New cards will be mentioned here as well as new checklists and anything else of interest to movie card collectors.
New Checklists:
Dec 19, 2023: Tons of updates to report, it's been almost 2 years since I did the last update and I've made additions continuously during the past 2 years with lots of help from many, many topnotch collectors. Special thanks to Nick Bolton for tons of help on the German section including lots of new checklist, including very rare sets and updates to just about every German movie card set. Also Richard Minns continues to provide a huge number of new checklist and updates, Richard has been helping for many, many years. Serge Plumecocq has helped greatly in improving the checklists for France and Belgium. Amit Benyovits has also been providing tons of information for many years and continues to do so. Lots of other collectors have provided help and I'm thankful for every one of you, credits are included on every checklist so people can see who has contributed. Misc A-B updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Artistas De Cine Sonoro (Color), Artistas y Bellezas, Billiken Film Stars, Barrenengoa Coleccion Cinema (Blue), Barrenengoa Coleccion Cinema (Borderless), Barrenengoa Coleccion Cinema, Almonds Cinema Stars, Joseph Bardou & Fils Actresses, Barbier Film Stars, Athanassacopoulo Toccos Film Stars (EPC), British Leaf Film Stars, Artistas De Cine (Colleccion de 24 Retratos), ABC Colorstars 2nd Series, Belle Jardiniere Film Stars, Babichou Film Stars, Bastos Vedettes de L'Ecran Added new information for the following checklists: Atlam Celebrities, Artistas De Cine Sonoro, BFF Film Stars, Artistas Seleccionados De Cine, Biblioteca Films Titulo De La Supremacia, Arte Cinematografico, Athanassacopoulo Toccos Film Stars, Bluebird Star Cards, Amami Film Stars, Aguilitas (Cigarros Aguilitas) Serie Artistica, Artistas Eminentes Cinematograficos, A&BC Film Stars (1955), Athanassacopoulo Toccos Film Stars (Toccos on Front), Barcelona Artistas Cinematograficos, Bruguera Cromos Cinefoto, BELGIAN GUM FILM STARS (Unnumbered), Belgian Gum Film Stars (Color, Unnumbered, 1 1/2" x 2 7/8"), Belgian Gum Film Stars (Color, Numbered, 2" x 2 11/16"), Bea-Milano Film Stars, Ackermans Film Stars, BELGIAN GUM FILM STARS (NUMBERED, 2 3/8" x 3 3/8"), Boys Cinema Famous Heroes, Butywave Rudolph Valentino Postcards, Avis Film Stars, BELGIAN GUM FILM STARS MAGIC PHOTOS (UNNUMBERED, 7/8" x 1 7/16"), Apiario Iris Film Stars, Belgian Gum Film Stars (Import), A&BC Film Stars (NO. 2 SERIES), Athanassacopoulo Toccos Film Stars (Ross), Albert Film Stars (100), AUSTRALIAN LICORICE POPULAR RECORDING STARS, Bruguera Famosas Estrellas de la Pantalla (1953), Almex Film Stars (Yellow Border), Amatller Artistas de Cine Humoristica, Ami-Rose Filmstjarna, Amatller Los Artistas Cinematograficos en la Intimidad, Austria Lieblinge des Films, Aguilitas Large Film Stars, African Consolidated Theatres Golden Jubilee Cinema Club, Blue Bird Exciting Film Stars (1952), Bruguera Lluvia De Estrellas Misc C-K updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Davit Film Stars, Giuseppe Grasso Film Stars (Weight Machine Cards), Idolos Da TV Astros e Estrelas Album 1 and Album 2, Idolos Da TV, Idolos Da TV Album 2, Idolos Da TV Album 3, Idolos Da TV Album 4, Idolos Da TV Album 5, Festival Attori e Cantanti, Home Weekly Little Charlie, Globo Les Heros Du Far-West, Ferca Pantalla Album de Estrellas (1963), Ferca Pantalla Album de Estrellas (Anthony Perkins and Sophia Loren on Cover), Florrie Ford - The World's Greatest Chorus Singer, Field Girl Soap Picture Gallery, Colinville BBC Special Stars and Guests, The Card Film Stars, Ferca Pantalla Album de Estrellas (Sara Montiel on Cover), Ferca Pantalla Album de Estrellas (Brigitte Bardot on Cover), Ferca Artistas Seleccionados de Cine, Cumbre Film Stars Serie 2a, Hill Music Hall Celebrities Past and Present, Confiserie Jean-Donat Dupont, Chocolaterie Thomas Vedettes L'Ecran, Cantaloup Vedettes de Cinema, La Kermesse Heroique, Granetias Film Stars, Engvalls Film Stars, Danckelman & Schrader Photo Series, Kiddy's Favourites Popular Film Stars 1950, Girls' Crystal Film Star Postcards, FHER Famosos de T.V. (Film and Music Stars Playing Card Style 1968), Dedeystere Film Stars, Coliseum or Trianon Les Vedettes de L'Ecran, FHER Famosos De TV, FHER Figuras De La TV, Flor De Angra Film Scenes, Croydon Model Laundry & The Summer Laundry Film Star Postcards, Carmencita Film Stars, Laboratorio Japones Film Stars, Juan Hill Film Stars, Colegiales Film Stars, Cinema Chat Film Stars, Guerin-Boutron Celebrities, Fleetway Publications Artistes & Other Celebrities, Djelika Scenes From Films, Geslot-Voreux Film Stars, Hermitage de L'Epinay Film Stars, Chausson Film Stars, Courtois Film Stars, Le Chien Qui Saute Celebrites du Cinema, Estrellas Famosas Cine TV Discos (72), Camden Hippodrome Film Stars Added new information for the following checklists: CHOCOLAT CARDON FILM STARS, M. Glott Akaba Film Stars, Falchi Film Stars 1935, La Felsinea Film Stars, Clovis Film Stars (Chocolat Clovis on Front), Chocolaterie Junon (Societe Anonyme) Cinema Stars, Joseph Crosfield Film Stars, Farris Film Stars (Large), KANE FILM STARS, Frejas Film Stars, Glorias Del Cine, Historia Del Cine, Henry Clay and Bock Film Stars - Borderless, Ekstra Bladet Film Stars, Fernando Fuentes Artistica Coleccion Estrellas de la Pantalla, M. Glott Marmara Film Stars, CRACK CIGARRILLOS FILM STARS, Chadouteaud Film Stars, De Film Film Stars, Clevedon Famous Screen Stars, Dolcificio Lombardo Film Stars, El Film De Hoy, Karnans Film Stars, Dandy Film Series, Inedeca Estrellas de Cine, EL CINE, Farris Film Stars (Small), Este Populares De La T.V., Este Artistas De La TV y Del Cine, FHER Ases y Estrellas (TV and Eurovision Music Performers Playing Card Style 1969), Forsbergs Film Stars, FHER Astros de TV, ILLM 20th Century Fox Film Stars (Color), ILLM 20th Century Fox Film Stars (B&W), Fernando Fuentes Figuras Mas Destecadas de la Pantalla, HAMILTON MOVIE STARS (RED BACKS), FIDA Film Stars, Henry Clay and Bock Film Stars - Borderless, Fick Journalens Samlarserie, King's Laundries Radio & Television Stars, Juncosa Film Stars (Fancy Frame), Imperial Krsko Zito Film Stars, Kiosco Gran Via Film Stars, Hoadley's Film Stars (Hoadley's on Back), Fernando Fuentes Artistica Coleccion Estrellas de la Pantalla, Gallina Blanca Estrellas de la Pantalla, L'Etoile Blanche Collectionnez, Major Drapkin Cinematographic Actors, ILLM Sportivi Film Stars, Imperial Tobacco Actresses (C90), Kalendarium-Bild Film Stars, Cloetta Film Stars, Donat Vedettes Cinema - Radio, Coralli Film Stars, CHUCKLERS WEEKLY FILM AND RECORDING STARS, FACCHINO CINEMA STARS, JIBCO TEA SCREEN STARS, 2ND SERIES, CWS WESTERN STARS, INDIANA FILM STARS, Hill Artistas Teatrais Portugueses, Coulois Film Stars, La Cigogne Gold Film Stars, ICA Artists Gum Film Stars, KEMMEL LES VEDETTES DE L'ECRAN (210), Le Cafe Martin Film Scenes, Juncosa Film Stars (Small), La Cigogne B&W Film Stars, Exnaco Film Stars, FALCON CALVO ESTRELLAS DE CINE, Donat Vedettes Cinema - Radio, Clovis Large Film Stars, Cantaloup Vedettes de Cinéma Françaises et Internationales, Camilleri Film Stars Misc L-M updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Mobil TV's Top Performers, Melody Maker Film and Music Stars, Studio Lorelle Film Stars, Manar-Gum-Cow-Boy, Conrad Langaard Radio Serie, Conrad Langaard Film Artistes Serie X, Mayer Fanamet Starbilder, Lisette Film Stars, Melba Artist Serisi, Conrad Langaard Stage and Cinema Beauties, Cafe Mirault Film Stars, Mirim Film Stars (One Color), Mirim Filmski Glumci (No Series Listed), Mirim Slageri U Slici 1937, Mirim Slageri U Slici 1938, Mira Artistas de Cine (144 cromos), Mira Artistas de Cine (100 cromos-number on front), Mira Artistas de Cine (100 cromos-number on back), Azafranes J. Martinez Artistas de Cine, Mistinguett Film Stars, Majestic Cinema Les Vedettes Paramount, Conrad Laangard Glimt Fra Filmen, Lambert & Butler Types of Modern Beauty, Mireille Film Stars, Marlieu Film Stars, Magniez-Baussart Les Vedettes de L'Ecran, Lyric Theatre Shaftesbury Avenue Film Stars Added new information for the following checklists: Lurati Film Stars (Unnumbered), Loriot Cinema Stars, MILOU FILM STARS, Conrad Langaard Film Artistes, Milliat Freres Artistes de Cinema and Les Artistes de Cinema, METACYLINE OR KALMINE FILM STARS, Lux Toilet Soap Film Stars (Thick Black Line Under Photo), Mahalla Film Stars, Luc Film Stars (Name in Picture Frame), Joseph Milliat Artistes Serie 8, St. Luc Film Stars (Name in Border), Milliat Freres Les Artistes de Cinema (Unnumbered), Lux Toilet Soap Famous Film Stars, Mazetti Film Stars, Lurati Film Stars (Numbered), Mirim Filmske Zvezde, MILLHOFF DE RESZKE FILM STARS-206, Matte Fils Film Stars, Mirim Filmski Glumci (Serija 1 and Serija 2), Menko Cards, Millhoff De Reszke Film Stars-60 B&W, La Milagrosa Artistas Cine, Conrad Langaard Kjendte Ansigter (Well Known Faces), Marabou Film Stars, Mahalla Die Schönsten Frauen der Welt, Merrysweets Telegum TV Stars, Melia Film Stars, MITCHELL A GALLERY OF 1934 Misc N-S updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Cioccalato Principe Film Stars, Record Cigarette & Tobacco Co. The Talkie Cigarette Card, Picturegoer Snapshots of Kinema Stars at Home, C. Arthur Pearson Glamour Album of Pop Singer Portraits, Newey Bros. Blend-Rite Hair Grips British Film Stars, Nitfotografi Film Stars, Romeo Music & Film Stars, Picturegoer Film Star Bookmarks, Pam's Paper Cinema Stars, Sobre Cine, Palacios Serie Cinematografica, Revillon Modern Silhouettes, Pension Mimosas, Poggi Film Stars, The People Dave and Dusty, Picture Show Film Partners (Color), Picture Show Film Partners (Silver), Newey Bros. Screen Stars, Pullars Film Stars, Svalans Film Stars, Pielina Film Star Visors, Oktober Kvartal Films-Album, Prince's Picture Playhouse Film Stars, Casa Pinillos Film Stars, Niemeijer Film Stars, Radio Nacional Celebrities, Santander Artistas De Cine, Santander Film Stars, Saporvit Film Stars, Suchard Film Stars, Laurie Stevens M.G.M. Stars, Quintana Estrellas Del Cine, Otero & Diaz Dandy Film Stars, Samum High Life, Peg's Paper Film Stars, La Regenta Film Stars, Negronoir Film Stars, Felix Potin Collection (1952), Pelican Cinema Sports, Cafes Perrin Film Stars, Pissard Artistes de Cinema and Vedettes de Cinema, Raineri Film Star Caricatures, Picture Show Film Stars (1929), Scala Theatre Film Stars, Picture House Huddersfield Film Stars, Piccadilly Picture Theatre London Film Stars, The Pavilion Theatre Film Stars Added new information for the following checklists: Piazza Film Stars, Pastificio Triestino Film Stars (Unnumbered), Radium Cromo Film, Sonja Film Stars, Reclam Films, Neilson's Movie Actors and Actresses in their Famous Characters, Nestle Film Stars (Uruguay-B&W), Super Cigarrillos Famosas Celebridades del Cine, Purus Film Favourites, ROSS Film Stars, Piccadilly Circus Movie Stars, Novela Popular Cinematografica, Sport Film Stars Serie 7, Samo Chips Film and Music Stars, Chocolat Revillon Artistes et Sportifs Celebres, Felix Potin Vedettes Mondiales, Rose Marie Film Stars, Stars Film Stars, Sport Film Stars Serie 6, Chocolat Revillon Les Artistes De Cinema (31-60), CHOCOLAT REVILLON FILM STARS, Super Stars, Syster Gretas Film Stars, PIX FILM STARS, Smith's Chewing Sweets Film Stars (Black and White), Laurie Stevens M.G.M. Stars, NEGRESCO FILM STARS, Parsons Series of Film Stars, Agencia Portuguesa de Revistas Film Stars, SMITH'S CHEWING SWEETS FILM STARS (COLOR), Sociedade Colonial de Tabacos Limitada Cinema Stars, Seward Stars of the Screen, Stjarnparaden Film Stars - 3 Card Strips, Orienta Sahib Film Stars, Societe Job Cinema Stars (Cigarettes JOB in Rectangular Caption), Societe Job Cinema Stars (49-288), Sport Film Stars Serie 4, Sport Film Stars Serie 3, Sport Film Stars Serie 2, Sport Film Stars Serie 1, Olivol Film Stars, Stella Film Stars, Pompeian Beauty Preparations Film Stars, Picturegoer Film Star Stamps, Negrolita Film Stars, Picture Show Cinema Stars, Felix Potin 3e Collection, Prodotti Regina Film Stars, Odeon Theatres Film Stars, Pop Festival Music Stars, Misc T-Z updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Vigoria Artistes de Cinema, Vaissier Film Stars, Williams Popserie, Zucconi Caramella Films, Weight Machine Cards - Great Britain, Western Import Tommy Atkins in Berlin, Theo Film Stars, Tivoli Ben-Hur Series, Vittoria Egyptian Nederlandsche Artisten, Tupinamba Film Scenes (16-Card Subsets), Tupinamba Film Stars (Small), Woman's Way Film Stars, Tempo Film Stars (1937), Tarzan Chewing Gum Film Stars, Voisin Artistes de Cinema, Turmac Film-Serie, Vittoria Egyptian Film Stars, Weight Machine Cards (The Netherlands), Yvours Film Stars Added new information for the following checklists: ZAINI FILM STARS (Color), G. Zucconi Film Stars, ZAINI FILM STARS (BLACK AND WHITE-NO NUMBER ON FRONT), Zano Film Stars, Tucketts Photos of Film Stars, Teasdale Cinema Stars, Turion Film Stars, Van Houten Filmfoto's 3de Serie, Tisane Cisbey Film Stars, Vicentini-Thiene Caramelle Cine-Cine, Yago Cinestrella, Victoria Three Musketeers, URUGUAYA MOVIE STARS, Yvours Vedettes Cinema et Sport, Zan Artistes De Cinema, La Vache Qui Rit Les Artistes de Cinema (3rd Serie), Wow Film Stars and Biographies (Horizontal), WOW HOLLYWOOD PEEP SHOW, WOW FILM STARS 2ND SERIES, WOW FILM STARS 1ST SERIES, Tobacco Products Corp. Film Stars (C142 Strollers Canada), Tobacco Products Corp. Film Stars (Large) (C142-3 Strollers Canada), Telfer Biscuit Famous Movie Plays, Turmac Film Stars (Color), Telebanco Cancion, Victoria Vedetten Parade, UNIVERSAL CIGARETTE WORKS FILM STARS, Union Film Stars (Blank Back), Times Roy Rogers in Old Amarillo, Times Roy Rogers in South of Caliente, Tit-Bits Star Cover Girls, V-V-V Film Stars, Van Houten Filmstar Photographs, Van Houten Filmfoto's 1ste Serie, Weight Machine Cards - Australia, Zelante Film Stars, VAV Film Star Caricatures, La Vache Qui Rit Film Stars 2nd Serie, La Vache Qui Rit Film Stars (1st Serie), Chocolat Tobler Les Stars Tobler, Chocolat Yvours Cinema et Sport, Les Vedettes Mondiales Du Cinema Ardath updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Ardath Photocards Group D, Ardath Photocards Series 1, Ardath Film Stars (Photographic Postcards) Added new information for the following checklists: ARDATH PHOTOCARDS SERIES 7 Carreras updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Carreras Film Stars (A Series of 36) (Extra Large) Carreras Radio & Television Favourites, Carreras Popular Personalities (Oval) Dinkie updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Dinkie MGM Films (Series 10), Dinkie United Artists Releases (Series 11) Gallaher updates: Added new information for the following checklists: GALLAHER CHAMPIONS OF SCREEN & STAGE, GALLAHER CINEMA STARS Godfrey Phillips updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Godfrey Phillips Actresses (Oval), Godfrey Phillips British Beauties (Series of 50, Photogravure), Godfrey Phillips Beauties of To-Day (Photographic) Added new information for the following checklists: GODFREY PHILLIPS STAGE AND CINEMA BEAUTIES (Series A) (1933) Player updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Player Beauties 1st Series Wills updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Wills Actresses (Four Colors Surround), Wills Beauties (Photographic) Added new information for the following checklists: WILLS FAMOUS FILM STARS Anonymous (Mostly BAT) updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Anonymous Film Stars (Australia - Shirley Mason), Anonymous Film Stars (Australia - Brown Tone - Paramount), Anonymous Film Stars (Italy - BW - Name in All Caps), Anonymous Film Stars (Itay - Big Number on Back Upper Left Corner - Bob Hope #88), Anonymous Film Stars Anonymous Film Stars (Itay - Greenish-Gray Fronts - Brown Name and Studio Backs), Anonymous Film Stars (Greenish-Blue Tint - Ava Gardner), Anonymous Film Stars (Honor Forrest), Anonymous Film Stars (ZJ4-53), Anonymous Film Stars (Norway - Talong), Anonymous Film Stars (Madeleine Carroll), Anonymous Film Stars (France, Brown, Name in All Caps), Anonymous Film Stars (France or Belgium, #1 Paul Muni), Anonymous Film Stars (Italy Name Only in Caps on Back), Anonymous Actresses (C241), Anonymous Film Stars (Italy - rectangle caption lower right, dash between number and name), Anonymous Film Stars (Olivier Hardy #108), Anonymous Film Stars (Laurel et Hardy #28), Anonymous Film Stars (Peter Sellers #297), Anonymous Film Stars (Joan Crawford #44), BAT MODERN BEAUTIES, 2ND SERIES, BAT MODERN BEAUTIES, 3rd SERIES, BAT Modern Beauties, 4th Series (Medium), Anonymous Film Stars (Tombola), Anonymous Film Stars (George Sanders #1), Anonymous Film Stars (1950s Black and White Stamps - Lesly Caron), Anonymous Film Stars (Brigitte Bardot), Anonymous Film Stars (Dorothy McGuire 478-B), Anonymous Film Stars (Brigitte Helm Stamps), Anonymous Film Stars (Jeanette MacDonald ZJ4-43), Anonymous Film Stars (Robert Montgomery Serie A #20), Anonymous Film Stars (Unidentified Stars - Clive Brook-Ann Harding), Anonymous Film Stars (Ricardo Cortez - Kay Francis), Anonymous Film Stars (William Haynes), Anonymous Film Stars (Lily Damita #408), Anonymous Film Stars (Henny Porten), Anonymous Film Stars (Clara Bow), Anonymous Film Stars (Charlie Chaplin #54), Anonymous Film Stars (Junon), Anonymous Film Stars (Unidentified Stars - John Barrymore), Anonymous Film Stars (Unidentified Stars - Joan Blondell), Anonymous Film Stars (CE and CS Above Number), Anonymous Film Stars (Gold Background, Blue Font), Anonymous Film Stars (Jackie Coogan #59), Anonymous Film Stars (Garry Cooper with Accordion #96), Anonymous Film Stars ("Ross" Brown Tone Cards Unnumbered), Anonymous Film Stars (BB Series), Anonymous Film Stars (Harold Lloyd #4), Anonymous Film Stars (Sally Phipps #47), Anonymous Film Stars (Pola Negri), Anonymous Film Stars (Jean Harlow #40 Number in Parentheses), Anonymous Film Stars ('ova' added to Actress Names), Anonymous Film Stars (Lien Diejers), Prominent Personalities Added new information for the following checklists: Anonymous Film Stars (1a Serie, 2a Serie - 100 esemplari), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (BLACK FILM FRAME BORDER-NAME ON FRONT-FLAG), Anonymous Film Stars (No Name, Small Yellow Box), Anonymous Film Stars (Black Film Frame Border-Name on Back), BAT CINEMA STARS, SET 5, ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (BLUE BACKGROUND-ITALY), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (2 Stars on Front - 2 Stars on Back), Anonymous Celebrities (Oval Portraits), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (Idolbild - B&W COPYRIGHT: FILM STUDIO NAME), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (RED TYPEWRITER), Anonymous Film Stars (Idolbild - Cursive Text - Studio Logo with Numbers - Sweden), Anonymous Film Stars (Small-Thick Border), Anonymous Film Stars (Grey Caption-Last Name Upper Case), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (ITALY-SZA SZA GABOR #48), Anonymous Film Stars (Blue Script Text), Anonymous Film Stars (Netherlands Handlettered and Numbered B&W), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (LANA TURNER), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (JEFF RICHARDS), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (JEAN-CLAUDE BRIALY #90), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (WILLIAM HOLDEN #1), Anonymous Film Stars-Malta (B&W, Numbered, Large), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (MARLENE DIETRICH #30), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (SMALL-THICK BORDER), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (Borders Like E123), Anonymous Film Stars (B&W Music and Movie Stars), Anonymous Film Stars (George Sanders #1) American updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Assorted section: Anon-5x7 Autographed 1930 Film Stars, Alta Photos - Halsey Photos Bathing Girls, Williams Holsum Popular Movie Stars, Wild West Days, Bowman Movie Preview Flipbook, Sears Happi-Time Toy Town Christmas Trading Cards, Pony Express Rider, McLaughlin's Old Colony Coffee Film Stars, Knotty Pine Film Stars, Prevue Movie Star Buttons Cards, Popsicle Film Star Coins, Hollywood Bread Film Stars, Famous Stars Series Stamps, Nelson Lee Library Film Stars, Channel 13 1965 TV Stars, Oxford Confectionery Fool's Paradise, American Record Corporation World's Famous Screen-Radio-Stage Stars Added new information for the following checklists: Assorted section: Anon-Film Stars (Thomas Meighan #28), Anon-Tiny Perforated Film Stars, Tattoo Movie Radio Theatrical Stars, Screen Snappies, Strollers Film Stars - T85, Loew's Weekly Star Stamps, Brody Motion Picture Stars, Simmen's Model Bakery, Kleen-Maid, Renz's, Tip-Top, Bro Be Co Film Stars (D56), Royal Stars of the Movies, Huber Bread Film Stars, R96 Film Stars (Aquatoned in U.S.A.), R93 Film Stars, Mothers Cookies Television and Radio Stars, General Mills M-G-M Film Stars, American Caramel Co. Movie Actors and Actresses (E123), American Caramel Movie Actors and Actresses (Unnumbered-Large Photo Offer on Back), Topps Hocus Focus American Exhibit section: Added new information for the following Exhibit checklists: Exhibit Tom Mix with Lasso Border, Exhibit 2 Cowboys in Circles, Exhibit 4 in 1 Caption in Box, Exhibit Movie Stamp Pictures, Exhibit 4 in 1 Caption in Box Hand Written Slanted, Exhibit 4 in 1 Cowboys Double-Sided, Exhibit Playing Cards, Exhibit Brown Early 1920s Movie Stars, Exhibit Wild Colors 1920s Movie Stars, Exhibit Our Gang, Exhibit Fans American Strip Cards section: Added new information for the following Strip Card checklists: Big Film Frame Strip Cards, Wild Colors Square Autographed Strip Cards, Strollers Fancy Frame Strip Cards, W511 Strip Cards, Wild Colors Playing Cards Strip Cards, Black and Orange Playing Cards Strip Cards, W565 Strip Cards, Film Frame Strip Cards American Movie Theatre Cards section: Added new checklists for the following sets: Rose Theatre - New York City, New York, Palace Theatre, Dawn Theatre - Hillsdale, Michigan, Mission Theatre Mack Sennett Comedies, Elms Theatre, Majestic Theatre (1929) Added new information for the following Movie Theatre Cards checklists: Loring and Columbia Paramount Series, Distinguished Players (Various Theatres), Northern California Theatre Cards (T&D, Kinema, Franklin, Tivoli, Sequoia, Alhambra, Millers, Reliance Theatres), Patheserial Movie Stars, Orient Theatre Movie Stars, Cahill-Igoe Film Stars (Albion, Bijou Dream, Castle, Gaiety, Grand, Irvin, Mecca, New Devon, Theato Theatres) American Weight Machine Cards section: Added new information for the following sets: Peerless Series C Set, Peerless Cloudy (Studio in Script-Ptd USA) Set Biscuit Card updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Anon Biscuit Style - B&W, Numbered, Large White Space Text Area, Studio Theatre Film Stars, Confiserie L'Abeille - De Bie: Film Stars ('A' Above Number), Anonymous Biscuit Style - Color, Numbered, White Border, Anonymous Biscuit Style - Color, Numbered, Printed on Yellow Paper, Victoria Biscuits Chocolats Film Stars, Suchard Biscuit Style Film Stars, De Kroon Film Stars, Dussenbroek Film Stars, Baronie Film Stars, Aiglon Film Stars, Anon Biscuit Style - Similar to Bridgewater Biscuits Series 4), La Pie Qui Chante Stereo Film Stars Added new information for the following checklists: La Pie Qui Chante - 5e Serie, Anon Biscuit Style - Slanted Text Set, CLOVIS FILM STARS-TEXT BACK, CLOVIS FILM STARS (CI.