Peter Pan Theatre (Kromo Gravure)

Issuing Company: Peter Pan Theatre
Country of Issue: Canada
Year of Issue: 1919
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set:
Card Size:
Issued as insert with what product: Cards given out to patrons of the theatre.

Notes: Checklist probably incomplete. Unnumbered. These cards are the same as Kromo Gravure borderless cards, but with theatre advertising included on the backs instead of Kromo Gravure blank backs.

The Peter Pan Theatre was located at the corner of Queen and Waverley. The city was probably Toronto, Canada. The Peter Pan Theatre also issued larger cards with Peter Pan advertising a bit later in 1919.

Date info: Through checking the day-months listed and the release dates of the movies listed, it shows that these cards were issued in 1919.

Owen Moore

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