Issuing Company: Kaiser Country of Issue: Germany (Berlin) Year of Issue: mid-1930s Color/B&W: B&W Number of Cards in Set: Card Size: Issued as insert with what product: Coffee |
Notes: Film-Revue Kaiser is the name of the album issued by Kaiser Kaffee. Although film cards have been seen from Kaiser (see separate entry), they are too small for the spaces provided in the album. The album has no list of contents and 24 sides with space for 10 cards on each side and was probably used for the Ross envelopes of film cards. They are the perfect size for the space provided and Ross cards were issued in groups of 10, so that one envelope of cards would fit perfectly onto one side of the album. Albums seen usually have Ross cards in them. See the entry on Ross for further information about this difficult series.
Thanks to Nick Bolton for help with this checklist.
No checklist, because with well over 8500 Ross cards issued, all of them with blank backs and unnumbered, the possibilities are endless...
German Movie Cards Sales List
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