-P ON FRONT), Anon Biscuit Style - Cream Set, CLOVIS FILM STARS (ANONYMOUS), CLOVIS FILM STARS (CLOVIS ON FRONT, BLANK BACK), Anon Biscuit Style - B&W Number in Picture Frame, White Name Frame, Anon Biscuit Style-B&W, Numbered from 101-150 (Belgium), Anon Biscuit Style - CE, Color, Numbered Set, Anon Biscuit Style - B&W, Number in Picture Frame, White Border, Anon Biscuit Style - CE Set, Anon Biscuit Style - Color or B&W, Unnumbered, Studio Logo in Picture Frame or No Studio Logo, White Border Set, Meurisse Film Stars, Lorrain Film Stars, Moreuil Film Stars, Delemme Film Stars, Cafe Vog L'Ecran et de la Radio (The Screen and the Radio), Anon Biscuit Style - Color or B&W, Numbered, Studio Logo in Picture Frame, White Border Set, Anon Biscuit Style - Color, Numbered, No Studio, Borderless Set, L.B. FILM STARS, GREETINGS FILM STARS Chile updates: Added new information for the following checklists: Chilena "A" Set, Chilena "B" Set, Chilena "C" Set, Chilena "D" Set, Chilena "E" Set, Chilena "F" Set, Chilena "G" Set, Chilena "H" Set, Chilena "I" Set, Chilena "J" Set, Chilena "K" Set, Chilena "L" Set, Chilena "X" Set, Chilena Serie A, Chilena Serie B, Chilena Serie C, Chilena Serie D, Chilena Serie F, Chilena CCT Color, Serie A (48 Cards), Chilena Polo J, Chilena Polo M, Chilena Polo N, Chilena Polo O, Chilena Polo P, Chilena Polo Q, Populares Serie N, Populares Serie O, Populares Serie P, Chilena Escenas A, Chilena 2a Serie, Chilena 3a Serie, Chilena 4a Serie, Chilena 5a Serie, Chilena 6a Serie, Chilena 7a Serie, Chilena 8a Serie, Chilena 9a Serie, Chilena 10a Serie, Chilena 11a Serie, Chilena 12a Serie, Chilena 13a Serie, Chilena 14a Serie, Chilena 16a Serie, Chilena 17a Serie, Chilena 18a Serie, Chilena 20a Serie, Chilena 21a Serie, Chilena 22a Serie, Artistas Bonitas de Hollywood 1a Serie, Piccardo Fotografias de Escenas de Cine Serie A, Cigarillos Trianon - Tercera Serie, Cigarillos Trianon - Cuarta Serie, Cigarillos Trianon - Quinta Serie, Cigarillos Trianon - Sexta Serie, Nacional Film Stars Serie C, Estrellas Del Cine y Teatro - Fume "Club", Chile - Estrellas Del Cine, Chilena CCT Color Serie E (48 Cards), Chilena CCT Color Serie C (48 Cards), Chilena CCT Color Serie D (48 Cards), Piloto Film Stars Serie C, Piloto Film Stars Serie E, Chilena CCT Color Serie B (48 Cards), Chilena Esta Serie, Chilena CCT B&W Serie A (100 Cards), Chilena CCT B&W Serie B (100 Cards), Chilena Valentino Serie A, Chilena Valentino Serie C, Aviles Film Stars Serie A, Aviles Film Stars Serie B, Piccardo Fotografias de Escenas de Cine Serie B, Chile Name in Box Film Stars Dutch Gum Cards updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Williams Pop Stars, Maple Leaf Kauwgum Ballon Gum Filmster, German Serie T, German Serie K, German Serie L Added new information for the following checklists: Dutch "C" Set, Dutch "D" Set, Dutch "D" Set (Name in Plain Text), Dutch "E" Set (straight letters), Dutch "H" Set, Dutch "K" Set (with Studio), Dutch "Nr" Set (601-998), Dutch "NT" Set, Dutch "P" Set, Dutch "S" Set, Dutch "TV" Set, Dutch "X Nr" Set, Dutch Serie A, Dutch Serie A (Printed in Holland), Dutch Serie B (Printed in Holland), Dutch Serie G, Dutch Serie L, Dutch Serie MLH, Dutch Serie S, Kwartet Rounded Corner Film Stars - Orange Curtains Front Design, Rounded Corners Filmset, German Serie B, German Serie M, Rounded Corners - Name in Black Text, Allers Vara Filmfavoriter, Dutch Postcards KF, Dutch Numbered Set Large - Number Name Studio Set, Anglo French Film Stars, Dutch Unnumbered Set Large - Small Text Centered Set, HELLAS TIETOKILPA, Dutch Serie B (B&W), Dutch Numbered Set 3, Mazda Film Stars, Red Band Film Stars, Maple Leaf Gum Nederlandse Radio-Sterren, Dutch Star Bilder C, Dutch Star Bilder D, Dutch Star Bilder E, Klene Shirley Temple Cards, Swedish Magazine Music and Film Stars Perforated, VAL GUM FILM STARS, Dutch Numbered Set 10, Dutch Unnumbered Set 2 German updates: Most of these updates are from German super-collector Nick Bolton, who has generously contributed detailed information for many obscure German movie star sets as well as filling in the missing spaces in many checklists that were already here. Added new checklists for the following sets: Anglas Film Stars, Aurelia Filmbilder Serien D-F, Badische Filmkunstler, Baltic Gold Filmbilder I, Baltic Gold Filmbilder II, Bemberger Das Ideal der Frau, Bergmann Das Nibelungen-Lied, Bonitas Actresses and Dancers, Borg Film und Buhnenlieblinge Serie A, Bravour Filmbilder, Carsch Filmbilder, Constantin Nibelungen Serie 6, Das Programm von Heute Film Star Postcards, Degea Filmbilder, Department Stores: Schiff / Tietz Film Scenes, Die Junge Dame Beruhmtheiten von Film und Buhne, Diederich Film Serienbilder, Diestelkamp Filmbilder, Dresdner Lichtbildreklame, Drogahl Frisur und Mode, Duisburger Zuckerwaren-Fabrik (Du-Zu-Fa), Eidelstedt Film-Album, Farber Filmbilder, Felsche Filmbilder, Fimi-Bilder, Garbaty Buhnenstars (Large Format), German Cinema Cards, Grathwohl Beliebte Filmstars, Haribo Film Stars, Hassan Filmbilder, Haus Bergmann Buhne und Film, Hellas Film und Buhne, Jasmatzi Elsa Kruger Series, Kaiser Filmbilder, Kaiser Film-Revue, Karasi Film-Serien, Klemm Filmbilder, Kosmos Prominente der Filmwelt (Serie 3), Ladendorf Cigarettes - Sammelalbum fur Filmbilder or Filmsterne, Lande Cabinet Sized Silks, Lande Silk Bookmarks, Lichtspielhaus Unsere Filmlieblinge, Lypstadt Ossi Oswalda Filmbilder, Mahalesi Film-Star-Bilder, Mouson Bilderserie Buhne und Film, Muller Marchenfilm, Neuerburg Film-Album No. 1, Neuerburg Film-Album No. 2, Neugebaur & Lohmann Filmserie I & II, Oehler Filmbilder, O. H. Bakeries Filmbilder, Orami Fur unsere Filmlieblinge Rekord-Serie 1, Overbeck Filmbilder, Pagalto Shirley Temple, Przedecki-Sultan Film-Photos, Ravia Filmbild-Schokolade Sammel-Album, Reichelt Tonfilmschau von einst bis jetzt, Reunion Filmbilder, Dr. Richter Hermes Kunstler-Bild-Ratsel, Rista Film Stars, Roeders Film-Kunstler, WS-Verlag Film Stars (Large B&W) Added new information for the following checklists: Almona Filmlieblinge, Arosa Anmut und Schonheit, Aurelia Sultan Film u. Sport im Buntbild, BATSCHARI MERCEDES FILM-SERIE, Batschari Mercedes Filmbilder Serie V, Batschari Mercedes Filmbilder Serie 6, Berliner Morgenpost Unsere Filmlieblinge, Borg Film-u. Buhnen-Lieblinge Serie B, Bravour Bilder, Bulgaria 210 Film-Fotos, Bulgaria 211-420 Film-Fotos, Casanova Film Stars, Confreia Film-Und Buhnenkunstler, Constantin Goldfilm Serie 1, Constantin Goldfilm Serie 2, DAG Film Stars, Emmerlinge Filmgrossen Serie Nr. 260, Equator Aktuelle Bilder Internationaler Filmstars, Equator Traume aus Hollywood, Feldkamp Film Stars, Garbaty Buhnenstars und Autogramme, Garbaty Film-Lieblinge, Garbaty Galerie Schoner-Frauen Des Films, Garbaty Moderne Schonheitsgalerie, Gold Dollar Filmbilder, Greiling Bunte Bilder Deutsche Buhne, Haas Filmbilder, Haas Filmbilder Serie 2, Haus Bergmann Film-Photos, Hokus Pokus, Heinerle Schumann-Verlag Film Stars, Heinerle Skizzen-Verlag Film Stars, Informator Das Buch vom Film, J & M Das War Buffalo Bill, JASMATZI HANSOM FILM PHOTOS 1-168, JASMATZI HANSOM FILMBILDER SERIE V, Jasmatzi Hansom Filmbilder Serie 6, Karmitri Filmsterne, Knäbchen Beliebte Filmstars Band II, Kosmos Film-Photos Serie 1, Kosmos Film-Photos Serie 2, Kosmos Frauen-Schönheit und Anmut, Kunold Bonanza-Bronco-Flipper, Lande Abbildungen Der Prominentesten u. Aktuellsten Filmkünstler, Lande Silk Film Stars, Manoli Die Welt In Bildern, Manoli Filmserie 1-168, Manoli Filmalbum 5, Manoli Filmalbum 6, Manoli Film Photo Series 505-672, Monopol Die Sammlung der Monopol Film-Bilder, Monopol Handkolorierte Monopol Film-Bilder, Montana Filmbild, Orienta Filmbilder, Persia Filmstar Im Leben Und Spiel, Salem 210 Film-Fotos, Salem Bunten Filmbilder, Salem Filmbilder Serie III, Schutt Beliebte Stars von Film und Schallplatte, St. Pauli Sammelbilder, Star Parade, Torol Film Stars, Trumpf Coffee Film Stars, Trumpf Durch Alle Welt, Turbaco Beruhmte Filmkunstler, Turris Film Stars, Union Bildgutschein, woS - Bilderdienst Mulheim-Ruhr, WS-Verlag Wanne-Eickel, WS-Verlag Wanne-Eickel Film and Music Stars, WS-Verlag Film Stars (Small B&W), Wundertute Ihre Filmlieblinge, Yramos Schonheit Im Spiegel Dec 31, 2021: Lots more to report, I've had a lot of help this year, thanks to everyone who has sent in updates. Special thanks to Richard Minns who sent in a ton of these updates. Misc A-B updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Bromofoto Film Stars, Brugueras Artistas Populares, Automatic Amusements Film Stars (Weight Machine Cards), ABC Colorstars 3rd Series, Bruguera Artistas De Cine Y De T.V., Anglo French Film Stars A Set, Bildjournalens Music Stars (1969), Alfa Pastillskylt Added new information for the following checklists: Albert Film Stars (100), BFF Film Stars, BELGIAN GUM FILM STARS (Unnumbered-Mixed Case Text), Athanassacopoulo Toccos Film Stars (Ross), Amami Film Stars, ABDULLA FILM STARS POSTCARDS, Amatller Artistas de Cine Humoristica, Amatller Colecciones Amatller, Belle Jardinet Film Stars, Athanassacopoulo Toccos Film Stars, BELGIAN GUM FILM STARS (Unnumbered), Bildjournalens Music Stars, Bruguera Cromos Cinefoto, Artistas De Cine Sonoro, Artistas Eminentes Cinematograficos, Barcelona Artistas Cinematograficos, BELGIAN GUM FILM STARS MINI (UNNUMBERED, 1 3/16" x 1 5/8"), Bruguera Film Stars-Low Back Text, Francesc Barceló Artistas Cinematograficos, Ackermans Film Stars Misc C-K updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Exona Film Stars, Le Cafe Martin Film Scenes, Fuentes Figuras Mas Destecadas de la Pantalla, Falci Film Stars, Joan Caulfield in Girl of the Year, Illingworth Shots From the Films, Croydon Empire Film Stars, Gelinda Film Stars, Cifesa Film Stars and Scenes, Infonal Film Stars, Kohler Artistas de Cine, Fick Journalens Samlarserie Added new information for the following checklists: Dolcificio Lombardo Film Stars, Chocolat La Cigogne B&W Film Stars, Caramelos Estampas Cine Green Text, Caramelos Estampas Cine, ILLM 20th Century Fox Film Stars (B&W), Dandy Film Series, Castelloes Film Stars, CRACK CIGARRILLOS FILM STARS, Kiosco Romea Domino Film Stars, Kokolondo Film Stars, Kalendarium-Bild Film Stars, Gaumont Film Stars, Joseph Crosfield Film Stars, Ekstra Bladet Film Stars, EVERY GIRL'S PAPER FILM STARS, Girls Mirror Actors and Actresses, Clovis Large Film Stars, Cine-Foto Estrellas De Hoy Y De Siempre, Dentichlor Caricafotos, M. Glott Marmara Film Stars, Juncosa Film Stars (Blank-Backed), International Pharmaceutical Film Stars, Cine Artistas y Peliculas Serie A, Kiddy's Favourites "Popular" Film Stars, Chocolaterie Junon (Societe Anonyme) Cinema Stars, Kiosco Gran Via Film Stars, HAMILTON MOVIE STARS (RED BACKS), Fuentes Artistas Del Cinema (100), FIDA Film Stars, La Felsinea Film Stars, FALCON CALVO ESTRELLAS DE CINE, Dolomie Film Stars (Small), Camilleri Film Stars, Hamilton Gum Hollywood Picture Stars, HAMILTON MOVIE STARS (GREEN BACKS), King's Laundries Radio & Television Stars, Gallina Blanca Estrellas de la Pantalla, FACCHINO CINEMA STARS, De Film Film Stars, Clevedon Famous Screen Stars Misc L-M updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Lea Radio Stars, Cinema Madeleine Film Stars, Conrad Langaard Film Artistes Added new information for the following checklists: Loriot Cinema Stars, Lurati Film Stars (Unnumbered), LEA FILM STARS 2ND SERIES, Moffat Cinema Artistes, Millhoff De Reszke Film Stars-60 B&W, Lurati Film Stars (Numbered), La Milagrosa Artistas Cine, La Mascota Mas Famosos Artistas de Cine Misc N-S updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Star Del Cine, Sabater Artistas Celebres del Cine Caricaturas, Shipton Trojan Gen-Cards, Nile Film Stars, Polly's Paper Cinema Stars, Pepsinet Film Stars, El Negrito Film Stars, Nabel Artistas De Cine, Quaker Phiz-Quiz, Plamy Film Stars, Super Stars, Salomonsen Djung Tea Film Stars, Studio Stamps - Las Grandes Figuras de la Pantalla Added new information for the following checklists: Silca Film Stars, Samo Chips Film and Music Stars, Odeon Theatres Film Stars, Neilson's Movie Actors and Actresses in their Famous Characters, Chocolat Revillon Les Artistes De Cinema, Smart Novel Stage Artistes and Entertainers, Super Cigarrillos Famosas Celebridades del Cine, Sport Film Stars Serie 3, Sport Film Stars Serie 2, Sport Film Stars Serie 1, ROSS Film Stars, Joaquin Lloveras Noms Film Stars, Sultana Film Stars Serie A and Serie B, La Novela Film, Cinema Porvenir, Agencia Portuguesa de Revistas Film Stars, Samum High Life, SMITH'S CHEWING SWEETS FILM STARS (COLOR), PIX FILM STARS, Sociedade Colonial de Tabacos Limitada Cinema Stars, Chocolat Revillon Les Artistes De Cinema (31-60) Misc T-Z updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Weekly Welcome Photocards - Mary Pickford, Thomson Red Letter Pop Artistes & Film Stars, Spain Film Stars Playing Card Style (Chaplin 10 Clubs - Multiple Brands), VAV Film Star Caricatures, Westminster Beautiful Women, Telestars, West Lake Brand Film Stars Added new information for the following checklists: Zito Imperial Gum Film Stars, Victoria Vedetten Parade, Willards Film Stars (V104), Turion Film Stars, Union Film Stars (Blank Back), ZAINI FILM STARS (BLACK AND WHITE-NUMBER ON FRONT), ZAINI FILM STARS (BLACK AND WHITE-NO NUMBER ON FRONT), La Vache Qui Rit Les Artistes de Cinema, Teasdale Cinema Stars, TV Sorrisi e Canzoni 1988, Uruguaya Movie Stars, Turquino Film Stars (120 Card Set), Zano Film Stars, Tupinamba Fancy Frame Film Stars, United Services Interesting Personalities, Zelante Film Stars, Les Vedettes Mondiales Du Cinema, Tobacco Products Corp. Film Stars (C142 Strollers Canada) Ardath updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: ARDATH PHOTOCARDS SERIES 10 (2 11/16" x 3 1/8"). Added new information for the following checklists: ARDATH PHOTOCARDS SERIES 8, ARDATH PHOTOCARDS SERIES 10 (2 5/8" x 3 3/4"), ARDATH PHOTOCARDS SERIES 11, ARDATH PHOTOCARDS SERIES 7 BAT/Anonymous updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: BAT Modern Beauties 1st Series (Medium), BAT Modern Beauties 1st Series (Small), BAT Modern Beauties 2nd Series (Small), Anonymous Film Stars (Italy - Right Parenthesis After Number), Anonymous Film Stars (Italy - Large Uppercase Name), Anonymous Film Stars (5 Digit Number), Anonymous Film Stars (ZJF-200), Anonymous Film Stars (Black and Yellow Film Frame Border), Anonymous Film Stars (German Foto) Added new information for the following checklists: Anonymous Film Stars (1a Serie, 2a Serie - 100 esemplari), BAT Cinema Stars (Coloured Set 1), BAT MODERN BEAUTIES, 3rd SERIES (MEDIUM), BAT MODERN BEAUTIES, 2ND SERIES (MEDIUM), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (2 Stars on Front - 2 Stars on Back), Anonymous Film Stars (De Privé-secretaresse), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (B&W COPYRIGHT: FILM STUDIO NAME), Anonymous Film Stars (Sweden Small B&W), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (BLACK FILM FRAME BORDER-STUDIO NAME ON FRONT TOP-NAME ON FRONT BOTTOM), Anonymous Film Stars (Black Film Frame Border-Name on Front-Number in Circle), Anonymous Film Stars (Shirley Temple-Color-Black Text Mixed Case), Anonymous Film Stars (Italy-Sza Sza Gabor #48), Anonymous Film Stars (Red Number), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (CIFESA COLOR), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (SPANISH CARTOONS), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (SMALL-THICK BORDER), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (DAVID NIVEN #24) (Canadian Shredded Wheat), Anonymous Film Stars (Janet Gaynor Gone With the Wind), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (UFA-FILM-FOTO) Biscuit Card updates: Added new information for the following checklists: Anon Biscuit Style - Slanted Text Set, Anon Biscuit Style - B&W Unnumbered No Studio White Border Set 2, CLOVIS FILM STARS (CLOVIS ON FRONT BLANK BACK), CLOVIS FILM STARS-TEXT BACK CLOVIS FILM STARS (CI.