by stamp sheets, not by alphabetical order. The stamp sheets do not appear to be numbered, so this checklist is not in any particular order for when the stamps were actually issued.

Thanks to Amit Benyovits for help with this checklist.

Stamp sheet 1

The Little Princess
Beauty for the Asking
Zenobia (Oliver Hardy)
North of the Yukon
Man of Conquest
Mystery Plane
The Hardy's Ride High (Mickey Rooney)
Union Pacific

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