Zirini Film und Buhne

Issuing Company: Zirini
Country of Issue: Germany (Berlin)
Year of Issue: 1933
Color/B&W: B&W
Number of Cards in Set:
Card Size: 1 11/16" x 2 1/2" (4.2 x 6.2 cm)
Issued as insert with what product: Cigarettes

Notes: Checklist incomplete. There is no mention of the title "Film und Buhne" (Film and Stage) on card backs. The title has been taken from the album issued by the cigarette company Hellas (see separate listing), who issued both cards and an album. A Zirini album was planned (for 75 pfennigs) but up to now has never been seen. In the Hellas album there is space for 120 cards, so Zirini probably also planned to issue the same number, but far fewer cards are known, with the highest number at 51, with not all cards between 1 and 51 being issued.

The cards themselves are unusual and known as "Goldplaketten" or gold plaques. They consist of a piece of gold-coloured card, with an image of the film star, stuck down on dark-brown cardboard. A unique but impractical method, with the gold images sometimes only an approximation of how the star looks, and black writing on a dark brown back at times illegible!

Zirini cards are even rarer than those from Hellas!

Thanks to Nick Bolton for help with this checklist.

11. Hans Brausewetter
16. Charlie Chaplin
23. Rudolf Forster
24. Jackie Cooper
29. Max Hansen
34. Paul Horbiger
45. Jarmila Novotna
49. Ivan Petrovich
51. Magda Schneider

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