-P ON FRONT), Anon Biscuit Style - B&W Unnumbered Studio in Text Frame Borderless, Anon Biscuit Style-B&W Numbered from 101-150 (Belgium), L.B. FILM STARS, Cafe Vog L'Ecran et de la Radio (The Screen and the Radio), BEST WISHES FILM STARS Chile Card updates: Added new information for the following checklists: Chilena Polo O, Chilena Polo J, Chilena "E" Set, Chilena 10a Serie, Chilena 9a Serie, Chilena 8a Serie, Chilena 7a Serie, Chilena 6a Serie, Chilena 5a Serie, Chilena 4a Serie, Chilena "K" Set, Chilena Escenas A, Chilena 13a Serie, Populares Serie N, Populares Serie M, Chilena "L" Set, Chilena "J" Set, Chilena "H" Set, Chilena "D" Set, Chilena "A" Set De Beukelaer updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: De Beukelaer Film Stars (Gold - Numbered). Added new information for the following checklists: De Beukelaer Film Stars (601-700), De Beukelaer Film Stars (B Series), De Beukelaer Film Stars (201-300), De Beukelaer Film Stars (101-200) Dinkie updates: Added new information for the following checklists: DINKIE WARNER BROS. FILMS (SERIES 6) Godfrey Phillips updates: Added new information for the following checklists: GODFREY PHILLIPS B.D.V. PACKAGE FILM STARS (ANONYMOUS-CUTOUT) Modern updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Entertainment Weekly Video All-Stars. Dutch Gum Card updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Rounded Corner Film Stars (Finland), Kwartet Rounded Corner Film Stars - Orange Curtains Front Design, Rounded Corner Film Stars - Kid Blowing Bubble on Back, Dutch Serie C (B&W) Added new information for the following checklists: "TEVE" Set, Serie A, "S" Set, Rounded Corners Filmset, Dutch Numbered Set 8 or Dutch Unnumbered Small Text Centered Set, Rounded Corners - Name in Black Text, Maple Leaf Gum Nederlandse Radio-Sterren, Serie S, Unnumbered Jazz Stars (Jazzbilder), "X Nr" Set, Hollywood Strips Booklets, Unnumbered Set 3, Dutch Unnumbered Set Large - Western, Dutch Unnumbered Set 6, Mazda Film Stars, Dutch High Numbers, German Number in Circle German Card Sets: Added new checklists for the following sets: WS-Verlag Wanne-Eickel Film Stars, WS-Verlag Wanne-Eickel Added new information for the following checklists: Turris Film Stars, Anonymous Film Stars (Autograph on Front, Green Back), Josetti Filmbilder 1-272, Equator Traume aus Hollywood, Trumpf Durch Alle Welt, Manoli Die Welt In Bildern American Cards updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Assorted section: Moviebook Movie Star Flipbooks (W619), Morehouse Baking Co. Moving Picture Stars, Anon-White Border B&W Film Stars (Charles Chaplin Bent Cane), Red Cross Shoes Film Stars, Anon-Gumball Charms Film Stars Added new information for the following checklists: Assorted section: Hoffman Paramount Series, Anon-Tiny Perforated Film Stars, R96 Film Stars (Aquatoned in U.S.A.), Anon-Magazine Film Stars 1955, Manford Stryker Motion Picture Stars, Royal Stars of the Movies, Ghirardelli Motion Picture Stars, Banquet Butternut Holsum Schmitt's Big Dandy Bread Movie Picture Stars, Seein' Stars Movie Star Stamps, Anon-Diamond Bordered Film Stars, Anon-Film Stars (Thomas Meighan #28), Strollers Film Stars - T85, Anon-Purple, Blue, Red, Green Film Stars, Anon-Pull Here Movie Stars, Marble Gum Film Stars, R63 Guess Who Exhibit cards section: Added new checklists for the following sets: Exhibit Tom Mix (Brown), Exhibit Wild Colors 1920s Movie Stars, Exhibit Jesse James. Added new information for the following checklists: Exhibit Tom Mix with Lasso Border, Exhibit Brown Early 1920s Movie Stars Strip cards section: Added new checklists for the following sets: Black and Orange Playing Cards Strip Cards. Added new information for the following checklists: Wild Colors Playing Cards Strip Cards, W512 Strip Cards, W538 Strip Cards, Name in Slanted Caps Numbered Color Strip Cards, Name in Caps Numbered Color Strip Cards, Wild Colors Autographed Strip Cards, W511 Strip Cards, Wild Colors Square Autographed Strip Cards, Film Frame Strip Cards, Cutout Head Strip Cards. Theatre cards section: Added new checklists for the following sets: Fairmount Theatre, Hank Mann Comedies Theatre Cards, Red Lion Opera House, Lyric Theatre Opera House, Lyric Theatre (Color), Lyric Theatre, Australian Movie Theater Cards (Paramount Pictures on Front) Added new information for the following checklists: Loring and Columbia Paramount Series, Distinguished Players, Northern California Theatre Cards (T&D, Kinema, Franklin, Tivoli, Sequoia, Alhambra, Millers, Reliance Theatres), Gray Bordered Postcard Sized 1925 Film Stars (Fireman's Auditorium, Hersker, Orpheum, and Strand Theatres) Weight Machine section: Added new information for the following checklists: Peerless Cloudy (Studio in Script) Set, Peerless Series B Set, Peerless Pat No. 1546553 Set Apr 25, 2021: Lots of new sets and additions to existing checklists to report. Thanks to everyone who has been sending me updates, it is a great help. Misc A-B updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Amami Film Stars, Bruguera Astros y Estrellas de la Pantalla, Amalgamated Press Films of 1927, Australian Licorice Shirley Temple Jane Withers B&W, M. V. Albert Film Actors & Actresses. Added new information for the following checklists: Bruguera Estrellas de la Pantalla 1957, Bruguera Estrellas de la Pantalla 1955, Bruguera Cromos Cinefoto, Bruguera Famosas Estrellas Del Firmamento Cinematografico Film Stars, Amalgamated Press Film Fun 1920, Bruguera Famosas Estrellas de la Pantalla (1953), Bruguera Estrellas de la Pantalla 1958, Belgian Gum Film Stars Magic Photos, Atlam Celebrities, Australian Licorice Film Stars - Brown 1st Series, Australian Licorice Film Stars - Brown 2nd Series, Biblioteca Films Titulo De La Supremacia, Artistas Eminentes Cinematograficos, Amatller Artistas Cinematograficos, Artistas Celebres Del Film, Artistas de Cine - 132 Cromos, Belgian Gum Film Stars (Numbered, 1 5/8" x 2 3/8"), Athanassacopoulo Toccos Film Stars (Toccos on Front), Bell Agency Film Stars, Amalgamated Press Girls Cinema, ABC Star Series, Barratt Film Stars (Brown-Thick Script Name), Barratt Film Stars (Fronts in Brown), Barratt Film Stars (Fronts in Black), Abdulla Cinema Stars (52), Belgian Gum Film Stars (Numbered, 2 3/8" x 3 3/8"), Belgian Gum Film Stars (Unnumbered), Belgian Gum Film Stars (Numbered, 2" x 2 11/16"), Belgian Gum Film Stars (Color, Unnumbered, 1 1/2" x 2 7/8"), Belgian Gum Film Stars (Color, Numbered, 2" x 2 11/16"), Almex Film Stars (Yellow Border), Bruguera Famosas Estrellas de la Pantalla 1956, Artistas De La Pantalla (text on back), Blue Bird Exciting Film Stars (1953). Misc C-K updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Girls' Cinema Film Stars (Glossy), Kalem Series Film Stars, Ferru Famosas Estrellas de la Pantalla, Juncosa Tarjeta Postal Artistas Cinematograficos, Juncosa Tarjeta Postal Series Charlot, Cousis Film Stars, Imperial Krsko Film Stars (One Color), El Buen Camino, The Collectors Picture Book of Famous Film Stars, Girls Cinema Rudolph Valentino Remembrance, Girls' Crystal All-Stars, Forget-Me-Not Novels Film Stars, Hepworth Stock Company Cinema Stars, King's Hall Penge Cinema Stars, Flirt Film Stars. Added new information for the following checklists: Crack Cigarrillos Film Stars, Keiller Film Favourites, Girls' Friend Film Stars (1927), Film Pictorial Magazine Film Stars, De Film Film Stars, Kwatta Film Stars Series B 223-318, Kwatta Film Stars, Gwiazdy Ekranu Film Stars, Infonal Film Stars, Castelloes Film Stars, Facchino Cinema Stars, Dolcificio Lombardo Film Stars, Chocolat Cardon Film Stars, Juncosa Film Stars (Wide Borders), Cine Artistas y Peliculas Serie A, Dandy Film Series, Fantales Movie Stars-Blue, Fantales Movie Stars, Kemmel Les Vedettes de l'Ecran Serie B, Gaumont Film Stars, Imperial Krsko Film Stars, Juncosa Film Stars (Blank-Backed), Juncosa Notabilidades de la Pantalla, Glorias Del Cine, Guillen Escenas Selectas De Cinematografia, Juncosa Film Stars (Fancy Frame), Galeria Cinematografica, Henry Clay and Bock Film Scenes With Serie Listed, Henry Clay and Bock Film Stars - Borderless, Clinton Williams Scenes From Paramount Pictures, Hignett Beauties Set 2, Ekstra Bladet Film Stars, Kemmel Vedettes de la chanson e de l'ecran (1-44), Amalgamated Press Girls Cinema, Fry Film Stars, Falcon Calvo Estrellas De Cine, Joseph Crosfield Film Stars, Louis Gerard Screen Favourites & Dancers, Fedora Artistas de Cine, Eucalol Artistas De Cinema and Celebridades Da Tela, Kalendarium-Bild Film Stars, Farris Film Stars (Large), Dos Amigos Artistas De Cine, Kwatta Super Large Unnumbered Film Stars. Misc L-M updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Millhoff De Reszke Film Stars-60 B&W, Moffat Cinema Artistes, La Mascota El Buen Camino, Mobil Movie Stars, My Weekly Portrait Portfolio of Film Stars, My Weekly The World's Most Beautiful Women. Added new information for the following checklists: Lux Toilet Soap Film Stars, Milliat Les Artistes de Cinema (Unnumbered), Milliat Freres Artistes de Cinema and Les Artistes de Cinema, Millhoff De Reszke Film Stars-206, Millhoff De Reszke Film Stars-40, Loriot Cinema Stars, Metacyline Film Stars, Magnussons Filmserie, Music-Fan, Mundial Artistas Del Cine Serie 1a and 2a, Melia Film Stars, Mur4ay Stage and Film Stars (Thomas Bear, Murray, Wills, or Anonymous), Lux Toilet Soap Famous Film Stars, MacRobertson's Movie Stars, Millhoff De Reszke Film Stars-60 Color, McIntyre Bros. Film Artists Series 1, McIntyre Bros. Film Artists Series 2, My Weekly Film Stars, Lurati Film Stars (Numbered), Conrad Langaard Kjendte Ansigter (Well Known Faces). Misc N-S updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Stars Film Stars, Picturegoer Film Star Portrait Seals, Stoll Stars of To-Day, Roxy Music Stars, RKO Pictures (Australasia), Plaistowe Film Stars, Olivol Film Stars, Sun Printers The Star Show, Picturegoer The Golden Album, Prince's Picture Playhouse Film Stars, Seward Stars of the Screen, Puig Serie 1a, Purus Film Favourites. Added new information for the following checklists: Star Pix, Picture Show Cinema Stars, Super Cigarrillos Famosas Celebridades del Cine, Strauch Film Stars, Nestle Film Stars (Uruguay-B&W), La Novela Semanal Cinematografica, ROSS Film Stars, Rose Marie Film Stars, Syster Gretas Film Stars, Samum High Life, Stoll The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu, Sport Film Stars Serie 6, Neilson's Movie Actors and Actresses in their Famous Characters, Eduardo Pi Fancy Frame Film Stars, Pix Film Stars, Picturegoer Film Star Stamps, Chocolat Revillon Les Artistes De Cinema (31-60), Societe Job Cinema Stars (Cigarettes JOB in Rectangular Caption), Sociedade Colonial de Tabacos Limitada Cinema Stars, Smith's Chewing Sweets Film Stars (Color), Smith's Chewing Sweets Film Stars (Black and White), Shirley's Gum Film Stars, Chocolat Revillon Les Artistes De Cinema, Nestle Film Stars (Argentina-B&W), Star Gum Works Film Stars (1953), Parsons Series of Film Stars, Schuh Cinema Stars (B&W), Pipers and Sunflakes Film Stars, Orange-Crush Lemon-Crush and Lime-Crush Paramount Stars, Schoolgirl's Own Film Stars, Schoolgirls Own Famous Stars in Famous Films, Schoolgirls Weekly Film Stars in Leading Roles, Secrets Magazine Film Stars, Sclivagnotis Actresses and Cinema Stars, Schuh Cinema Stars (Color), School Friend Famous Film Stars, Schoolgirls Weekly Stars of the Silver Screen, Schoolgirls Weekly Famous Film Stars, So-So Film Stars, Sarony Cinema Stars Postcards, Snap ATV Series No. 1. Misc T-Z updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Virolia Film Stars, Zoraida Film Stars, Los Trico y Los Pena Beatles, Turmac Filmprijsvraag, Victorian Premium Suburban Film Stars - Name on Front, Union Film Stars (Blank Back), Woman's Own Film Stars, Teasdale Cinema Stars. Added new information for the following checklists: Woman's Companion Film Stars, La Vache Qui Rit Les Artistes de Cinema, Thienpont Van Schooten Film Stars, Westminster Stage and Cinema Stars (Black Caption), Turion Film Stars, Zaini Film Stars (Black and White-No Number on Front), Zano Film Stars, Zaini Film Stars (Color), Temple Bar Tobacco Film Stars, Victorian Premium Suburban Film Stars, Zito Imperial Gum Film Stars, Victoria Vedetten Parade, Teofani Film Actors and Actresses, Telfer Biscuit Famous Movie Plays, Wow Film Stars and Biographies (Horizontal), Yago Cinestrella. Anonymous Movie Star Card Sets: Added new checklists for the following sets: Anonymous Film Stars (Shirley Temple-B&W-Black Text Upper Case Unnumbered-Text in Shaded Area), BAT Perloe Batja, Anonymous Film Stars (Same Star on Front and Back), Anonymous Film Stars (Number and Name on Bottom of Back), Anonymous Film Stars (Hopalong Cassidy Hitching Post), Anonymous Film Stars (Dean Maitland), Anonymous Film Stars (Mary Brian #91), Anonymous Film Stars (Bijou Postcard), Anonymous Film Stars (Films Stars in Fox and Paramount Pictures), Anonymous Film Stars (Blue Script Text), Anonymous Film Stars (Silver Background), Anonymous Film Stars (Louise Brooks #17), Anonymous Film Stars (Africa-Dutch Gum Style). Added new information for the following checklists: Anonymous Film Stars (2 Stars on Front - Name and Studio Logo on Back), Anonymous Film Stars (Copyright Lilywhite), Anonymous Film Stars (De Privé-secretaresse), Anonymous Film Stars (Kenny Duncan #16), Anonymous Film Stars (# Set), Anonymous Film Stars (F Set), Anonymous Film Stars (Dutch Medium B&W), Anonymous Film Scenes (Sweden 1952), Anonymous Film Stars (David Niven #24) (Canadian Shredded Wheat), Anonymous Film Stars (Joseph Cotton #60), Anonymous Film Stars (Netherlands White Border Thin Black Frame B&W), Anonymous Cinema Stars (Gilbert Roland #139), Anonymous Film Stars (Doug and Mary), Anonymous Film Stars (Shirley Temple-Black Text Upper Case), Anonymous Film Stars (Shirley Temple-Color-Black Text Mixed Case), Anonymous Film Stars (Printed in Holland Numbered), BAT Modern Beauties, 3rd Series (Medium), Anonymous Film Stars (Numbers in White-France), Anonymous Film Stars (Sweden Small B&W), Anonymous Film Stars (Cursive Text - Studio Logo with Numbers - Sweden), Anonymous Film Stars (Robert Taylor #49), Anonymous Film Stars (2 Stars on Front - 2 Stars on Back), BAT Cinema Stars Set 1, BAT Movie Stars, BAT Cinema Stars 201-300, Anonymous Film Stars (Ufa-Film-Foto), BAT Beauties 3rd Series, BAT Beauties 1st Series Set 1, BAT Beauties 2nd Series, Anonymous Film Stars (Die Cut Set 2), Anonymous Film Stars (ZJ4-37), Anonymous Film Stars (Marlene Dietrich #30), Anonymous Cinema Stars (Lana Turner), Anonymous Film Stars (Name in White), Anonymous Film Stars (Shirley Temple-Color-Black Text Mixed Case Unnumbered), Anonymous Film Stars (B&W Copyright: Film Studio Name). Biscuit Card Sets: Added new checklists for the following sets: Handcock & Rubin Film Stars. Added new information for the following checklists: Anon Biscuit Style - Color or B&W Unnumbered Studio Logo in Picture Frame White Border Set, Anon Biscuit Style - CE Set, Greetings Film Stars, Victoria Biscuits Chocolats Film Scenes, Anon Biscuit Style - Slanted Text Set, Clovis Film Stars (Clovis on front, blank back), Clovis Film Stars (CI.-P on Front), Clovis Film Stars-Text Back, Watford Film Stars, Watford Film Stars 2nd Series, Anon Biscuit Style - B&W Numbered Studio in Text Frame Borderless. Carreras Card Sets: Added new information for the following checklists: Carreras Film Stars (Smile Away). Chile Card Sets: Added new information for the following checklists: Chilena CCT Color Serie A (48 Cards), Chilena 3a Serie, Chilena Esta Serie. De Beukelaer Card Sets: Added new information for the following checklists: De Beukelaer Film Stars (901-1000), De Beukelaer Film Stars (701-800), De Beukelaer Film Stars (601-700), De Beukelaer Film Stars (501-600), De Beukelaer Film Stars (201-300). Dinkie Card Sets: Added new information for the following checklists: Dinkie Warner Bros. Films (Series 6). Gallaher Card Sets: Added new information for the following checklists: Gallaher Stars of Stage & Screen. Dutch Gum Card Sets: Added new checklists for the following sets: Filled Hard Candy Set. Added new information for the following checklists: Dutch "S" Set, Dutch Serie W (Printed in Holland), Large Size Music Stars, Klene Shirley Temple Cards, Dutch Unnumbered Studio Set 1 (Symbolbilder), Dutch "Nr" Set (601-998), Dutch "HB" Set, Maple Leaf Chewing Gum Ballon Gum Film Stars, Dutch "Z" Set, Val Gum Film Stars. Wills Sets: Added new information for the following checklists: Wills Stage and Music Hall Celebrities (Oval Frame), Wills Stars of the Cinema. German Card Sets: Added new checklists for the following sets: Anonymous Film Stars (Autograph on Front, Green Back), Sicker-Verlag Bonanza, Americana Munchen Bonanza, Equator Traume aus Hollywood, Edeka Heidi, Hempelmann Film Stars, Heinerle Skizzen-Verlag Film Stars. Added new information for the following checklists: Anonymous Film Stars (Bonanza-Bronco-Flipper), Yramos Schonheit Im Spiegel, Trumpf Durch Alle Welt, Manoli Die Welt In Bildern, Heinerle Schumann-Verlag Film Stars, Warner Brother Stamps. American Cards updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Assorted section: Stern Film Stars, Pallas Pictures Film Stars, Vitagraph Players 1916, Clark Movie Stars. Added new information for the following checklists: Assorted section: Banquet Butternut Holsum Schmitt's Big Dandy Bread Movie Picture Stars, Kromo Gravure Leading Moving Picture Stars, American Caramel Co. Movie Actors and Actresses (E123), Koester Movie Actor Photos, Manford Stryker Motion Picture Stars, R93 Film Stars. Exhibit cards section: Added new information for the following checklists: Exhibit Brown Early 1920s Movie Stars. Strip cards section: Added new information for the following checklists: Cartoon Chaplin Numbered Strip Cards, Name In Mixed Case Color Strip Cards, Wild Colors Autographed Strip Cards, Wild Colors Square Autographed Strip Cards. Theatre cards section: Added new checklists for the following sets: Colonial Theatre, Stork Theatre, McIntyres's Pictures, Australian Movie Theater Cards (Renwick Pride on Back), Armadale Theatre, Hoyts De Luxe Theatre, New Malvern Theatre, Cortez Theatre, Auditorium-Manheim. Added new information for the following checklists: Gray Bordered Postcard Sized 1925 Film Stars (Fireman's Auditorium, Hersker, Orpheum, and Strand Theatres), La Salle and Castle Theatres, Distinguished Players (Various Theatres), Lincoln Way Theatre, Hudson Theatre, Australian Movie Theater Cards (Renwick Pride on Front). Weight Machine section: Added new information for the following checklists: Peerless White Set, Peerless Series A Set (Brown Tint). Sep 12, 2020: It's been over a year since I posted an update here, so there are a lot of updates to post now. I'm slow to update this area because I like to spend my time posting new checklist information instead. Lots of collectors helped with these updates which I greatly appreciate, and you can find their names when you click to view these checklists. Misc A-B updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Almex Film Stars (Yellow Border), Artistas Seleccionados De Cine, Austria Lieblinge des Films, Amatller Tarjeta Postal Film Stars, Barcelona Artistas Cinematograficos, Bruguera Estrellas de la Pantalla 1948, Los Ases De La Pantalla, Belle Jardinet Film Stars, Amatller Charlie Chaplin Picture Puzzle Cards, Amatller Paper Dolls Film Stars, Besante Film Stars, Artistas Cinematografico, Barrenengoa Coleccion Cinema, Francesc Barceló Artistas Cinematograficos Added new information for the following checklists: Athanassacopoulo Toccos Film Stars, Bruguera Cromos Cinefoto, Blue Bird Exciting Film Stars (1950), ABC Scenes From the Films 6th Series, Boys Cinema Film Stars Die Cut, Amalgamated Press Film Fun Die Cut, Artistas Eminentes Cinematograficos, Amatller Los Artistas Cinematograficos en la Intimidad, Aguilitas Estrellas Del Cine, Bruguera Cine-Foto, Bildjournalens Music Stars, Arte Cinematografico, Bruguera Famosas Estrellas de la Pantalla 1956, Abdulla Film Stars Postcards, Bruguera Estrellas de la Pantalla 1958, Artistas De Cine Sonoro, Amatller Colecciones Amatller, Belgian Gum Film Stars (Numbered, 2" x 2 11/16"), Amattler Galeria de las Estrellas del Cine, Bruguera Estrellas de la Pantalla 1955, Bruguera Lluvia De Estrellas, Artistas Celebres Del Film-Serie A, Belgian Gum Film Stars (Unnumbered-No Name on Front), Colleccion Los Andes Film Stars, BFF Film Stars, Alfa Filmkolaskylt Misc C-K updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: La Giulia Film Stars, Fotorama, Estrellas Del Mundo, Golden Swallow Movie Stars, El Cine, Gener Film Scenes, Intimidades Cinematograficas, Kras Music Stars, Cafe Da Metropole Film Stars, Falchi Film Stars 1945, Falchi Film Stars 1935, Marques Gonzalez Artistas Del Cine, Eucalol Artistas De Cinema and Celebridades Da Tela, De Ungas Stjarnserie, Kwatta Film Stars (B&W Deckle Edge), Chocolat Imperiale Tortura de Madre, Chocolat Imperiale Carnavalesca, Juncosa El Gran Charco, Chocolat Imperiale El Drama Una Noche, Chocolat Imperiale El Proceso Clemenceau, Chocolat Imperiale Frou-Frou, Chocolat Imperiale El Aigrette, Chocolat Imperiale Avaricia, Chocolat Imperiale Eva vengativa, Chocolat Imperiale Soberbia, Chocolat Imperiale Resurreccion, Guillen Comedy Film Stars Playing Cards, Hjemmet Praemie-Samlermaerker, Dolceria Sant Cristofol Film Stars, Fick Journalens Samlarserie, Galeria Cinematografica (Brown Tone), Celebridades Cinematograficas, El Film De Hoy, Charlie Chaplin - Charlot en "El Circo", Charlie Chaplin - Veinticuatro Peliculas de Charlot, Infonal Film Stars, Juncosa Cartoons (Mickey Mouse, Felix the Cat, etc.), Guillen Artistas Cinematograficos, Chocolat Imperiale Andrea, Chocolat Imperiale Esfinge, Chocolat Imperiale Cada Perla Una Lagrima (Each Pearl a Tear), Chocolat Imperiale Cuando el amor muere, Comet Cromo Film, Comet Serie Artistas de Cine, Comet Charlot en "El Cirgo", Clinica Dental Film Stars, International Pharmaceutical Film Stars, Kokolondo Film Stars Added new information for the