Fancy Frame Strip Cards

Issuing Company: Unknown
Country of Issue: USA
Year of Issue: Late 1920s-early 1930s
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set: At least 5
Card Size: 1 3/4" x 2 5/8"
Issued as insert with what product: Issued in strips by themselves with no other product. Cards are usually found cut apart.

Notes: Checklist probably incomplete. Stars are identified with an autograph on the front. Blank-backed. Some of the autographs are very difficult to read. Collector Bob Richardson, who helped with this checklist, reports that he has an additional four cards not listed on this checklist that he can't identify because of the tiny captions.

John Boles
Eddie Cantor
Charlie Chaplin
Ruth Chatterton
Douglas Fairbanks
Greta Garbo
Davy Lee
Ben Lyon
Robert Montgomery
Chester Morris
Jack Oakie
Zasu Pitts
Charles "Buddy" Rogers
Skippy (can't read the rest of the caption; 4 kids are pictured)
Gloria Swanson
Genevieve Tobin

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