Issuing Company: Pagalto (publisher) Country of Issue: Germany (Hamburg (Altona)) Year of Issue: 1932 Color/B&W: mid-1930s Number of Cards in Set: Card Size: Issued as insert with what product: |
Notes: This is an oddity. The title translates as "Shirley Temple. The smallest film star in the world" and was issued by publishers Pagalto. Absolutely nothing is known about this company. The small cord-bound album appears to have been designed to house the Ross Verlag cards, which were blank-backed and issued in numbered envelopes of 10 (see separate entry). The album has 12 blank pages (24 sides) and 3 cards fit onto each side, for a total of 72 cards. No cards have ever been seen with Pagalto advertising on them. Because Ross series are endless, and the album has no list of contents - meaning any card could be glued in anywhere - there is no checklist.
Thanks to Nick Bolton for help with this checklist.
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