following checklists: Chix TV and Radio Stars, Hill Famous Cinema Celebrities (Spinet), Hill Famous Cinema Celebrities Series D, M. Glott Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer Film Stars, Cine La Alicantina Film Stars, Crack Cigarrillos Film Stars, Idolas Da Tela 1953, Imperial Tobacco Actresses (C90), Jibco Screen Stars, 1st Series, Dos Amigos Artistas De Cine, Falcon Calvo Estrellas De Cine, Cine Artistas y Peliculas Serie A, Intimidades De Artistas De Cine, Juncosa Film Stars (Fancy Frame), Galeria Cinematografica Serie A, Glorias Del Cine, Idolos Da Tela, Castelloes Film Stars, FHER Galeria de Artistas, E. Olumpia Komitee Sport ja kino, Kalendarium-Bild Film Stars, Hill Film Stars and Celebrity Dancers, Favorit Movie Stars, Duncan Fox & Co. Film Stars, Coop Tarzan, Kwatta Film Stars Series C 99-196, Guillen Escenas Selectas De Cinematografia, Foto-Pelicula, Kwatta Film Stars Series C 325-384, Kwatta Film Stars Series B 223-318, Hill Who's Who in British Films Small Version, Fry Film Stars, Henry Clay and Bock Film Stars - Borderless, Henry Clay and Bock Film Stars - White Borders, Dandy Film Series, Facchino Cinema Stars, Serie Cinematografico, Kemmel Les Vedettes de l'Ecran Serie B, Juncosa Film Stars (Wide Borders), Juncosa Film Stars (Small), Juncosa Celebridades Del Cine, Juncosa Film Stars (Fancy Frame), Kiosco Gran Via Film Stars, Drako Film Stars, Dolcificio Lombardo Film Stars, Juncosa Cine, Discograph, Empreza Industrial de Tabacos Cinema Artistes and Sporting Celebrities, Films De Amor, Cantaloup Vedettes de Cinéma Françaises et Internationales, Gallina Blanca Estrellas de la Pantalla, Juncosa Film Stars (Light Blue Text), Juncosa Estrellas Del Cinema, Juncosa Celebres Artistas Cinematograficos, Juncosa Notabilidades de la Pantalla, Hignett Beauties Set 1, De Film Film Stars, Joseph Crosfield Film Stars, Hoadley's Film Stars (Hoadley's on Front) Misc L-M updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Martesano Pozzuolo Film Stars, Mr. Softee Top Ten or Lord Neilson's Star Cards 1970, Mr. Softee Pop Discs 1973, Mr. Softee's Pop Parade or Lord Neilson's Star Cards 1969, Mr. Softee Top Ten or Lord Neilson's Star Cards 1968, Mr. Softee Top Ten or Lord Neilson's Star Cards 1967, Mr. Softee Top Ten or Lord Neilson's Star Cards 1966, Mr. Softee Top Ten or Lord Neilson's Star Cards 1965, Lux Film Stars (Brazil), Casa Layret Film Stars (Name on Back), Mundial Artistas Del Cine Serie 1a and 2a, Majestic Film Stars Added new information for the following checklists: Milliat Freres Artistes de Cinema and Les Artistes de Cinema, Music-Fan, Conrad Langaard Kjendte Ansigter (Well Known Faces), Liv Filmens Stjarnor (Life Magazine Film Stars), Jose Lopez Luis Film Stars, Mazetti Film Stars, Metacyline Film Stars, Milou Film Stars Misc N-S updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Super Cigarrillos Famosas Celebridades del Cine, Nobleza Cinema Stars, Reclam Films, Shirley Temple La Pequena Coronela, Salas La Favorita del Maharadjah, Salas Madame Tallien, Chocolate Pi Andrea, Chocolate Pi Malombra, Chocolate Pi Los Tres Mosqueteros, Riucord Ultimas Creaciones Del Cine, Riucord Tarjeta Postal, Riucord Aventuras de Laurel y Hardy, Piccadilly Circus Movie Stars, Picture House Film Stars, Agencia Portuguesa de Revistas Film Stars, Pujol Fancy Frame Film Stars, La Novela Grafica, Pinkham Film Stars, La Novela Cinematografica Del Hogar, Sultana Los Diez Mandamientos, Sultana Esto Es T.V., Sultana Film Stars (Green), Puig Artistas De Cine, Puig Serie 1a, Eduardo Pi Charlie Chaplin Set, Eduardo Pi Los "Ases" De La Pantalla Added new information for the following checklists: Strauch Film Stars, Pidan Film Stars, Samum High Life, Nestle Film Stars (Uruguay-B&W), La Novela Semanal Cinematografica, O-Pee-Chee Film Stars, Nestle Stars of the Silver Screen, R-A Cigarrillos Film Stars, Rodeo Bubble Gum Western Stars, Celebridades de la Pantalla y Sus Creaciones, Sultana Film Stars Serie A and Serie B, Star Gum Works Film Stars (1953), Felix Potin 3e Collection, Eduardo Pi Artistas De Cine, Eduardo Pi Fancy Frame Film Stars, Siluetas Del Cine, ROSS Film Stars, Sandorides Cinema Celebrities, Solidar Film Stars, Ruiz Romero Film Stars, Novela Popular Cinematografica, La Novela Feminina Cinematografica, Nuria Fancy Frame Film Stars, Star Gum Works Film Stars (360), Radium Cromo Film, Regina Film Stars (Coleccion de 18 cromos), Sultana Film Stars, Eduardo Pi Artistas De Cine, Eduardo Pi Fancy Frame Film Stars, Sport Film Stars Serie 1 Misc T-Z updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Weight Machine Cards (Italy), TV Hits Collect-a-Card, Zaragoza Estrellas de la Pantalla, Chocolat Yvours Cinema et Sport, Cigarros Veado Paratodos Film Stars, Victoria Film Stars (Postcard Sized), Trader Horn, Vale Puntos Film Stars, El Desfile Del Amor, Tupinamba Film Stars (Small), Tupinamba Fancy Frame Film Stars, Tit-Bits Star Cover Girls Added new information for the following checklists: Tobacco Products Corp. Film Stars (C142 Strollers Canada), Westminster Stage and Cinema Stars (Black Caption), Weight Machine Cards - Palestine, Tobacco Products Corp. Film Stars (Large) (C142-3 Strollers Canada), Turion Film Stars, Victorian Premium Suburban Film Stars, La Vache Qui Rit Les Artistes de Cinema, La Vache Qui Rit Film Stars, La Vache Qui Rit Film Stars 2nd Serie, Vlinder Match Cover Film, TV, and Music Stars, Willards Film Stars (V104) Ardath updates: Added new information for the following checklists: Ardath Photocards Series 7, Series 8, Series 9, Series 10, Series 11 Anonymous (mostly BAT) updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Anonymous Film Stars (Blue Rectangle Box on Back), Anonymous Film Stars (William Holden #1), Anonymous Film Stars (Uruguay Gold Backgrounds), Anonymous Film Stars (3 Language Birthday and Address on Bottom of Backs), Anonymous Film Stars (Yugoslavia - Names in Diagonal Box), Leaf German B&W Film Stars, Anonymous Film Stars (Shirley Temple-Color-Spain-Album Offer) Added new information for the following checklists: Anonymous Film Stars (Ufa-Film-Foto), Anonymous Film Stars (David Niven #24), Anonymous Film Stars (Cursive Text - Studio Logo with Numbers - Sweden), Anonymous Film Stars (2 Stars on Front - 2 Stars on Back), Anonymous Film Stars (Red Number), Anonymous Film Stars (H/F Set), Anonymous Film Stars (Borders Like E123), Anonymous Film Stars (Australian Hand Numbered), Anonymous Film Stars (Day-Derek-Lancaster-Roman), Anonymous Film Scenes (Sweden 1952), Anonymous Film Stars (B&W Music and Movie Stars), Anonymous Film Stars (Red Film Frame Border), Anonymous Film Stars (Jean-Claude Brialy #90), Anonymous Film Stars-Malta (B&W, Numbered, Large), Anonymous Film Stars (Brown-Thick Script Name), Anonymous Film Stars (TEENAGER-news), Anonymous Film Stars (Cifesa Color), Anonymous Film Stars (Black Film Frame Border-Name on Front-Flag), Anonymous Film Stars (Black Film Frame Border-Name on Front-Dash after Number), Anonymous Film Stars (English -Dutch Song Lyrics), Anonymous Film Stars (Movie Star on Front, Olympic Athlete on Back), Anonymous Film Stars (F Set), Anonymous Film Stars (B&W Copyright: Film Studio Name), Anon - Studio Set with Numbers (Sweden) Biscuit Cards updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Clovis Film Stars (Anonymous); Anon Biscuit Style - B&W, Number in Picture Frame, White Border Added new information for the following checklists: Anon Biscuit Style - Color or B&W, Unnumbered, Studio Logo in Picture Frame, White Border Set; Anon Biscuit Style - Color or B&W, Numbered, Studio Logo in Picture Frame, White Border Set; Anon Biscuit Style - B&W, Unnumbered, No Studio, White Border Set 2; Anon Biscuit Style - Slanted Text Set; Clovis Film Stars (CI.-P on Front); Anon Biscuit Style - Cream Set; L.B. Film Stars; Anon Biscuit Style - B&W Number in Picture Frame, White Name Frame; Lorrain Film Stars; Anon Biscuit Style-B&W, Numbered from 101-150 (Belgium); Greetings Film Stars Carreras updates: Added new information for the following checklists: Carreras Film Stars (Smile Away) Chile updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Cigarillos Napoleon Film Stars Serie A, Piccardo Fotografias de Escenas de Cine Serie D, Piccardo Fotografias de Escenas de Cine Serie E Added new information for the following checklists: Chilena "A" Set, "B" Set, "C" Set, "D" Set, "L" Set, Serie A, Serie B, Serie C, Serie D, Populares M, Populares N, Populares O, Populares P, Polo N, Polo O, Polo Q, Valentino Serie A, Valentino Serie B, Valentino Serie C, Valentino Serie D, CCT Color Serie A (48 Cards), 2a Serie, 9a Serie, 12a Serie, 18a Serie; Mapocho y Julepe 1 Serie Film Stars; Mapocho y Julepe 2 Serie Film Stars; Piccardo Fotografias de Escenas de Cine Serie A; Piccardo Fotografias de Escenas de Cine Serie C; Piloto Film Stars Serie C De Beukelaer updates: Added new information for the following checklists: De Beukelaer Film Stars (701-800) Modern updates: Added new information for the following checklists: Panini OK VIP Dutch Gum Card updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Red Band Film Stars, Dutch Series C - Printed in Holland (Arabic Text), Star Wars Added new information for the following checklists: German Serie E, Dutch Dina Idoler, Dutch Kanda Idoler, Dutch High Numbers, Klene Shirley Temple Cards, Dutch Star Bilder B, Dutch "K" Set, Dutch "A." Set (A Serif), Anonymous Film Stars (Gina Lollobrigida #1), Dutch Serie N, Dutch Serie L, Dutch Serie H, Dutch Serie A, Dutch "G" Set (with Studio), Dutch "E" Set (straight letters), Dutch Numbered Set 8, Dutch Star Bilder A, Dutch "HB" Set, Dutch Numbered Set 6, Dutch "CA" Set, Dutch Numbered Set 2, Dutch Serie X, Dutch "E" Set (straight letters), Dutch Unnumbered Studio Set 2 (Autografbilder), Val Gum Film Stars, Dutch "S" Set, Dutch Serie D, Dutch Star Bilder C, Dutch "H" Set, Maple Leaf Gum Film Stars (International Rounded Corners), Rounded Corners Filmset, Maple Leaf Film Stars (Amsterdam), Large Size Music Stars, Dutch Nr Set (Low Numbers), Dutch Serie G - Printed in Denmark, Dutch Serie O, Dutch Serie N, Dutch Serie G - Printed in Holland American Cards updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Assorted section: Meyer Star Pictures, Lavoptik Movie Stars (previously listed as Knapp Movie Stars), Morehouse Baking Co. Moving Picture Stars, Anon-Magazine Film Stars 1959, General Gum Large Movie Stars, Hollywood Publications Movie Stamps Added new information for the following checklists: Assorted section: Anon-Wallet Photos Film Stars, Series of 100 Film Stars, "Bond Bread" Movie Stars, Kromo Gravure Leading Moving Picture Stars, R96 Film Stars (Aquatoned in U.S.A.), Marble Gum Film Stars, Were You Lucky Film Stars, Manford Stryker Motion Picture Stars, Anon-Tiny Perforated Film Stars, Strollers Film Stars - T85, Anon-Purple Blue Red Green Film Stars, Loew's Weekly Star Stamps, R92 Movie Stars, Wentz Stamps Film Stars, Leather Film Stars, American Beauty Malt Movie Stars, Anon-Diamond Bordered Star in Oval Film Stars, R95 Film Stars, General Gum Movie Stars, General Gum Movie Star, Royal Stars of the Movies, American Caramel Movie Actors and Actresses (Unnumbered-Large Photo Offer on Back), Green Film Star Stamps Exhibit cards section: Added new information for the following checklists: Exhibit Fans, Exhibit Playing Cards Strip cards section: Added new information for the following checklists: Wild Colors Autographed Strip Cards, Strollers Fancy Frame Strip Cards, Strollers Mack Sennett Strip Cards, Three Line Text Color Strip Cards, W511 Strip Cards, Strollers Starring In Strip Cards, W560 Strip Cards, Cartoon Chaplin Unnumbered Straight Text Strip Cards, Mack Sennett Unnumbered Strip Cards, Wild Colors Fancy Frame Strip Cards Theatre cards section: Added new checklists for the following sets: Neumann Bros. Theatre, Eagle Theatre, Strand Theatre - Providence, RI, Virginia Theatre, Strand Theatre - Grinnell, Iowa, Gem Theatre, Strand Theatre Movie Star Fan, Lincoln Way Theatre, Liberty Theatre, Adelphi Theatre 1926-1927 Added new information for the following checklists: Northern California Theatre Cards (T&D, Kinema, Franklin, Tivoli, Sequoia, Alhambra, Millers, Reliance Theatres), Distinguished Players (Various Theatres), Strand Theatre, Paramount Publix Theatres, Rialto Theatre Movie Stars, MBSC Movie Stars (Palace, Park Theatres) Weight Machine section: Added new information for the following checklists: Peerless Series C Set, Peerless Cloudy (Studio in Script) Set, Peerless Series A Set (Green Tint and Black and White), Peerless Cloudy (Studio in Print) Set, Peerless White Set, Peerless Pat No. 1546553 Set German Cards updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Haribo Film Stars, Informator Das Buch vom Film, Emmerlinge Filmgrossen Serie Nr. 260 Added new information for the following checklists: woS - Bilderdienst Mulheim-Ruhr, Borg Film-u. Buhnen-Lieblinge Serie B, Star Parade, Schumann Film Stars, St. Pauli Goldfilmbilder, St. Pauli Sammelbilder, Greiling Filmstars Der Welt, Serie C, Trumpf Durch Alle Welt, Knäbchen Beliebte Filmstars Band II, Casanova Film Stars May 5, 2019: Misc A-B updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Bluebird Star Cards, Baguer Shirley Temple, Alicia Shirley Temple. Added new information for the following checklists: Biblioteca Films Titulo De La Supremacia, A&BC Film Stars (NO. 2 SERIES), Atlam Celebrities, Athanassacopoulo Toccos Film Stars, A&BC Film Stars (SET OF 48), Alfa Filmkolaskylt, Barratt Film Stars (Fronts in Brown), Bruguera Cromos Cinefoto, Belgian Gum Film Stars (Import), Artistas Celebres Del Film-Serie A, Amatller Colecciones Amatller, Bruguera Estrellas de la Pantalla 1958, Bruguera Lluvia De Estrellas, BFF Film Stars. Misc C-K updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Joseph Crosfield Film Stars, Hwaching Comedians' Faces, Cantaloup Vedettes de Cinéma Françaises et Internationales, Girls' Friend Film Stars (1927), Fiammiferi Film Stars, Cine La Alicantina Film Stars, Cinema Illustrazione Film Stars. Added new information for the following checklists: Chocolat Cardon Film Stars, Imperial Krsko Film Stars, Kwatta Film Stars C 1-98, Juncosa Film Stars (Light Blue Text), Guillen Serie A, Kiddy's Favourites "Popular" Film Stars, Juncosa Film Stars (Fancy Frame), Juncosa Notabilidades de la Pantalla, Ekstra Bladet Film Stars, Kalendarium-Bild Film Stars, Farris Film Stars (Large), Den Danske Filmstjerner, Kwatta Film Stars Series C 99-196, Major Drapkin Cinematographic Actors, T. Contiero Film Stars, Kwatta Film Stars Series B 223-318, Kwatta Film Stars Series B 97-192, Hamilton Movie Stars (Red Backs), Inedeca Estrellas de Cine, Forsbergs Film Stars, Chucklers Weekly Film and Recording Stars, Gota Film Stars, Dandy Film Series, Enciclopedia Cultural de "Chicos", De Film Film Stars, Chix TV and Radio Stars, La Felsinea Film Stars, Kwatta Large Unnumbered Film Stars. Misc L-M updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Lux Toilet Zeep Film Stars, Lipton Famous Film Stars Stamps, Mr. Softee Pop Stars 1975, Master Vending Tommy Steele, Leaf Cliff Richard, Music-Fan, Mr. Softee Top Ten 1964, Mr. Softee Pop Discs 1972. Added new information for the following checklists: Lux Toilet Soap Famous Film Stars, Lux Toilet Soap Film Stars (Thick Black Line Under Photo), Lux Toilet Soap Film Stars, Liba Film Stars. Misc N-S updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Chocolat Revillon Artistes et Sportifs Celebres, Snap ATV Dotto Cards, Orange-Crush, Lemon-Crush, and Lime-Crush Paramount Stars, Shirley's Gum Shirley Temple, Pop Festival Music Stars. Added new information for the following checklists: Chocolat Revillon Film Stars, Chocolat Revillon Les Artistes De Cinema, Neilson's Movie Actors and Actresses in their Famous Characters, Rose Marie Film Stars, Pix Film Stars, Snap ATV Series No. 2, Star Gum Works Film Stars (1953), Nestle Film Stars (Argentina-B&W), Shirley's Gum Film Stars, Scan Gum Film Stars, Raineri Film Stars, Smith's Chewing Sweets Film Stars (Color), ROSS Film Stars. Misc T-Z updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: TV Comic TV Stars 1964, TV Comic TV Stars 1966, V-V-V Film Stars, Victoria Three Musketeers. Added new information for the following checklists: Zaini Film Stars (Color), Tobacco Products Corp. Film Stars (Large) (C142-3 Strollers Canada), Timaru Past and Present, Timaru On Active Service, Yago Cinestrella, Zano Film Stars. Anonymous (Mostly BAT) Movie Star updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Anonymous Film Stars (Black Film Frame Border-Frankenstein, King Kong, Laurel & Hardy, etc.), Anonymous Film Stars (B&W Music and Movie Stars), Anonymous Film Stars (Cursive Text - Studio Logo with Numbers - Sweden), Anonymous Film Stars (Yellow Border), Anonymous Film Stars (Shirley Temple- Color-Black Text Mixed Case Unnumbered), Anonymous Film Stars (Shirley Temple- Color-Black Text Upper Case Numbered). Added new information for the following checklists: Anonymous Film Stars (Borders Like E123), Anonymous Film Stars (Sweden Small B&W), Anonymous Film Stars (Ufa-Film-Foto), Anonymous Film Stars (Copyright Lilywhite), Anonymous Film Stars (Number in Star), Anon - I set (Sweden), Anonymous Film Stars (Red Typewriter), Anon - Studio Set (Sweden), Anonymous Film Stars (Jean-Claude Brialy #90). German updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Bergmann-Starbilder Show-Top-Stars, Feldkamp Film Stars. Added new information for the following checklists: Schumann Film Stars, Batschari Mercedes Filmbilder Serie V, Turris Film Stars, Knäbchen Beliebte Filmstars. Dutch Gum Cards updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Maple Leaf Gum Nederlandse Radio-Sterren. Added new information for the following checklists: German Number in Circle, Anonymous Film Stars (Gina Lollobrigida #1), Large Size Music Stars, German Serie M, Swedish Magazine Music and Film Stars Perforated, Dutch Unnumbered Studio Set 1 (Symbolbilder). De Beukelaer updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: De Beukelaer Film Stars (Large). Biscuit Card Set updates: Added new information for the following checklists: Anon Biscuit Style - Text in Shaded Rectangle (Meurisse), Anon Biscuit Style - CE Set. Chile Card Set updates: Added new information for the following checklists: Chilena "L" Set. Bridgewater updates: Added new information for the following checklists: Bridgewater Film Stars, 6th Series. American Assorted updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Lux Studio Portraits of Leading Movie Stars. Added new information for the following checklists: Kromo Gravure Leading Moving Picture Stars, Sun Pictures Film Stars, Strollers Film Stars - T85, Anon-Pull Here Movie Stars, Frankie Darro Movie Stamp Club, General Gum Movie Stars, Mono Leading Actresses and Base Ball Players (T217), Kashin Motion Picture Stars, Manford Stryker Motion Picture Stars, "Bond Bread" Movie Stars, Western Stars, Baseball Players, Boxers, Football Players, Golfers, McBride- Rothschild Popular Motion Picture Performers, Moviebook Corp. Film Stars. American Exhibit Card updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: Exhibit Mack Sennett, Exhibit Brown Early 1920s Movie Stars, Exhibit Black Early 1920s Movie Stars, Exhibit Two-Gun, Exhibit Cowboys Puzzle Back, Exhibit Boxing Movies, Exhibit Rudolph Valentino, Exhibit G-Men, Exhibit Color Background Black and White Image, Exhibit 4 in 1 Cowboys Double-Sided, Exhibit 4 in 1 Wild Colors Autographed, Exhibit 4 in 1 Caption in Box Hand Written Slanted, Exhibit 4 in 1 Caption in Box. Added new information for the following checklists: Mutoscope Music Corporation of America, Mutoscope Brown Postcards, Exhibit Playing Cards, Exhibit 4 in 1 Numbered Cowboys 1928. American Theatre Card updates: Added new checklists for the following sets: T&D Theatre 1924, Cahill-Igoe Film Stars (Albion, Bijou Dream, Castle, Gaiety, Grand, Irvin, Mecca, New Devon, Theato Theatres). Added new information for the following checklists: Northern California Theatre Cards (T&D, Kinema, Franklin, Tivoli, Sequoia Theatres), Gray Bordered Postcard Sized 1925 Film Stars (Fireman's Auditorium, Hersker, Orpheum, and Strand Theatres), Hersker Theatre, Franklin Theatre West Side, Farnum Theatre. American Strip Card updates: Added new information for the following checklists: W511 Strip Cards, MBSC CO. (No Caption) Strip Cards. American Weight Machine Card updates: Added new information for the following checklists: