Schuma (OK Chewing Gum) Filmgrossen der Gegenwart

Issuing Company: Schuma (OK Chewing Gum)
Country of Issue: Germany (Hamburg & Pinneberg)
Year of Issue: 1951
Color/B&W: Color
Number of cards: 64
Card Size: 1 7/16" x 1 15/16" (3.6 x 4.8 cm)
Issued as insert with what product: Gum

Notes: These tiny cards with the title "Filmgrossen der Gegenwart" (Contemporary Film Greats) were issued in bags and came complete with an album, which could be bought for 1 DM. Numbering in the album is all over the place, and 4 cards were meant to be glued on the front, with the remaining 60 inside the album. Many cards mention a film title on the back, and these are listed here, along with the year. The latest year mentioned is 1951, so this has been chosen as the year of issue.

Thanks to Nick Bolton for help with this checklist.

1. Amedeo Nazzari: "Suhne ohne Sunde" (1949). This is the Italian movie "Catene".
2. Errol Flynn (No Film Title)
3. Griffith Jones: "Tanz in den Abgrund" (1948). This is the movie "Good-Time Girl".
4. John Wayne (No Film Title)
5. Gary Cooper (No Film Title)
6. Sabu: "Die schwarze Narzisse" (1947). This is the movie "Black Narcissus".
7. Luis Trenker (No Film Title)
8. William Boyd (No Film Title)
9. Gustav Waldau: "Das Kuckucksei" (1948/49)
10. Paul Dahlke: "Der Schatten des Herrn Monitor" (1950)
11. Albert Matterstock (No Film Title)
12. Fritz Kampers: "Des Lebens uberfluss" (1950)
13. Will Quadflieg: "Das ewige Spiel" (1951)
14. Oskar Sima: "Das Madel aus der Konfektion" (1951)
15. Rudolf Platte: "Madchen mit Beziehungen" (1950)
16. Siegfried Breuer: "Gabriela" (1950)
17. Jean Marais: "Rendezvous in Paris" (1950). This is the French movie "Le Chateau de Verre".
18. Paul Kemp: "Der Mann, der sich selber sucht" (1950)
19. Charlie Chaplin: "Lichter der Grossstadt" (1931). This is the movie "City Lights".
20. Karl Schonbock: "Der Mann, der sich selber sucht" (1950)
21. Harry Piel: "Der Tiger Akbar" (1951)
22. Paul Richter (No Film Title)
23. Carl Raddatz: "Gabriela" (1950)
24. Rudolf Prack: "Schicksal in Ketten" (1946)
25. Wolf Albach-Retty: "Weh' dem, der liebt" (1951)
26. Victorio Mature (sic. Victor): "uberfall auf die Olive Branch" (1940). This is the movie "Captain Caution".
27. Willy Fritsch: "Madchen mit Beziehungen" (1950)
28. Hubert v. Meyerinck: "Der Mann, der sich selber sucht" (1950)
29. Dieter Porsche (sic. Borsche) (No Film Title)
30. Hardy Kruger: "Schon muss man sein" (1951)
31. Rudolf Forster (No Film Title)
32. Peter Czeike (No Film Title)
33. Sonja Ziemann: "Nach Regen folgt Sonne" (1949)
34. Geraldine Brooks: "Vulcano" (1950). Italian movie with the title "Volcano".
35. Cornell Borchers: "Das ewige Spiel" (1951)
36. Jeanette Schultze: "Epilog" (1950)
37. Petra Peters: "Der Kahn der frohlichen Leute" (1950)
38. Ursula Lingen: "Hin und Her" (1948)
39. Maria Holst (No Film Title)
40. Anna Magnani: "Vulcano" (1950). Italian movie with the title "Volcano".
41. Bruni Lobel: "Madchen mit Beziehungen" (1950)
42. Irene v. Meyendorff: "Pikanterie" (1950)
43. Kathe Haack: "Gefahrliche Gaste" (1949)
44. Lil Dagover: "Man spielt nicht mit der Liebe" (1949)
45. Anny Ondra: "Schon muss man sein" (1951)
46. Mar. Wischmann: "Der Schatten des Herrn Monitor" (1950)
47. Angelika Hauff: "Lockende Gefahr" (1950)
48. Zarah Leander: "Gabriela" (1950)
49. Maria Andergast (No Film Title)
50. Catja Gorna: "Der Schatten des Herrn Monitor" (1950)
51. Joan Wallace: "Der Mann vom Eiffelturm" (1949). This is the movie "The Man on the Eiffel Tower".
52. Nadia Gray (No Film Title)
53. Zena Marshall (No Film Title)
54. Jane Russell: "Eva und der angebissene Apfel". This film title doesn't exist anywhere. The card motif is from "The Outlaw" (1943).
55. Susan Shaw (No Film Title)
56. Jean Kent: "Tanz in den Abgrund" (1948). This is the movie "Good-Time Girl".
57. Lana Marris (sic. Morris) (No Film Title)
58. Jean Simmons: "Paris um Mitternacht" (1950). This is the movie "So long at the Fair".
59. Hildegard Knef: "Die Sunderin" (1951)
60. Joan Avens (sic. Evans) (No Film Title)
61. Claire Trevor: "Hard, Fast and Beautiful" (1951). Note – here they use the original English title with no German equivalent.
62. Evelyn Keyes (No Film Title)
63. Carola Hohn: "Du bist nicht allein" (1949)
64. Arlene Dahl: "Guillotine" (1949)

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