Notes: Checklist Incomplete. These cards gave instructions to cut out the cowboy pictures, so it is likely many were cut up, making intact cards hard to find. Thanks to Dan Calandriello for getting this checklist started and supplying most of this checklist information.
These cards can be identified by the following characteristics:
- They show two cowboys pictured in circles.
- They had instructions to "CUT OUT CHIPS ON OUTSIDE LINES"
- They have a red, white, or blue tone. Cards can be found in multiple colors.
- Cards say ©1929 EX. SUP. CO. CHGO in lower left corner.
- Coupon on back.
Jack Anthony - William Duncan
Warner Baxter - Wallace Macdonald
Rex Bell - Edmond Cobb
Wm. Boyd - Buffalo Bill, Jr.
Yakima Canutt - Leo Maloney
Lane Chandler - Bud Osborne
Fred Church - Buddy Roosevelt
Bill Cody - Billy Sullivan
Benny Corbett - Buzz Barton
Bob Curwood - Buck Jones
Bob Custer - Wm. Desmond
Frankie Darrow - Jack Donovan
Jack Dougherty - Tom Santschi
Hoot Gibson - Pee Wee Holmes
Dave Harrington - Robert Ellis
Neal Hart - Don Coleman
Wm S. Hart - Richardo Cortez
Jack Hoxie – Jack Padjan
Fred Humes - Jack Holt
Fred Kohler - Roy Hughes
Jack Luden - Pete Morrison
Ken Maynard - Lefty Flynn
Tex Maynard - Fred Gilman
Tom Mix - Harry Carey
Tom Mix - Pee Wee Holmes
Antonio Moreno - Richard Arlen
Jack Perrin - Bob Steele
Bob Reeves - George Magrill
Tom Tyler - Dustin Farnum
Wally Wales - Richard O'Neill
Ted Wells - Newton House
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