Peerless Series B Set, Peerless Cloudy (Studio in Script) Set. Thanks to the following collectors for help with these recent updates: Amit Benyovits, Greg Graetz, Bernie Feldman, Mary Haberstroh, Jim McCullough, Jack Janzen, Bill Humphries, Jared Karakas, Marty Krim, Greg Watson, Graham Burgess, Chris Hammond, Ron Strader, Jeff Forteza, Barry Beckett, Keith Pennington, Andrew Knight. Dec 23, 2018: Misc A-B updates: Added a new checklist for Barber's Tea "Star" Cards. Added a new checklist for Alay Galeria Cinematografica. Added a new checklist for Automaatti Film Stars. Added a new checklist for Anglo French Film Stars A Set. Added a new A&BC Golden Boys checklist courtesy of Barry Beckett. Added new cards to theBiblioteca Films Titulo De La Supremacia checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. Did a lot of work on the Bruguera Famosas Estrellas de la Pantalla checklists from 1955 to 1959 with help from Greg Graetz and Amit Benyovits. Added new names and other information for the Bruguera Famosas Estrellas Del Firmamento Cinematografico Film Stars courtesy of Greg Graetz and Amit Benyovits. Added names to the Bruguera Lluvia De Estrellas checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. Added names to the Bruguera Cromos Cinefoto checklist courtesy of Bernie Feldman. Added names to the Athanassacopoulo Toccos Film Stars (Ross) checklist courtesy of Bernie Feldman. Added names to the Alfa Filmkolaskylt checklist. Added names to the Belgian Gum Film Stars (Unnumbered-No Name on Front) checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. Misc C-K updates: Added a new Dentichlor Caricafotos checklist. Added a new Hignett Beauties Set 2 checklist. Added new Clovis Large Film Stars checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new June and School Friend Magazine Jimmy Tarbuck's Gallery of Stars checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new Clovis Film Stars (Chocolat Clovis on Front) checklist. Added new Kane A.T.V. Stars checklist. Added new Fasprint Film and Music Stars checklist. Added new checklist for Cantaloup Film Stars courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new Fedora Artistas de Cine checklist. Added new Kiddies Favourites "Popular" Film Stars checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. Added new Comic Heroes checklist. Added new Discograph checklist. Added new Comet Adventuras Comicas de Stan Laurel y Oliver Hardy checklist. Added info for the Crack Cigarrillos Film Stars checklist courtesy of Mike Davies. Added names for the Juncosa Estrellas Del Cinema checklist. Added names to the Galeria Cinematografica checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. Added info for the Cine-Foto Estrellas De Hoy Y De Siempre checklist courtesy of Ranjodh Dhillon. Added names to the Films De Amor checklist. Added new checklists for FHER Film and Music Stars Playing Card Style 1968 and FHER TV and Eurovision Music Performers Playing Card Style 1969. Added names to the Foto Carnet checklist. Moved the Den Danske Filmstjerner checklist from the German section to the Misc C-K section. Added names to the Juncosa Film Stars (Light Blue Text) and Juncosa Film Stars (Fancy Frame) checklists courtesy of Troy Kinunen. Added names to the El Credito Famosos Artistas de Cine checklist. Added names to the Clevedon Famous Screen Stars checklist. Added names to the Henry Clay and Bock Film Stars - White Borders checklist. Added new info for the De Film Film Stars checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added names to the Kalendarium-Bild Film Stars checklist. Added names to the Jaime Boix Film Stars courtesy of Stephen Vermac. Completed the Fher Artistas de la Pantalla checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added names to the M. Glott Marmara Film Stars checklist. Added new info for the Concorso Del Leone checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added names to the Falcon Calvo Estrellas De Cine checklist. Misc L-M updates: Added new Milliat Artistes De Cinema checklist. Added new Merrysweets Telegum TV Stars checklist with help from Barry Beckett. Added new Miguelina Film Stars checklist courtesy of Ranjodh Dhillon. Added new Conrad Langaard Kjendte Ansigter (Well Known Faces) checklist. Added new Lord Neilson's Star Cards 1969 checklist. Added Madison Recording Stars checklist courtesy of Barry Beckett. Added Madison Disc Jockey 2nd Series checklist courtesy of Barry Beckett. Added new names for the Liba Film Stars checklist. Added new names for the Lurati Film Stars (Numbered) checklist. Added info for the Jose Lopez Luis Film Stars checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new info for the La Mascota Mas Famosos Artistas de Cine checklist. Added new names for the Luc Film Stars (Name in Border) and Luc Film Stars (Name in Picture Frame) checklists courtesy of Bernie Feldman. Misc N-S updates: Added new checklist for Solana El Desfile Del Amore (The Love Parade). Added new checklist for Felix Potin Collection (1952) courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new checklist for Publistar Film Stars. Added new checklist for Nannina Film Stars 1952-53 courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new Snap ATV Series No. 2 checklist. Added new names to the Siluetas Del Cine checklist. Added new names to the La Novela Film and La Novela Semanal Cinematografica checklists. Added new names to the Regina Film Stars (Coleccion de 18 cromos) checklist courtesy of Bernie Feldman. Added cards to the Ruiz Romero Film Stars checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. Added new info for the Nestle Film Stars (Uruguay-B&W) checklist. Added new cards to the Felix Potin 3e Collection checklist. Added cards to the Neilson's Movie Actors and Actresses in their Famous Characters checklist. Added new cards for the Samum High Life checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. Added new cards to the Sonja Film Stars and Rose Marie Film Stars checklists. Added new names to the Star Gum Works Film Stars checklist. Added new names to the Scan Gum Film Stars checklist. Misc T-Z updates: Added new info for the J. Wix Love Scenes From Famous Films, 1st Series checklist. Added new cards for the Zaini Film Stars (Color) and Zaini Film Stars (Black and White-No Number on Front) checklists. Added new names for the Universal Cigarette Works Film Stars checklist. Added new names for the Telfer Biscuit Famous Movie Plays checklist. Added new info for the Weight Machine Cards - Spain checklist. Added new names to the Willards Film Stars (V104) checklist. Anonymous (Mostly BAT) checklists: Added new checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (Italy Round Color). Added new checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (Italy Round B&W). Added new Anonymous Film Stars (Printed in Holland Numbered) checklist. Added new Anonymous Film Stars (B.B.U.U.) checklist. Added new Anonymous Film Stars (Spanish Cartoons - Comedy Actors) checklist. Added new Anonymous Film Stars (Janet Gaynor Gone With the Wind) checklist courtesy of Terry Gomes. Added new Anonymous Film Stars (Peter Sellers #297) checklist courtesy of Georges Freylinger. Added new Anonymous Film Stars (Shirley Temple-Color-Black Text Mixed Case) checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new name to the Anonymous Film Stars (Gertrude Michael #27) checklist. Added new info for the Anonymous Film Stars (Sean Connery #28) checklist. Added new cards for the Anon - Studio Set with Numbers (Sweden) checklist. Added new names for the Anonymous Film Stars (B&W Copyright: Film Studio Name) checklist. Added new names to the Anonymous Film Stars (Kenny Duncan #16) checklist courtesy of Bernie Feldman. Added new names to the Anonymous Film Stars (Sweden Small B&W) checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. Added new info for the Anonymous Film Stars (Red Film Frame Border) checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new names to the Anonymous Film Stars (Black Film Frame Border-Name on Back) checklist. Dutch Gum Cards checklists: New info added for the Dutch Numbered Set 8 or Dutch Unnumbered Small Text Centered Set checklist courtesy of Keith Pennington. New info added for the Dutch Serie N checklist. New info added for the Dutch Serie G - Printed in Holland checklist including cool pictures of a box with unopened packs courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New info added for Maple Leaf Gum Film Stars (International Rounded Corners) checklist. New info added for the Dutch Numbered Set 3 checklist. New cards added to the Hellas Filmstjarna Serie 26 and Hellas Pop-Stjarnaserie A checklists. New cards added to the Anonymous Film Stars (Gina Lollobrigida #1) checklist. A lot of work was put into the Dutch Unnumbered Set 3 checklist including adding a complete picture checklist for this large set with lots of help from Barry Beckett. A lot of work was put into the Dutch Unnumbered Set 1 checklist including adding a complete picture checklist for this set with lots of help from Barry Beckett. New information added for the Dutch "G" Set courtesy of Barry Beckett. New information about the Beatles cards in the Dutch Numbered Set 2 set added courtesy of Barry Beckett. New names added to the German Number in Circle checklist. New info added to the Dutch Number in Black Square Set checklist courtesy of Barry Beckett. German checklists: Added new checklist for Equator Aktuelle Bilder Internationaler Filmstars courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added a new checklist for Feldkamp Film Stars courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New info added for the Casanova Film Stars checklist courtesy of Ralf Wierz. Added new info for Altenburg-Stralsunder Spielkarten Stuttgart-Leinfelden (ASS) Film Stars Caricatures courtesy of Werner Mohr. Added new info for the Nordland Film-Lieblinge aus Aller Welt Serie 1 checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Biscuit card checklists: New checklist added for Lorrain Film Stars. New checklist added for Albatros Film Stars courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New checklist added for Cafe Vog L'Ecran et de la Radio (The Screen and the Radio) courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New checklist added for Victoria Biscuits Chocolats Film Scenes courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New checklist added for Anon Biscuit Style - CE, Color, Numbered Set courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New cards added for the Clovis Film Stars-Text Back checklist. New cards added for the Clovis Film Stars (CI.-P on Front) and Clovis Film Stars (Clovis on front, blank back) checklists courtesy of Bernie Feldman. New info added for the Krema Cine Sport Buffalo Bill chez les Cowboys checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New cards added for the Best Wishes Film Stars checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. New cards added to the Anon Biscuit Style - Color, Numbered, Studio Logo in Picture Frame, White Border Set courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New cards added for the Anon Biscuit Style - B&W, Unnumbered, Studio in Picture Frame, White Border Set courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Modern checklists: New Card Coach Prime Time TV Western Stars checklist added courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New Panini Smash Hits 1988 checklist added. Chile checklists: A few cards added here and there to many of these checklists. American Assorted updates: New checklist added for Royal Stars of Wonderland. New Were You Lucky Film Stars checklist added. New checklist added for Fold in on These Lines Film Stars. New Green Film Star Stamps checklist added courtesy of Walt Wysk. New checklist added for American Caramel Co. Movie Actors and Actresses (1924). New Shotwell checklists added for Molly O', Suzanna, Strongheart, Red Grange "One Minute to Play", and Shotwell Red Grange (12-card set). New checklist added for Manford Stryker Motion Picture Stars. Added new info for the Simmen's Model Bakery, Kleen-Maid, Renz's, Tip-Top, Bro Be Co Film Stars (D56) checklist. Added new info for the Vitagraph Players checklist courtesy of Cas Thompson and Dan Calandriello. Added new cards to the Ghirardelli Motion Picture Stars checklist. New cards added to the R63 Guess Who checklist. New information added to the Royal Stars of the Movies checklist. New info added to the Strollers Film Stars - T85 checklist. New cards added to the American Caramel Co. Movie Actors and Actresses (Late 1920s) checklist. New cards added for the American Caramel Movie Actors and Actresses (Unnumbered-Large Photo Offer on Back) checklist, courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New information added for the Leather Film Stars checklist. New info added to the Kromo Gravure Leading Moving Picture Stars checklist. New information for the Fab TV Stars checklist added courtesy of Ken Bush and Greg Galliger. New info added for the Anon-Purple, Blue, Red, Green Film Stars checklist courtesy of Adam Warshaw. New information added for the Screen Snappies checklist courtesy of Bill Oliver. New info added for the Banquet, Butternut, Holsum, Schmitt's, Big Dandy Bread Movie Picture Stars checklist. New info added forAnon-Film Stars (Bread Style) courtesy of Dan Calandriello. New cards added to the Drake's Cake Film Stars checklist. New cards added for the Tattoo Movie, Radio, Theatrical Stars courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New cards added to the Anon-Pull Here Movie Stars checklist. American Exhibit Card updates: Added new Exhibit Movie Stamp Pictures checklist with help from Dan Calandriello. Added new Exhibit Amos 'n' Andy checklist. Added new Exhibit Lucky Horseshoe checklist. Added new Exhibit Cowboy 4-in-1 Double-Sided checklist. Added new Exhibit Cut Out Horseshoes checklist. Added new Exhibit Our Gang checklist. Added new Exhibit Film Stars and Animals checklist. Added new info for the Exhibit Star Stamp Pictures checklist with help from Dan Calandriello. Added new info for the Exhibit 2 Cowboys in Circles checklist. Added new info for the Exhibit Tenderfoot Game Cowboys checklist. Added new info for the Exhibit Funny Movie Stars checklist. Added a lot of new information for the Exhibit Playing Cards checklist. American Movie Theatre Card Sets updates: Added new checklists for the Capitol Theatre, Jefferson Theatre, Orient Theatre, Chrystal Theatre, Hippodrome Theatre, Orpheum Theatre, Cahill-Igoe Film Stars (Albion, Bijou Dream, Castle, Gaiety, Irvin, Mecca, New Devon, Theato Theatres), Star Theatre, Lincoln Theatre, Rialto Theatre, MBSC Movie Stars (Palace, Park Theatres), Strand Theatre, Baker Theatre, Arcade, Gray Bordered Postcard Sized 1925 Film Stars (Fireman's Auditorium, Hersker, Orpheum, and Strand Theatres), Northern California Theatre Cards (T&D, Kinema, Franklin, Tivoli, Sequoia Theatres). Added new info to the checklist for the Linwood-LaSalle Theatre, Hudson Theatre, Paramount Publix Theatres, Distinguished Players (Various Theatres), Patheserial Movie Stars, Pictureland Theatre, Bruce Grove Theatre, Park Theatre, Hersker Theatre, Hazel Park Theatre, American Weight Machine Card updates: Added new info for the Peerless White Set courtesy of Jim Daugherty, Peerless Cloudy (Studio in Print) Set, the Peerless A Series, Peerless Pat No. 1546553 Set, Peerless Series C Set, and Peerless Series B Set. Pat Chiapetta supplied pictures of a lot of new card backs for these sets. American Strip Card Updates: New cards added to the Strollers Fancy Frame Strip Cards checklist. New info added to the Film Stars and Animals Strip Cards checklist. July 8, 2018: Misc A-B updates: For Boy's Cinema sets, added many interesting pictures of original Boy's Cinema magazines showing ads for their card sets, pinpointing exact dates when the cards were issued. Did this for Boys Cinema Famous Stars, Boys Cinema Your Favourite Film Stars, Boys Cinema Film Stars Die Cut, Boys Cinema Brown Tinted Photogravure Film Stars, and Boys Cinema Film Stars (1930). Added new checklist for Bruguera Estrellas de la Pantalla courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new cards to the Bell Agency Film Stars checklist (Bell Agency checklist used to be listed as Kursaal Film Stars checklist). Added new cards to the Belgian Gum Film Stars Magic Photos checklist. Added new cards to the Alfa Alfa Filmkolaskylt checklist. Added new information to the Athanassacopoulo Toccos Film Stars (Ross) checklist courtesy of Bruce Parker. Misc C-K updates: Added cards to the Kwatta Film Stars Series B 223-318 checklist courtesy of Seth Kaminsky. Added new Huecograbado Planas Estrellas Del Cine 1947-48 checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new Film Pictorial Magazine Film Stars checklist. Added new Kwatta Film Stars C 1-98 checklist. Added new cards to the Kalendarium-Bild Film Stars checklist and the Ferrero Film Stars checklist. Misc L-M updates: Added new checklist for Marabou Film Stars Oval. Added new checklist for McCormick Boy of Mine Cards. Misc N-S updates: Added new cards to the Regina Film Stars (Coleccion de 18 cromos) checklist courtesy of Bernie Feldman. Added new Starlite Hair Grips Film Stars checklist. Added new cards to the Smith's Chewing Sweets Film Stars (Black and White) checklist. Added new Solidar Film Stars checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. Added cards to the Rose Marie Film Stars checklist. Added new Samo Chips Film and Music Stars checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. Updates added to the ROSS Film Stars checklist courtesy of Ralf Wierz and Amit Benyovits. Updates made the the checklists for Chocolat Revillon Les Artistes De Cinema and Chocolat Revillon Les Artistes De Cinema (31-60). Misc T-Z updates: New checklists added for TV Sorrisi e Canzoni Assi Della Canzone 1965, TV Sorrisi e Canzoni 1979, TV Sorrisi e Canzoni 1980, TV Sorrisi e Canzoni 1983, TV Sorrisi e Canzoni 1987, TV Sorrisi e Canzoni 1988. Updates made to checklist for Zaini Film Stars (Black and White-Number on Front) courtesy of Greg Graetz. New Windser Caramel Film Stars checklist added. New checklists added for Weight Machine Cards (Portugal-1950) and Weight Machine Cards (Portugal-1953). New cards added to checklists for G. Zucconi Film Stars, Editrice Vecchi Film Stars, Victoria Vedetten Parade. Anonymous (Mostly BAT) checklists: Added new Anonymous Film Stars (Die Cut Set 1) checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new Anonymous Film Stars (Die Cut Set 2). Added cards to the Anon - Studio set (Sweden) checklist, the Anonymous Film Scenes (Sweden 1952) checklist, and the Anon - Studio Set with Numbers (Sweden) checklist. Added picture of a back variation for BAT Celebrities of Film and Stage. Added new checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (Netherlands Handlettered and Numbered B&W). Added new checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (Netherlands White Border Thin Black Frame B&W). Added cards to the Anonymous Film Stars (Dutch Big B&W) checklist. Dutch Gum Cards checklists: Added and consolidated information for the Dutch Unnumbered Small Text Centered Set and Dutch Numbered Set 8, which are really the same set (more information about another version of this set to come shortly). Added new checklist for Maple Leaf Chewing Gum Ballon Gum Film Stars courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new cards for Rounded Corners - Name in Black Text checklist. Added new checklist for Dutch Unnumbered Set 6 Set. German checklists: Added new Reemtsma Vom Werden Deutscher Filmkunst, Der Stumme Film checklist courtesy of Troy Kinunen. Added new Warner Brother Stamps checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new Casanova Film Stars checklist courtesy of Ralf Wierz. American Assorted updates: Added new information and new cards to the checklist for Kromo Gravure Leading Moving Picture Stars. Greatly expanded the Moviebook Corp. Film Stars checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new cards to the Anon-Purple, Blue, Red, Green Film Stars checklist. Added new checklist for Theatrical Advertising Co. Portrait Cards of Movie Stars. Added new information to the Koester's Movie Actor Photos checklist. Greatly improved the Vitagraph Players checklist courtesy of Cas Thompson and Dan Calandriello. Added new checklist for Series of 100 