
I am always very appreciative for any additional checklist information that is sent in by anyone. The goal of this website is to checklist every movie card from around the world, which is probably an impossible task, but it is fun to try. Over 200 fine individuals from all over the world have already sent in checklist information to help out this site, and the checklists are much better thanks to all of your efforts.

Special thanks to Amit Benyovits, Nick Bolton, Dan Calandriello, Richard Clews, Piet Gooijaers, Mikael Hoffsten, Steve Leone, Richard Minns, Serge Plumecocq, Joe Scicluna, David Williams, and David York for going above and beyond to provide a lot of great checklist help for the Movie Card Website.

Thanks to the following fine individuals who provided valuable checklist information for The Movie Card Website:

Jim Abdella, Daniel Abrahamsson, Oscar Aeda, Kathleen Aicardi, Cliff Aliperti, Carlo Maria Allochis, Lance Anderson, Roland Andersson, Stuart Arnold, Mike Aronstein, Awni Awamleh, Alphons Bakker, Nick Barber, Martin Barnett, Lee J. Barrie, Chris Bartell, Brian Bates, Pat Battles, Sylvia Beadnell, Barry Beckett, John Bell, Amit Benyovits, Steven Beresford, Victor Beyer, Robin Bianchi, Gustavo Bianco, Kyle Bicking, Justin Bigica, Susan Binder, Kevin Biolsi, Andrew Blount, Tom Boblitt, Bill Boesenberg, Nick Bolton, Patrick Borst, Don Bradley, John Bradley, Jack Brewer, Alan Brown, Graham Burgess, Bobby Burrell, Dan Calandriello, Anthony Camilleri, Jon Canfield, Greg Caravalho, Ove Carlson, Jim Cashion, Jeff Chambers, Pat Chiappetta, Ryan Christoff, Richard Clews, Tim Cline, Kyle Colip, Don Collins, Stuart Collins, Jim Coughlin, Lisa Cross, Lonnie Cummins, Lesley Curtis, Mike Davies, Jim Davis, Ranjodh Dhillon, Leo Di Bello, Graeme Dickinson, Bob Dobbs, Aimi Ducker, Robert Dudek, Bernard Dunne, David Elliott, Claude Emond, Paul Falzon, Rob Feasey, Bernie Feldman, Linda Fitak, Steve Flemming, Robert Forbes, Jeff Forteza, Ed Francis, Georges Freylinger, Greg Galiger, Harry Garvin, Tom Gillis, Tod Ginnis, Thomas Gladysz, Javier Gonzalez, Piet Gooijaers, Gordon from Hong Kong, Derek Gould, Greg Graetz, John Graham, Linda Granath, Paul Grech, Master Gundam, Mary Haberstroh, Bo Hafström, Chris Hammond, Mark Handley, Chad Hanson, Harlan Harmison, Ken Harrison, Bill van Heerden, Kathy Heggemeier, Edward Heijne, Mark Hellman, Billy L. Henderson, Christopher Herman, Glen Hettrick, David Hewitt, Leon Hipkins, Mikael Hoffsten, Peter Hoogerheide, Brian Horne, Keith Hoult, Bill Humphreys, Scott Jensen, Frank Johnson, Otis Johnson, Scott Mt. Joy, Brian Jukes, Gordon Kalisch, Seth Kaminsky, Jared Karakas, Barrie Kemp, Marci Kennedy, Tracey Kersher, Michael Killian, Troy Kinunen, Richard Kirby, Logan Kirk, Maurice Kirman, Kees Kleihues, Niels Klompen, Andrew Knight, Markus Knöss, Marty Krim, Al Kulick, Daniel Kumermann, Jouni Kuurne, Ron de Laat, Helen Lallo, Scott Lander, Graham Langley, Jean Laperriere, Doug Larson, R. E. Lee, Steve Leone, Bertil Lundgren, Richard Mangan, Mark Manning, Marcel from the Netherlands, Ken Marks, Barbara Martin, Pascal Matthys, David Maupin, Gary May, Jim McCullough, Laura McCullough, Albert McFadden, Mike McNeill, Allan Mellis, David Mendoza, Rob Mikesell, Richard Minns, Roger Mitchell, Werner Mohr, Luc Moinil, Andy L. Munoz, Simon Myers, Mitch Nat, Brad Newell, Brad Newman, Marc Newman, Julie Nicholas, Gary Nichols, Doug Nickerson, Will Norris, Keven Oates, Robert Ogden, Keith O'Leary, Uffe Östlund, Eric Panther, Bruce Parker, Tom Patrie, Robin Pearce, John Penney, Keith Pennington, Ashley Phillips, Serge Plumecocq, Rebecca Poulos, Michael Prior, Tim Pulcifer, Larry Purdy, Richard Quiring, Mike Raboin, Deborah Ralph, Andy Ramsubhag, Jari Rannikko, Ole Bjørn Rasmussen, Bram Reijnhoudt, Thomas Reuter, Bob Richardson, Todd Riley, Chris Ring, Bob Robinson, Manfred Roeler, Jerry Rogers, Tom Rogers, Claudio Romano, Chuck Ross, Ken Rozek, Juan Jose Ruiz, Skip Rutherford, Konnie Rychalsky, Steve Rydzewski, Therp Sajik, Clive Sanderson, Justin Santoro, Anita Schaerlaeken, Luc Schaerlaeken, Subhan Schenker, Steve Schloeder, Ines Schulz, Perry Schwartzberg, Joe Scicluna, Frank Shaw, Aaron Smith, Andy Smith, Tina R. Snipes, Tony Sorsby, David Spicer, Jim Stanton, Cary Sternick, Dale Stratton, Dick Summersgill, Paul Szyszlak, Larry Tabone Jr., Stephen Tapper, Charles Tedesco, Hector M. Tejeda, Tom Thomas, Trevor Thomas, Cas Thompson, Matt Thompson, Tim Thornham, Marlin Toser, Roxanne Toser, Lee Towersey, Thom Trudeau, Nancy Tufano, Alex Tymchuk, Uffe from Swede, Charlie Usher, Alan Vaglivelo, Serge Veillette, Jörg Wagner, Stephen Vermac, Gerard Verstoep, Franchesca Vullings-Windley, Leo Walters (laughingravy21 on ebay), Adam Warshaw, Michael Waters, Greg Watson, Ron White, Toby Wickwire, Jim Wiehe, Marilynn Wienke, Ralf Wierz, David R. Williams, Terry Wiskowski, Joseph Worrell, Walt Wysk, Rhett Yeakley, Rhys Yeakley, Ken Yonek of StoogeMore, David York, Shannon Yowell, Paul van Yperen, Matthew Zubrot and Dave Zurick.

Any additional checklist information is welcome and appreciated.

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