Garbaty Buhnenstars (Large Format)

Issuing Company: Garbaty
Country of Issue: Germany (Berlin)
Year of Issue: 1933
Color/B&W: Color
Number of Cards in Set: 6
Card Size: 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" (postcard format)
Issued as insert with what product: Cigarettes

Notes: Unnumbered. The title translates as "Stage Stars and their Autographs". To promote the album of 250 cards, 6 cards were blown-up to postcard size. They are unnumbered, don't belong in the album, and backs were used to advertise Garbaty products and the forthcoming series, with no space left over for use as a postcard. All backs are identical.

Thanks to Nick Bolton for help with this checklist.

Hans Albers (in "Zwei Krawatten")
Marlene Dietrich (in "Zwei Krawatten")
Rudolf Forster (in "Kabale und Liebe")
Otto Gebuhr (in "Fritzische Rebellion")
Gerda Maurus (in "Cyrano von Bergerac")
Grete Mosheim (in "Der Liebling von Paris")

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