Film Stars. Added new checklist for Sun Pictures Film Stars. Added new checklist for Anon-Silent Stars (Brown-Toned). Added new checklist for M-G-M Film Stars (1955). Added new checklist for Movie Millions game, with help from Amit Benyovits and Dan Calandriello on that one. Added new checklist for Tattoo Movie, Radio, Theatrical Stars courtesy of Dan Calandriello. Updated Silk Film Stars (S72-1) checklist courtesy of Bernie Feldman. American Strip Card updates: Updated Caption in Box Strip Cards checklist. Added a picture of a complete strip to the Strollers Starring In Strip Cards courtesy of Ron Strader. Added a picture of a complete strip to the Strollers Mack Sennett Strip Cards courtesy of Ron Strader. Added cards to the checklist for Solid Frame BW Strip Cards and added complete strip pictures courtesy of Ron Strader. Updated Three Line Text Color Strip Cards checklist, Name In Mixed Case Color Strip Cards checklist, W538 Strip Cards checklist, W511 Strip Cards checklist, Name in Caps Numbered Color Strip Cards checklist including a complete strip picture courtesy of Ron Strader, Name in Slanted Caps Numbered Color Strip Cards including a complete strip picture courtesy of Ron Strader, Strollers Fancy Frame Strip Cards checklist, added #11 and #12 to the Cartoon Chaplin Numbered Strip Cards checklist courtesy of Ron Strader, Wild Colors Autographed Strip Cards. American Theatre Cards updates: Added new Star Theatre Movie Stars (1919) checklist. Updated Colonial Theatre Movie Stars checklist. Added new Patheserial Movie Stars checklist. Updated Distinguished Players (Various Theatres) checklist. American Weight Machine updates: Updated Peerless Pat No. 1546553 Set checklist, May 23, 2018: Misc A-B updates: Added new checklist for Aguila Roja Film Stars. Added new checklist for Amattler Galeria de las Estrellas del Cine courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new checklist for Artistas De La Pantalla (text on back) courtesy of Greg Graetz. Added new checklist for Bea-Milano Film Stars courtesy of Leo Di Bello. Added new checklist for Bintak Film Stars courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new checklist for Bruguera Famosas Estrellas de la Pantalla 1959 courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Cards added to checklist for Abdulla Cinema Stars (52) courtesy of Bernie Feldman. Cards added to checklist for Amatller Artistas Cinematograficos courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New information added for Australian Licorice Film Stars - British and Australian Licorice Shirley Temple Jane Withers Dimples. New cards added to checklist for Belgian Gum Film Stars (Color, Numbered, 2" x 2 11/16") and Belgian Gum Film Stars (Unnumbered) - Errol Flynn courtesy of Seth Kaminsky. Kursaal Film Stars checklist was renamed Bell Agency Film Stars and moved to the Misc A-B section. Cards added to checklists for Aguilitas Estrellas Del Cine, Alfa Filmkolaskylt, Belgian Gum Film Stars Magic Photos (Unnumbered, 7/8" x 1 7/16"). Misc C-K updates: Added new checklist for Cima Film Stars courtesy of Leo Di Bello. Added new information to the Disney Cartoons and Movie Stars checklist courtesy of Javier Gonzalez. Added new checklist for Euromatic Record Rome Film Stars courtesy of Carlo Maria Allochis. Added new checklist for FHER Galeria de Artistas and Fher El Puente sobre el Rio Kwai (Bridge Over the River Kwai). Added cards to the checklist for Fher Artistas de la Pantalla courtesy of Greg Graetz. Added new checklist for FIDA Film Stars courtesy of Carlo Maria Allochis. New cards added to the Glorias Del Cine checklist. New checklists added for Kwatta Large Unnumbered Film Stars and Kwatta Super Large Unnumbered Film Stars courtesy of Keith Pennington. New cards added to the Cloetta Film Stars checklist courtesy of Bruce Parker. New cards added to the Coleman Film Stars courtesy of Mike Davies. New cards added to the Dandy Film Series checklist. New cards added to the Farris Film Stars (Large) checklist. New cards added to the Frejas Film Stars checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. New cards added to the Hamilton Movie Stars (Red Backs) checklist. New cards added to the Indiana Film Stars checklist. New cards added to the Juncosa Film Stars (Light Blue Text), Juncosa Estrellas Del Cinema, Juncosa Film Stars (Fancy Frame), Juncosa Film Stars (Small), and Juncosa Notabilidades de la Pantalla. New cards added for the Kalendarium-Bild Film Stars checklist. Misc L-M updates: Added new checklist for Magnussons Filmserie. Added new checklist for MGM Film Stars courtesy of Carlo Maria Allochis. Added new checklist for Milliat Artistes De Cinema Femmes Serie II courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new cards to the MacRobertson's Movie Stars checklist. Misc N-S updates: Added new checklist for Pepsodent Film Arkiv courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new checklist for Perfetti Lainate-Milano Film Stars courtesy of Carlo Maria Allochis. Added new checklist for Silca Film Stars courtesy of Leo Di Bello. Added new information for Chocolat Revillon Film Stars courtesy of Andrew Blount. Added new cards to the Societe Job Cinema Stars, Societe Job Cinema Stars (49-288), and Societe Job Cinema Stars (Cigarettes JOB in Rectangular Caption) checklists courtesy of Mike Prior. Added new cards to the Joaquin Lloveras Noms Film Stars checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. Misc T-Z updates: Added new checklist for Tempo Film Stars (Black and White) courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new checklist for Union Film Stars courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new checklists for United Discounts Shoppers Picture Cards 1st Series and United Discounts Shoppers Picture Cards 2nd Series. Added new checklist for Vicentini-Thiene Caramelle Cine-Cine courtesy of Leo Di Bello. Added new checklist for Weight Machine Cards (The Netherlands) courtesy of Greg Graetz. Added new checklist for Zanasi Gorizia Film Stars courtesy of Leo Di Bello. Added cards to the checklist for Telfer Biscuit Famous Movie Plays. Added cards to the checklist for Victoria Vedetten Parade and Zaini Film Stars (Color) courtesy of Greg Graetz. Biscuit cards updates: New Best Wishes checklist added courtesy of Ken Harrison and Ron Strader. New checklist added for La Pie Qui Chante Kiklac-Cine 6th Serie courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New cards added for Anon Biscuit Style-B&W, Numbered from 101-150 (Belgium) checklist. Cards added to the Anon Biscuit Style - CE Set checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. Cards added to the Anon Biscuit Style - Color, Numbered, Studio Logo in Picture Frame, White Border Set courtesy of Andy Blount. For the Greetings Film Stars checklist, a new picture checklist was created and cards added to the checklist courtesy of Ken Harrison, Ron Strader, and Graham Burgess. Bridgewater updates: New checklists added for Bridgewater Radio Stars, 1st and 2nd Series, courtesy of Ken Harrison. Dutch Gum Cards checklists: Added new checklist for Anglo French Film Stars courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new checklist for German Serie M courtesy of Leo Di Bello. Added pictures of original packs for Star Bilder D. Added information and pictures for variations in "S" set. Added new cards to the checklists for Dutch High Numbers, Dutch Numbered Set 10, Dutch Unnumbered Set Large - Western, Hellas Suosikki, Hellas Tietokilpa, Radio & T.V. Kwartet (Rounded Corners) with help from Seth Kaminsky and Konnie Rychalsky. American Assorted Cards updates: Added new cards and pictures to the checklist of Anon-Tiny Perforated Film Stars. Added Schmitt's to the list of issuers for the Banquet, Butternut, Holsum, Schmitt's, Big Dandy Bread Movie Picture Stars set and included new pictures. Added a picture of the wrapper for Bowman Movie Stars. Added new cards and pictures to the Frankie Darro Movie Stamp Club checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added a new checklist for Bob Gale Film Star Stamps courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new cards to the Kromo Gravure Leading Moving Picture Stars checklist. Added new checklist for R93 Film Stars. Added Renz Bread to the list of issuers for the Simmen's Model Bakery, Kleen-Maid, Renz's, Tip-Top, Bro Be Co Film Stars (D56) set and included pictures. Added a new checklist for Wells Lamont Red Ryder Trading Cards courtesy of Ron Strader. American Exhibit Cards updates: Added a new checklist for The Pike Amusement Park Movie Stars courtesy of Troy Kinunen. American Movie Theatre Cards updates: Added new checklists for Centennial Theatre Movie Stars, Colonial Theatre Movie Stars, Lincoln Theatre Movie Stars, New Strand Theatre Movie Stars, Opera House Movie Stars, Orient Theatre Movie Stars, Park Theatre Movie Stars, Rialto Theatre Movie Stars, and Temple Theatre Movie Stars. Added new checklist for Playhouse Theatre and Queens Theatre Movie Stars courtesy of Dale Stratton. Added updates to the Kinema Theatre, Pictureland Theatre, Distinguished Players (Various Theatres), Sequoia Theatre, Strand Theatre (1916), and T & D Theatre checklists. American Weight Cards updates: Added updates to the Peerless Series A Set (Green Tint and Black and White), Peerless Series A Set (Brown Tint), Peerless Cloudy (Studio in Script) Set, and Peerless Cloudy (Studio in Print) Set. Added updates to the Peerless Series C Set courtesy of Pat Chiappetta. German Cards checklists: Added new checklist for Almona Filmlieblinge courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new checklist for Berliner Morgenpost Unsere Filmlieblinge courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Added new checklist for St. Pauli Goldfilmbilder and added to the checklist for St. Pauli Sammelbilder courtesy of Ralf Wierz. Added new checklist for Turris Film Stars courtesy of Amit Benyovits and Greg Graetz. Added pictures of the woS - Bilderdienst Mulheim-Ruhr album courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Dec 10, 2017: I added a new Card Identifier tool, available from the front page of the Moviecard Website. It is intended to let you quickly identify cards that are difficult to identify, such as blank backed cards, and cards from anonymous issuers. Misc A-B updates: Added new checklist for Belgian Gum Film Stars (Unnumbered-No Name on Front) courtesy of Ken Harrison. For the Colleccion Los Andes Film Stars set, added pictures of the album and almost all the cards courtesy of Amit Benyovits. For the BFF Film Star set, added hundreds of new names to the checklist courtesy of Leo Di Bello. Misc C-K updates: Added new checklist for Ferraro Film Stars. For the Foto-Pelicula set and the Kras Film stars set, the checklists are now complete and pictures of all album pages with cards have been added courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Cards added to the checklists for Concorso Del Leone, ILLM Sportivi Film Stars, Dolcificio Lombardo Film Stars, and Kalendarium-Bild Film Stars. Misc L-M updates: For the Liv Filmens Stjarnor (Life Magazine Film Stars) set, the checklist is now complete and some album pictures are shown courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Misc N-S updates: New cards added to the Concorso Germani Scappino Film Stars checklist. New cards added to the Syster Gretas Film Stars checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. New cards added to the Samum High Life set courtesy of Richard Kirby. Misc T-Z updates: New cards added to the checklists for Zano Film Stars, Victoria Vedetten Parade, Zaini Film Stars (Black and White-No Number on Front), and Zaini Film Stars (Black and White-Number on Front) sets. Anonymous (Mostly BAT) updates: Added new cards for the Anonymous Film Stars (2 Stars on Front - 2 Stars on Back) checklist and the Anonymous Film Stars (Italy-Swastika or Italian Flag) checklist. Biscuit Card updates: Added new Best Wishes Film Stars checklist courtesy of Ken Harrison. For the Greetings Film Stars checklist, a lot of names were added and a new picture checklist was added, courtesy of Ken Harrison. All of the Krema set checklists were updated and mostly completed courtesy of Amit Benyovits. All the La Pie Qui Chante checklists were completed and new checklists added for some of these sets courtesy of Amit Benoyvits. Chile Card updates: New cards added to a lot of the Chile card sets. Dutch Gum Card updates: New cards added to the checklists for Mazda Film Stars, CA set, and the Dutch High Numbers set courtesy of Barry Beckett. American Card updates: Added new Anon-Diamond Bordered Star in Oval Film Stars courtesy of Tom Boblitt. For Kromo Gravure Leading Moving Picture Stars, made some updates to the checklist and added many more pictures. In the Movie Theatre cards section, for the Distinguished Players checklist, added the Dream Theatre and Starland Theatre as issuers of this set. German Card updates: For the woS - Bilderdienst Mulheim-Ruhr set, Amit Benyovits finished the checklist for the A and B groups, which number up to 144 and also provided pictures of the album. Ralf Wierz contributed many more names for the higher numbers of this checklist. For the Yramos Schonheit Im Spiegel checklist, more cards were added to the checklist courtesy of Ralf Wierz. Nov 5, 2017: Misc A-B updates: Lots of new images posted for African Consolidated Theatres Golden Jubilee Cinema Club courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New cards added to the Avis Film Stars and Alfa Filmkolaskylt checklists. Misc C-K updates: New La Estrella Shirley Temple checklist added courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Lots of new information added to the Famosas Estrellas Del Firmamento Cinematografico Film Stars checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. New information and images added for the Enciclopedia Cultural de "Chicos" checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New Kras Film Stars checklist added courtesy of Daniel Kumermann. New Caramelo Cine Film Stars, Film Journalen Film Stars, Chocolat La Cigogne B&W Film Stars, Chocolat La Cigogne Gold Film Stars, and Hjemmes Film Stars checklists added courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New information added for Favorit Movie Stars courtesy of Amit Benyovits and Daniel Kumermann. New cards added to the checklists for Coralli Film Stars, FHER Artistas Del Cinema, Forsbergs Film Stars and Kalendarium-Bild Film Stars. Misc L-M updates: New Mirim Filmski Glumci checklist added courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New cards added to the La Mascota Mas Famosos Artistas de Cine checklist courtesy of Mike Davies. Misc N-S updates: Lots of new information added to the Ruiz Romero Film Stars checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. New cards added to the checklist for Samum High Life courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New cards and information added for Scan Gum Film Stars courtesy of Daniel Kumermann and Amit Benyovits. New checklist added for Picture Show Stamps Who's Who (huge checklist) courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New cards added to the Societe Job Cinema Stars checklist courtesy of Mike Prior. New cards added to the Pix Film Stars checklist courtesy of Greg Graetz. New checklist added for Nuove Stelle Attori Del Cinema e Cantanti courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Misc T-Z updates: New checklist added for Tempo Film Stars and Tempo Film Stars (Black and White) courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New Waferino Irdea Film Stars checklist added courtesy of Leo Di Bello. New information added for the Wow Film Stars 1st Series checklist. Anonymous (Mostly BAT) updates: New cards added to checklist of ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (UFA-FILM-FOTO) courtesy of Greg Graetz. New cards added to checklist of Anon - Studio set (Sweden). New checklist added for Anonymous Film Stars (Yugoslavia-1950s Brown Tone) courtesy of Daniel Kumermann. New checklist added for Anonymous Film Stars (Israel - Accordian Style) courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New cards added to the ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (Borders Like E123) checklist. Biscuit card updates: New checklist added for Anon Biscuit Style-B&W, Numbered from 101-150 (Belgium). New cards added to checklist for Krema Cine-Sport. Dutch Gum Card updates: New information added for Dutch Serie A (Printed in Holland) checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Picture of packet added for Dutch "H" Set. New cards added to checklists for Mazda Film Stars, German Serie C and Dutch High Numbers. American Assorted updates: New cards added to checklists for Marble Gum Film Stars, Universal Novelty Snapshots of Movie Stars, and Banquet, Butternut, Holsum, Big Dandy Bread Movie Picture Stars. American Strip Card updates: New cards added to checklist for Solid Frame BW Strip Cards courtesy of Marty Krim. New cards added to checklists for Strollers Starring In Strip Cards, Strollers Fancy Frame Strip Cards, MBSC CO. (No Caption) Strip Cards, and Strollers Mack Sennett Strip Cards courtesy of Ron Strader. American Theatre Card updates: New Star Theatre Movie Stars and Paramount Publix Theatres checklists added. New cards added to Strand Theatre (1925) checklist and Hersker Theatre checklist. American Weight Card updates: New information added to Peerless Series C Set checklist courtesy of Pat Chiappetta. New information added for Peerless Series A Set (Green Tint and Black and White) checklist, Peerless Cloudy (Studio in Script) Set checklist, Peerless Series A Set (Brown Tint) checklist, and Peerless Cloudy (Studio in Print) Set checklist. German updates: New Equator Aktuelle Bilder Internationaler Filmstars checklist and Americana Kaugummi München Film Stars checklist added courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New cards added to the Kosmos Frauen-Schönheit und Anmut checklist courtesy of Mark Hellman. New cards added to the checklist for Batschari Mercedes Filmbilder Serie V courtesy of Greg Graetz. Mar 26, 2017: New Biscuit cards updates: New Krema Film Stars (Color) and Krema Film Star Pairs (Color) checklist added. New De Beukelaer updates: De Beukelaer Sixty Glorious Years checklist added courtesy of Jouni Kuurne. Misc A-B updates: New cards added to the Alfa Filmkolaskylt checklist. New cards added to the Artistes De Cinema checklist. New cards added to the Bensdorp Filmo Reklame-Bilder checklist courtesy of Jouni Kuurne. Misc C-K updates: New cards added to the Kalendarium-Bild Film Stars checklist, the Karnan Film Stars checklist, the Keskimaarin 50 Tulitikkua Movie Posters checklist courtesy of Jouni Kuurne, the Gota Film Stars checklist, and the Frejas Film Stars checklist. Misc L-M updates: New cards and new series information added for the Loriot Cinema stars checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New checklists added for Luc Film Stars (Name in Border) and Luc Film Stars (Name in Picture Frame). New cards added to the Marabou Film Stars checklist. Misc N-S updates: New information added to the School of Dancing Joy Amsterdam checklist courtesy of Konnie Rychalsky. New cards added to the Felix Potin Collection, Chocolat Revillon Les Artistes De Cinema, and Chocolat Revillon Les Artistes De Cinema (31-60) checklists. Lots of new cards and scans added for OK's Big Bub Bubble Gum Film Stars courtesy of Thomas Reuter. Misc T-Z updates: New White Wings Film Stars checklist added courtesy of David Elliott. New cards added to the La Vache Qui Rit Film Stars and Telfer Biscuit Famous Movie Plays checklist. Dutch Gum Cards updates: New cards added to the Dutch High Numbers checklist courtesy of Konnie Rychalsky. American Assorted updates: New cards added for Koester's Movie Actor Photos checklist and Strollers Film Stars - T85 checklist. German checklist updates: New checklist added for St. Pauli Sammelbilder courtesy of Jouni Kuurne. New cards added to the Echte Wagner Berühmte Filmschauspieler checklist courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Jan 29, 2017: New Anonymous (Mostly BAT) updates: Cards added to the checklist for ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (TEENAGER-NEWS) and ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (MOVIE STAR ON FRONT, OLYMPIC ATHLETE ON BACK) courtesy of Konnie Rychalsky. New checklist started for Anon - Studio Set with Numbers (Sweden). New Biscuit card updates: For the Anon Biscuit Style - Text in Shaded Rectangle Set, Amit Benyovits provided scans of an entire album, which identified the issuer as Meurisse chocolates, and increased the checklist from one card to complete at 100 cards. Cards added to the checklists for Krema Film Stars and Krema Cine-Sport courtesy of Mike Prior. New Chile updates: New cards added to Chilena Escenas A checklist. Misc A-B checklists: New cards added to Athanassacopoulo Toccos Film Stars checklist courtesy of Mike Prior. New cards added to the Alfa Filmkolaskylt checklist courtesy of Konnie Rychalsky. New cards added to the Bildjournalens Music Stars checklist. New cards added to the Bastos Beauties checklist and a new Bastos Film Stars checklist was added courtesy of Mike Prior. New cards added to the AUSTRALIAN LICORICE FILM STARS (1959) and AUSTRALIAN LICORICE FILM STARS (1956) sets courtesy of Trevor Thomas. Misc C-K checklists: David York provided the final card to complete the checklist for HILL SCENES FROM THE FILMS (50). New checklist for Dolomie Film Stars (Small) added courtesy of Mike Prior. New cards added to the HAMILTON MOVIE STARS (RED BACKS) and HAMILTON MOVIE STARS (GREEN BACKS), and Cine-Foto Estrellas De Hoy Y De Siempre checklists courtesy of Ranjodh Dhillon. New checklist added for Hoadley's Film Stars (Hoadley's on Front) courtesy of Trevor Thomas. New cards added to checklist for Hoadley's Film Stars (Hoadley's on Back) courtesy of Trevor Thomas. New cards added to the CHUCKLERS WEEKLY FILM AND RECORDING STARS checklist courtesy of Julie Nicholas. New cards added to the Karnan Film Stars, Kalendarium-Bild Film Stars, Dandy Film Series, Cloetta Film Stars, and Farris Film Stars (Small). Misc L-M checklists: New cards added to the Marabou Film Stars and Mazetti Film Stars checklists. Misc N-S checklists: New cards added to the Syster Gretas Film Stars checklist. New cards added to the Nacionales Film Stars checklist courtesy of Robert Adesso. Misc T-Z checklists: New cards added to the Editrice Vecchi Film Stars, ZAINI FILM STARS (BLACK AND WHITE-NO NUMBER ON FRONT), and ZAINI FILM STARS (BLACK AND WHITE-NUMBER ON FRONT) courtesy of Greg Graetz. Dutch Gum Cards checklists: New cards added for Dutch High Numbers, Dutch Numbered Set 6, and HELLAS POP-STJARNASERIE A. New checklists added for Dutch Unnumbered Set Large - Small Text Centered Set and Dutch Numbered Set Large - Number Name Studio Set courtesy of Stephen Tapper. New cards added for Dutch Unnumbered Set Large Italics checklist courtesy of Stephen Tapper. American checklists: Assorted section - New cards added for American Caramel Movie Actors and Actresses (Unnumbered-Large Photo Offer on Back) checklist. New cards added for Kromo Gravure Leading Moving Picture Stars and Anon-Pull Here Movie Stars. New checklist added for Anon-Magazine Film Stars 1955 courtesy of Tony Burich. New cards added to the Fatima Photoplay Stars (T222) checklist. New checklist added for Goudey Oh Boy Gum Cards. American Theatre cards section - New information added for Distinguished Players (Various Theatres) checklist. New checklist added for Linwood-LaSalle Theatre. New checklist added for Ideal Theatre. New cards added for T & D Theatre and Strand Theatre (1925) checklists. New checklist added for Strand Theatre (1916). American Weight Machine section - Amazing work done for Peerless Series C Set checklist courtesy of Pat Chiappetta who is the world expert on this set. The checklist is now complete for the list of actors, though there could still be some missing numbers as there are multiple numbers for most actors. Lots more back pictures added also. New cards added for Peerless Cloudy (Studio in Script) Set. Sept 25, 2016: New Anonymous (Mostly BAT) checklists: Anonymous Film Stars (2a Serie - 100 esemplari) courtesy of Tony B. New Misc C-K checklists: Caramelos Artistas De Cinema courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New Misc N-S checklists: Sobre Cine courtesy of Amit Benyovits, Pujol Film Stars courtesy of Tony B. New Misc T-Z checklists: Enrique Tormo Film Stars (Playing Card Style) courtesy of Amit Benyovits, Texas Film Stars. Modern checklists: IMDb Heroes and Villains (2016) German checklists: Knäbchen Beliebte Filmstars and Knäbchen Beliebte Filmstars Band II, Den Danske Filmstjerner, all courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Sept 9, 2016: Here's a recap of the updates I've made over the past two months. New Misc A-B checklists: Belgian Gum Foil Film Stars, courtesy of Tony B. Luis Z. Benitez Coleccion Artistas Cine courtesy of Amit Benyovits. New Misc C-K checklists: Gota Film Stars, Chix TV and Radio Stars, Kings Laundries Radio & Television Stars. Updates made for Dolomie Film Stars, Coralli Film Stars, Karnan Film Stars, Farris Film Stars (Small), Kwatta Film Stars Series C 99-196, Famosos De TV. Misc L-M checklists: The Marabou Film Stars checklist was updated to include three different back designs. New Misc N-S checklists: Syster Gretas Film Stars, Snap ATV Series No. 1 courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Updates to Rose Marie Film Stars, and Societe Job Cinema Stars (49-288) courtesy of Richard Minns. New Misc T-Z checklists: Zara Film Stars. A picture of the Times Roy Rogers album added courtesy of Ron Strader. New Dutch Gum Cards checklists: Numbered Set 11 added. Anonymous (Mostly BAT) checklists: Updated Anonymous Film Stars (Grey Caption-Last Name Upper Case) courtesy of Andrew Knight, and Star Gum Works Film Stars (1953) also courtesy of Andrew Knight. Chile checklists: Updated Cigarillos Trianon - Cuarta Serie courtesy of Michael Prior. Biscuit Card checklists: Updated Clovis Film Stars (CI.-P ON FRONT) and Clovis Film Stars (Text Back), both courtesy of Richard Minns. American checklists: Updated Yuengling, Neuman, or Smith Our Gang checklist courtesy of David York and Allan Mellis. Updated Ghirardelli Motion Picture Stars checklist. Updated R94 Movie Stars and Scenes checklist courtesy of David York. In the Weight Cards section, I updated Peerless Series A Set (Green Tint and Black and White), Peerless Pat No. 1546553 Set, Peerless Series C Set, and Peerless Series B Set. In the Theater cards section, I updated the Palace Theatre checklist courtesy of Steph. July 2, 2016: I just made a bunch of updates, courtesy of information provided by Richard Minns. From the Anonymous section, I removed the checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (Conrad Veidt) and moved that checklist to the Misc A-B section under Barratt Film Stars (Fronts in Brown), as that anonymous was actually issued by Barratt. I also removed the checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (Constance Bennett) as that was a duplicate checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (ZJ4-11 Group 3A). Similarly, from the Misc N-S section, I removed the checklist for Schoolgirl's Own Film Stars (Brown Tone) as that was a duplicate checklist for Schoolgirl's Weekly Cinema Stars Confession. Many other checklists have been completed or improved, including ABDULLA – Cinema Stars (Series of 52), ALBERT CIGARETTES – Cinema Stars (Brown), COLEMAN - Film Stars, CLEVEDON – Famous Screen Stars, KEILLER – Film Favourites, and most of the Kemmel checklists, June 6, 2016: Collector Richard Minns recognized the Anonymous Charlotte Henry Alice in Wonderland set as actually being the Schoolgirls' Own Famous Stars in Famous Films set, so I moved the listing for that set from the Anonymous section to the Misc N-S section. Also, the Borex Gum set name was changed to Anglo-American, as that was the company that actually issued that set. Richard also provided updates for 21 other sets, many of which finished checklists. May 30, 2016: Anonymous section: Anonymous Film Stars (Serif Set - Sweden), Anonymous Film Stars (I Set - Sweden), Anonymous Film Stars (Studio Set - Sweden). Misc C-K section: Dandy Film Series, Danielsson Film Stars, Drako Film Stars, Forsbergs Film Stars, Freja Film Stars, Idol Film Stars. Misc N-S section: Rikki-Tikki Film Stars, Sonja Film Stars, Svalans Film Stars. May 16, 2016: I've still been making occasional updates over the past few years even though I haven't been reporting them here. Lots of updates to existing checklists, too many to list here. Here are new checklists that have been added in the past few years: Misc A-B section: Amalgamated Press Film Fun (1932), Belgian Gum Film Stars (Import), British Leaf Film Stars, ABC Scenes From the Films 6th Series, Bensdorp Filmo Reklame-Bilder, Borex Film Stars, Artistas De Cine Sonoro, Abdulla Film Stars. Misc C-K section: M. Glott Marmara Film Stars, Fuentes Artistas Del Cinema (100), Cibon Film Stars, La Felsinea Film Stars, Kemmel Vedettes de la chanson e de l'ecran (1-44), Concorso Del Leone, Figuras De La TV, Famosos De TV, Danske Filmstjerner, Kinema Comic Cinema Stars and Celebrities, Gaumont Film Stars, Major Drapkin Cinematographic Actors, Kolnoa Film Stars, Caramelos Estampas Cine, CUMBRE FILM AND RECORDING STARS, Duncan, Fox & Co. Film Stars, Hill Film Stars and Celebrity Dancers, Disney Cartoons and Movie Stars. Misc L-M section: Mundial Film Stars Serie 2a, Liv Filmens Stjarnor (Life Magazine Film Stars), My Weekly Film Stars, MACHADO STARS OF THE CINEMA, Monty Gum TV Shows Silver (Series 5), Monty Gum TV Shows (Series 4), Monty Gum TV Shows (Series 2), Monty Gum TV Shows (Series 1), Monty Gum TV Shows (Series 3), Lea Girls from the Shows, Lux Toilet Soap Famous Film Stars, La Milagrosa Artistas Cine. Misc N-S section: Serie 11a Film Stars, La Saldadora Film Stars, Joaquin Lloveras Noms Film Stars, Stella Film Stars, Raineri Film Stars, Nestle Film Stars (Uruguay-B&W), Scan Gum Film Stars, Romi Favorieten Film Stars, New Idea Gallery of Famous Film Stars, Schoolgirls Weekly Cinema Stars Confession, Poppleton's Film Stars, SCERRI SCENES FROM FILMS, Chocolat Revillon Les Artistes De Cinema, La Novela Film, Rostros Populares de la T.V. Misc T-Z section: Zelante Film Stars, Wow Film Stars and Biographies (Horizontal), Westminster Famous Beauties, Young Britain Film Stars, Woman's Companion Film Stars, Weight Machine Cards - Spain, Weight Machine Cards - Germany, Weight Machine Cards - Palestine, WESTMINSTER CINEMA STARS (B&W), Westminster Cinema Stars (Color), Thienpont Van Schooten Film Stars, Editrice Vecchi Film Stars, WESTMINSTER CINEMA ARTISTES (50), WESTMINSTER STAGE AND CINEMA STARS (GRAY CAPTION), Tiempos Modernos (Modern Times - Charley Chaplin). Anonymous (Mostly BAT) section: ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (UFA-FILM-FOTO), BAT FAMOUS BEAUTIES, Anonymous Film Stars (Charlotte Henry in "Alice in Wonderland"), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (MARLENE DIETRICH #30), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (SPENCER TRACY IN "THE ACTRESS"), ANONYMOUS FILM STARS (MOVIE STAR ON FRONT, OLYMPIC ATHLETE ON BACK). Biscuit Cards section: Krema Film Stars, Presented Film Stars. Dutch Gum Cards section: Dutch Dina Idoler, Dutch A, Ab, B Anonymous Set, Dutch Serie A (Printed in Holland), Dennis the Menace, Dutch Unnumbered Set 3 (TV67 Popbilder), Dutch Unnumbered Jazz Stars (Jazzbilder). American section: R92 Movie Stars, American Caramel Movie Actors and Actresses (Unnumbered-Large Photo Offer on Back), Schonwasser Bathing Girls, Wheaties Shirley Temple, Exhibit Funny Movie Stars, Mack Sennett Unnumbered Strip Cards, Pictureland Theatre. German section: Schumann Film Stars, Greiling Filmstars Der Welt, Serie E, Yramos Schonheit Im Spiegel. Sep 23, 2012: Many new checklists and additions to current checklists have been made over the past few months. Thanks to all the contributors, they are acknowledged in the new and updated checklists. I appreciate all the help! Feb 18, 2012: Added a new checklist for the Amatller Rudolph Valentino Picture Puzzle Cards set to the Misc A-B section. This is a very cool set where the cards put together form a puzzle of Valentino. The complete puzzle is pictured. Thanks to Richard Minns for supplying the information and images for this checklist. I also added some updated checklist information for some other sets from Michael Prior and Steve Schloeder. Jan 15, 2012: Added a new checklist for Indo Egyptian and BAT Cinema Stars in the Misc C-K section. Added a new checklist for Negresco Film Stars in the Misc N-S section. Thanks to Michael Prior for providing the information for these checklists. More checklist information from Michael is coming soon. Jan 14, 2012: Added a new checklist in the American Assorted section for Pull-Rak California Bathing Girls. Added a new checklist in the American Theatre Card section for Sequioa Theatre and added a bunch of new cards to the T&D Theatre checklist. Dec 28, 2011: New updates for the Dutch Gum Cards checklists include new checklists for Rounded Corners - Name in Black Text, Radio & T.V. Kwarted (Rounded Corners), Playing Card Style Film Stars, and Large Size Music Stars. Moved two checklists from the Misc L-M section to the Dutch Gum Cards section, including Maple Leaf Film Stars (Playing Card Style) and Maple Leaf Film Stars (Amsterdam). Moved Large Size Unnumbered (Maple Leaf Amsterdam Style) from the Anonymous section to the Dutch Gum Cards section. Reorganized the Dutch Gum Cards checklist order somewhat. Also made some updates to some of the other Dutch Gum Cards checklists. Dec 21, 2011: Added more information from Richard Minns. In the Misc A-B section, there is a new checklist for Albert Cinema Stars (Brown). In the BAT section, there are new checklists for BAT Cinema Celebrities "D" Series and BAT Stage and Film Stars. In the Misc T-Z section, there are new checklists for Teofani Cinema Celebrities, Westminster Stars of Filmland, and Westminster Stage and Cinema Stars (Black Caption). A lot of existing sets have additional cards added to the checklists also. Dec 15, 2011: Added the following new checklists to the Misc C-K section, courtesy of Richard Minns: Clevedon Famous Screen Stars, Coleman Film Stars, Empreza Industrial de Tabacos Film Stars, Flor De Angra Film Stars, Girls' Cinema Film Stars, Girls' Cinema Four Best Pictures of the Year, Girls' Mirror Star Stamps, Jibco Screen Stars 1st Series, and Chocolaterie Jonon (Societe Anonyme) Cinema Stars. Also added many other checklist updates within the Misc C-K checklists. Added the following new checklists to the Misc L-M section: La Mascota Mas Famosos Artistas de Cine, Murray Cinema Scenes, and Murray Stage and Film Stars. Added the following new checklists to the Godfrey Phillips section: Godfrey Phillips Beauties of To-Day 2nd Series, Godfrey Phillips Beauties of To-Day, 6th Series (Extra Large). Also added pictures of the album for the Player Film Stars (Large) set. Added the following new checklists to the Carreras section: Carreras Film Stars 2nd and 4th Series (Extra Large). Dec 8, 2011: Added the following new checklists to the Misc N-S section, courtesy of Richard Minns: Picturegoer Film Star Stamps, Ruby Famous Beauties of the Day, Smith's Chewing Sweets Film Stars (Black and White), Sociedade Industrial dos Tabacos de Angola Film Stars (Black and White), Sociedade Industrial dos Tabacos de Angola Film Stars (Color), and Symington's Soup Film Stars. Also added a bunch of updates to existing checklists in the Misc N-S section, including some pictures of a Nestle Stars of the Silver Screen Volume II album. Dec 7, 2011: Added the following new checklists to the Misc A-B section: ABC Star Series, Abdulla Cinema Stars (52), Abdulla Film Favourites, Belgian Gum Film Stars (Color, Numbered, Extra Large), Belgian Gum Film Stars (Numbered on Back, Extra Large), Miss Blanche Film Stars. Also added updates to a bunch of existing checklists in the Misc A-B section. All of the Misc A-B updates are courtesy of Richard Minns. Also recently added Weber Movie Stars in Silver and updated Weber Movie Stars in Gold in the American Assorted section, courtesy of Dan Calandriello. Also recently added some updates to various Chile checklists courtesy of Hector Tejeda. Nov 4, 2011: Lots of catching up from various contributors in this update. I renamed Fancy Frame Strip Cards Marble Gum Film Stars and moved that checklist from the American Strip Cards section to the American Assorted section. That set was identified by a find of unopened packs. Added a new back to the E124 American Caramel checklist. In the American Assorted section, added a checklist for Huber Bread Film Stars. In the BAT-Anonymous section, I added new checklists for Anonymous Film Stars (Movie Star on Front, Car on Back), Anonymous Film Stars (TEENAGER-news), and Anonymous TV Shows (Belgium 1968). In the Misc C-K section, I added a new checklist for Denne Serie indeholder 5 Serie Film Stars. In the Misc L-M section, I added a new checklist for the Cafes Momotombo Cromo Film set. I updated a bunch of other checklists throughout the site also. Oct 26, 2011: Lots of additions from Richard Minns. Thanks for his patience, I've been holding these for awhile. In the Misc A-B section, there are new checklists for Amalgamated Press Film Fun 1920, Belgian Gum Film Stars (Color, Numbered, 2" x 2 11/16"), Belgian Gum Film Stars (Color, Unnumbered, 1 1/2" x 2 7/8"), and BELGIAN GUM FILM STARS (Unnumbered-Mixed Case Text). In the Misc C-K section, there is a new checklist for Kemmel Les Vedettes de L'Ecran (Numbers over 168) (168). In the Misc N-S section, there are new checklists for Picture Show Cinema Stars and Chocolat Revillon Les Artistes De Cinema (31-60). In the Misc T-Z section, there are new checklists for La Vache Qui Rit Film Stars 2nd Serie and Van Houten Filmstar Photographs. In the Godfrey Phillips section, there are new checklists for Godfrey Phillips Beauties of To-Day, 2nd and 4th Series. In the Biscuit section, there are some interesting variations listed for the Anon Biscuit Style - B&W, Numbered, Studio in Text Frame, Borderless set. There are also lots of other checklist additions sprinkled throughout the site. Thanks, Richard! Oct 16, 2011: Five new checklists have been added to the American Theatre Card Sets list. These include Adelphi Theatre - Reynoldsville, PA, Franklin Kinema, Hollywood Theatre - Milwaukee, WI, Irvin Theatre, and Rex Theater. Apr 22, 2011: A bunch of new checklists and other additions courtesy of Richard Minns. In the Misc A-B section, there are new checklists for Albert Artistes de Cinema 51-10 and Boys Cinema Film Picture Stories Star Series. IN the Misc L-M section, there are new checklists for Lea Modern Minatures, Lux Toilet Soap Film Stars, and Millhoff De Reszke Film Stars-60. In the Misc N-S section, there are new checklists for Pompeian Beauty Preparations Film Stars, Reliance Famous Stars, The Ruby Famous Film Stars, Sclivagnotis Actresses and Cinema Stars, and Stoll The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu. In the Misc T-Z section, there is a new checklist for Westminster Cinema Stars. In the Player section, there are some new pictures of the Player Film Stars 1st Series album. Lots of other additions to existing checklists scattered throughout also. Mar 30, 2011: Lots more additions from Richard Minns. In the Anonymous-BAT section, there are new checklists for BAT Cinema Stars Set 6, BAT Cinema Stars Set 6a, and Anonymous Film Stars (Clive Brook- Ann Harding). In the Biscuit Cards section, there is a new checklist for Anon Biscuit Style - Brown Tone, Unnumbered, No Studio, Borderless Set. In the Misc A-B section, there is a new checklist for Artistes de Cinema. In the Misc C-K section, there are new checklists for Keiller Film Favourites, Kemmel Les Vedettes de l'Ecran Serie A (126), and Kemmel Les Vedettes de l'Ecran Serie B (126). In the Misc L-M section, there are new checklists for Milliat Artistes Cinema Hommes Serie III and Milliat Les Artistes de Cinema (Unnumbered). In the Misc N-S section, there is a lot of new information in all of the Societe Job checklists, including a new checlist for Societe Job Cinema Stars (Cigarettes JOB in Rectangular Caption). In the Misc T-Z section, there is a new checklist for La Vache Qui Rit Les Artistes de Cinema. There are also lots of additions to existing checklists sprinkled throughout the site. Mar 25, 2011: Richard Minns has contributed a lot of new checklist information for this update. In the Misc A-B section, Richard has supplied new checklists for ABC Film Stars (Large), Abdulla Stars of the Stage and Screen, Bastos Oran Cinema Stars, Boys Cinema Film Couples or Trios, and Butywave Rudolph Valentino Postcards. Richard also supplied some new information for the Boys Cinema B&W Photogravure Film Stars set. In the Misc T-Z section, Richard has supplied new checklists for Theatres D'Indochine Ste. Des Cine as well as pictures for the J. Wix Scenes from Famous Films Third Series and a lot of new names for the G. Zucconi Film Stars checklist. In the A. & M. Wix Checklists section, Richard supplied information for a new checklist for A. & M. Wix Film Favourites, 1st Series and supplied all the missing names to complete the checklist for A. & M. Wix Film Favourites, 2nd Series. Richard has also supplied a lot more information that I haven't put onto the site yet, though it will be coming soon. In addition to Richard's updates, there is also a new checklist in the Misc N-S section for Smith's Chewing Sweets Film Stars and a new checklist in the American Theatre Card section for T & D Theatre - San Jose. Mar 13, 2011: Added Amalgamated Press Film Fun All Stars to the Misc A-B area and the Eduardo Pi Charlie Chaplin Set to the Misc C-K area courtesy of Amit Benyovits. Mar 5, 2011: There are four new checklists in the American Assorted Section, courtesy of Greg Galliger. These include Durkee Prominent Actors and Actresses, McBride-Rothschild Popular Motion Picture Performers, Tissue TV Stars, and United States Baking Motion Picture Stars. Feb 6, 2011: In the Misc T-Z section, there is a new checklist for Temple Bar Tobacco Film Stars, courtesy of Steve Flemming. This is a very unusual card showing a very early holographic-style image on the card, which may be one of a kind. In the Ardath section, there is a new checklist for Ardath Camera Studies, courtesy of Tony Sorsby. Feb 5, 2011: In the BAT section, there is a new checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (Gwiazda - Jean Harlow #69), courtesy of Richard Kirby. Jan 18, 2011: In the American Assorted section, I changed the name of the Anon-Write Movie Star's Name Here checklist to Cracker Jack Write Movie Star's Name Here. Collector Jim Davis provided a lot of great additions to this checklist, which is now missing only two cards, so if you know them, please send the information along to get this checklist complete. Dan Calandriello provided many new names for the Anon-Film Stars (Thomas Meighan #28) checklist and some great pictures of variations in the Strollers Film Stars - T85 checklist. David York and Susan Binder provided new checklist information for some of the American Weight machine sets. In the BAT section, there is a new checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (Bing Croby - Write name of movie star here), courtesy of Jim Wiehe. That is a very unusual card set, check it out. There is also a new checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (Marlene Dietrich - Garden of Allah), courtesy of Terry Gomes. Also another new checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (Mini Spain) from David York. In the Misc C-K section, there are new checklists for Cine Avance, Estrellas De Cine, and Family Star Mini Photos, all courtesy of Amit Benyovits. The Kwatta Film Stars Series B 193-222 checklist is now complete thanks to Pascal Matthys. Jan 10, 2011: In the BAT section, there are new checklists for Anonymous Film Stars (Constance Bennett) and Anonymous Film Stars (Conrad Veidt), courtesy of Richard Minns. There is also a new checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (Square B&W Actresses 1954). In the Misc T-Z section, there are new checklists for Trinidad Film Stars and G. Zucconi Film Stars. There are also some other assorted checklist updates sprinkled throughout. Jan 3, 2011: In the American Assorted section, there is a new checklist for Frankie Darro Movie Stamp Club and for Anon-Film Stars (Bread Style). The Wentz Stamps Film Stars checklist has been beefed up to include almost a near-complete checklist and pictures of the album. Amit Benyovits provided all of this new information. Dec 22, 2010: In the BAT section, there is a new checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (Shirley Temple-Black Text Upper Case-Number Below Name), courtesy of Amit Benyovits. In the Godfrey Phillips section, there are new checklists for Godfrey Phillips Beauties of To-Day 1st Series (Extra Large) and Beauties of To-Day 5th Series (Extra Large), courtesy of Richard Minns. In the Misc A-B section, there is a new checklist for Colleccion Los Andes Film Stars, courtesy of Amit Benyovits. There are some other checklist additions sprinkled throughout from Richard Minns and David York. Dec 18, 2010: More updates courtesy of Richard Minns as follows: In the Misc C-K section, a new back for the Glorias Del Cine set is shown. In the Misc N-S section, there are new checklists for Societe Job Cinema Stars (49-240) and Felix Potin Collection. In the Carreras section, there is a new checklist for Carreras Film Stars Third Series (Extra Large) and new information for the Glamour Girls set. New cards have also been added to a bunch of other checklists sprinkled throughout. Dec 15, 2010: This update consist of a bunch of new BAT checklists, mostly from Richard Minns. New checklists include BAT Cinema Stars, Set 4 and Set 7, BAT Grace and Beauty, and the following BAT Modern Beauties sets: 2nd Series (Medium), 3rd Series (Medium), 8th Series, 9th Series, and "A Series of..." (Large). Dec 14, 2010: This update contains a bunch of new checklists from Richard Minns. In the Misc C-K section, there are new checklist for Chocolat Cardon Film Stars, Dolomie Film Stars, Home Weekly Keystone Cards, Indiana Film Stars, and three different sets from Kemmel. In the Misc L-M section, there are new checklists for Loriot Cinema Stars, Matte Fils Film Stars, Melia Film Stars, and Murray Bathing Belles. In the Misc T-Z section, there are new checklists for Chocolat Tobler Les Stars Tobler and La Vache Qui Rit Film Stars. In the Biscuit Cards section, there is a new checklist for La Pie Qui Chante 4e Serie. Dec 10, 2010: This update contains new information from three frequent contributors - Richard Minns, Amit Benyovits, and David York. In the Chile section, there is a new checklist for Cigarillos Trianon - Tercera Serie. In the Misc A-B section, Richard Minns has provided information for five new checklists, including Amalgamated Press Film Fun Die Cut, Boys Cinema Brown Tinted Photogravure Film Stars, Boys Cinema B&W Photogravure Film Stars, Boys Cinema Film Stars Die Cut, and Boys Cinema Fascinating Film Stars. In the Misc C-K section, David York has provided information for a new T. Contiero Film Stars checklist. In the Misc L-M section, Amit Benyovits has provided information for a new Madison Disc Jockey checklist. In the Misc N-S section, there is a new Nacionales Film Stars checklist provided by David York. Richard Minns has provided information for three new checklists, Red Letter Charlie Chaplin, Chocolat Revillon Les Artistes De Cinema, and Sarony Cinema Stars Postcards. In the Misc T-Z section, Richard has provided info for a new Westminster Film Personalities checklist. In the Dutch Gum Cards section, there are new scans of the boxes for the CA and G sets. In the Wills section, there is a new checklist for Wills Stage and Music Hall Celebrities (Oval Frame). In the Wix section, there is a new checklist for A&M Wix Film Favourites, 2nd Series. In the American assorted section, there is a new scan and some new names added for the Anonymous Pull Here Movie Stars, courtesy of Adam Warshaw. There is also a new checklist for Star Agency Film Stars (Movie Moguls Game Cards), courtesy of Amit Benyovits. In the German section, there are new album pictures for Batschari Mercedes Aus Tonenden Filmen Filmserie 4 from Richard Minns. Assorted other updates to various checklist also sprinkled throughout the site. Dec 3, 2010: I have an abundance of new information from several contributors that has been stacking up. This update covers a bunch of new information contributed by Richard Minns. In the German section, there are new checklists for Borg Film Lieblinge and Nordland Filmlieblinge aus Aller Welt Serie 2. Album pictures are now displayed for Aurelia Filmbilder, Jasmatzi Hansom Filmbilder Serie V and Serie 6, and Lande Silk Film Stars. In the Godfrey Phillips section, a lot of information has been added to the BDV Package Film Stars checklist including lots of names and interesting scans of a BDV package and additional BDV cards. In the Misc. A-B section, new checklists have been added for Bow Bells Handsome Men on the British Screen and Bucktrout Cinema Stars Second Series. In the Misc C-K section, new checklists have been added for International Tobacco Screen Lovers, Peter Jackson Famous Films, and Peter Jackson Film Scenes (Large). In the Misc L-M section, a new checklist was added for Mitchell A Gallery of 1934. In the Misc T-Z section, a new checklist was added for Universal Cigarette Works Film Stars. New names have also been added to several other checklists sprinkled throughout the site. Aug 27, 2010: Tons of new checklists and checklist additions for this update, including great contributions from Richard Minns, Amit Benyovits, David York, Jim Wiehe, and Ron White. In the Misc A-B section, there are new checklists for Avis Film Stars, Bintak Film Stars, Blue Bird Exciting Film Stars 1950 and 1953, Boys Cinema (Jackie Cooper-Ken Maynard Wallet), and Boys Cinema Your Favourite Film Stars. The Boys Cinema Film Stars (Anonymous) (Australia-1932) is also new to the Misc A-B section, though it was brought over from the Anonymous section. In the Misc C-K section, there are new checklists for Peter Jackson Famous Film Stars and Juncosa Celebridades Del Cine. In the Misc L-M section, there are new scans of an album for Lea Film Stars 1st Series. In the Misc N-S section, there are new checklists for Cerveza Polar Galeria Cinematografica, Schoolgirl's Own Film Stars (formerly in the Anonymous section), Schoolgirl's Own Film Stars (Brown Tone), and Simonets Cinema Scene Series. In the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) section, there are new checklists for BAT Cinema Artistes or Stars (B&W) Set 3, BAT Cinema Stars (Coloured Set 1) (formerly in the Anonymous section listed under Walturdaw), and BAT Movie Stars. In the Godfrey Phillips section, there is a new checklist for Godfrey Phillips B.D.V. Package Film Stars (Anonymous-Cutout), which was previously listed in the Anonymous section. In the German section, there are new scans for the albums of Aurelia Sultan Filmsterne and Aviatik Beruhmte und Schone Frauen. There are also additions to tons of other checklists throughout the site, many of which are now complete. June 30, 2010: Collector Steve Flemming has provided some great scans and new information for the Weight Machine Cards - Australia checklist. That checklist has greatly increased to include checklists for six different sets. Steve also provided some new scans and information for the Victorian Premium Suburban Film Stars set, including scans of two cards that were issued out of his grandfather's grocery store. I moved the Victorian Premium Suburban checklist from the Anonymous section to the Misc T-Z section. In the Misc A-B section, I added some new information and scans for the A&BC Film Stars (NO. 2 Series) set. Collector Richard Minns provided all the missing names for the Gold Dollar Filmbilder checklist in the German section. Richard also added many names to the Sarony Cinema Stars Postcards checklist. I added a scan of the Wills Film Favourites Four Aces back. In the American Assorted section, I added a new checklist for Mono Leading Actresses and Base Ball Players (T217). In the American Assorted section, collector Amit Benyovits provided some more names for the R96-3 Film Stars checklist. In the American Weight Machine section, collector David York provided a new scan for the Peerless Series C number 79 Charles Chaplin card. That same pose can also be found on a card numbered 57 in that set. I am starting to believe that every card in that set will be found with two different numbers. I also added three new cards to the Laurel and Hardy trading card tour. June 22, 2010: Lots of new checklists and checklist updates. Most of these are from two regular contributors, Richard Minns and Amit Benyovits. In the Anonymous (mostly BAT) section, I added 5 new sets including the following: BAT Cinema Stars, Set 9, BAT Cinema Stars, Set 10, BAT Cinema Stars, Set 11, BAT Eminent Film Personalities, and Anonymous Film Stars (Red Typewriter). In the Chile section, I added a new checklist for Chilena CCT B&W Serie A (96 Cards). In the Misc A-B section, there is a new checklist for Boys Cinema Famous Stars. In the Misc C-K section, there are new checklists for El Cine, Idolos Da Tela, and Peter Jackson Shots from the Films-Large. In the Misc L-M section, there is a new checklist for Lloyd Cinema Stars, 1st Series. In the Misc N-S section, there are new checklists for Sarony Cinema Stars Postcards and School Friend Famous Film Stars. In the Misc T-Z section, there is a new checklist for Walker Film Stars (48). In the German section, there are new checklists for Garbaty Buhnenstars und Autogramme and Lande Silk Film Stars. Richard Minns also provided pictures of the albums for 10 German sets and those are now posted for viewing. There are also many more checklist additions sprinkled throughout the checklists. May 26, 2010: In the Anonymous section, I added two sets from Greece. I think those are the first two Greek sets on the Moviecard Website. I named those Anonymous Film Stars (Greek Big 1950s) and Anonymous Film Stars (Greek 1960s). In the American Assorted section, I added new checklists for R95, Schonwasser Bathing Girls, and Screen Snappies. I added lots of updates to existing checklists from Richard Minns. Amit Benyovits provided a cool scan of the Nestle Stars of the Silver Screen, Volume 1 Spanish album cover. I also added a bunch of scans of movie star strip cards in the American Strip Cards section. May 22, 2010: Lots of help from many collectors for this update. I am very appreciative of all the help I've been getting, the checklists are really filling out nicely, with many completed recently and many new sets added. The checklists are an ongoing project that I've been working on for 15 years now and they are not even close to completion yet, even though there are about 1000 checklists on the site now. It is fun hearing from collectors all over the world. Here's what's new this time. Richard Minns continues to provide many updates to the checklists. He has added names for Hill Scenes From the Films (50), Theman Film Stars, Walker Film Stars, German Gold Dollar Filmbilder, and Anonymous Lilywhite. More new sets from Richard will be posted in a future update. Amit Benyovits has provided a scan of an ICA Film Stars Wrapper from Egypt, very nice to have out there. Mark Hellman has filled in all the missing names for Bat Modern Beauties Series 2 through 7. Hector Tejeda has provided information for some new sets from Chile as well as missing checklist information for a bunch of Chile sets. Gary May provided a scan of a Fachino Cinema Stars card with a Series of 50 back rather than the more common Series of 100 back. David York provided information for a new checklist for Jaime Boix Film Stars and checklist additions for some other sets. Dan Calandriello continues to provide tons of scans and information, most of which I still need to get out there on the site. I also added a new checklist for Albert Artistes de Cinema, which is also checklisted in the BAT section under BAT Cinema Artistes or Stars (B&W) Set 1, since this set was issued with three different backs. Apr 21, 2010: Added 16 new checklists, courtesy of Richard Minns. These checklists include Carreras Actress and their Pets, African Tobacco Cinema Artistes, Film Pictorial Film Stars (Silk), Hill Artistas Teatrais Portugueses, Hill Who's Who in British Films, Lloyd Cinema Stars 3rd Series, Modern Weekly Film Couples, Morris Film Star Series, Sinclair Film Stars (54), Singleton & Cole Famous Film Stars, Smart Novel Stage Artistes and Entertainers, Sociedade Colonial de Tabacos Limitada Cinema Stars, Themans Silk Film Stars, United Tobacco Companies Eminent Film Personalities, Westminster Film Favourites, and Anonymous Film Stars (Copyright Lilywhite). Richard also provided missing names to a bunch of other checklists. Amit Benyovits provided all the missing names for the Artistas Del Cine checklist. Pat Chiappetta found the last card to complete the American Weight Machine checklist for the Peerless Pat No. 1546553 set. Mar 4, 2010: Ove Carlson provided all the missing names to complete the checklist for the Dutch Serie A (B&W, Illustra) set in the Dutch Gum Cards section. I've added a bunch of new checklists for early 1930s card sets issued in Switzerland, including the following. In the Misc A-B section, Brunette Film Stars checklist added. In the Misc L-M section, Mahalla Die Schönsten Frauen der Welt and Muratti Film Stars checklists added. (Die Schönsten Frauen der Welt translates to "World's Most Beautiful Women.") In the Misc N-S section, added new checklists for Orienta Sahib Film Stars and So-So Film Stars. The So-So Film Stars checklist contains checklists for 3 different So-So sets. Feb 21, 2010: In the Misc N-S section, there is a new checklist for Schoolgirls Weekly Stars of the Silver Screen, which is really a checklist for three different Schoolgirls film star sets. There is also additional information and a complete checklist for Stjarnparaden Film Stars. Both of these contributions are from Amit Benyovits. David Elliott provided information for two new checklists in the Misc L-M section for McIntyre Bros. Film Artists Series 1 and 2. There is also a new checklist in the Chile Film Cards section for Chilena CCT Color Serie B (90 Cards) Film Stars. Otis Johnson has provided many new names to the Anon-Pull Here Movie Stars set which can be found in the American Assorted section. Feb 16, 2010: David Elliott from Australia has contributed a lot of new information about Australian movie cards. In the Misc A-B section, there is new information about an Australian version of Boys Cinema Film Stars (1931) and there is a new checklist for Brighton Theatre Film Scenes. In the Misc C-K secion, a new checklist was added for Fantales Movie Stars-Blue. In the Misc N-S section, new checklists were added for Odeon Theatres Film Stars, Pipers and Sunflakes Film Stars, and Sweetacres Jackie Cooper as "Skippy." Other Australian checklists have been updated with additions. Piet Gooijaers has provided a ton of new information about movie cards issued in the Netherlands and Belgium. 30 incomplete checklists on the Movie Card Website have been updated with new cards and information, with many of these checklists now being complete. Feb 11, 2010: In the American section, David York has provided new information on Lon Chaney cards sprinkled throughout the listings. In the Anonymous section, there is a new set called Anonymous Film Stars (MGM Stars - Czechoslavakia) which shows what I think is a complete checklist of a Czechoslavakian film stars set from the 1930s. In the Chile section, I added a bunch of new sets, including Artistas Bonitas de Hollysood 1a Serie, Aviles Film Stars Serie B, Nacional Film Stars Serie A, Nacional Film Stars Serie C, three sets of Trianon Film Stars (Cuarta Serie, Quinta Serie, Sexta Serie), and Chile Name in Box Film Stars. I also moved the two Mapocho y Julepe sets to this section (they were previously in the Misc N-S section). In the Misc A-B section, I created a new La Ambrosia Fotografia de los mas Populares Artistas de la Pantalla checklist (this checklist was previously in the Misc N-S section). In the Laurel and Hardy trading cards tour (found under the Links section) I added pictures of 7 new Laurel and Hardy cards. Jan 5, 2010: This update includes contributions that I have been accumulating for quite awhile and from a lot of different collectors around the world. One of the fun things about running the Movie Card Website is that I get to hear from and correspond with people from everywhere. Just this update includes contributions from collectors in Argentina, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Canada, and the USA. In the American Assorted section, a new checklist has been added for Quaker Die Cut Film Stars, thanks to Dan Calandriello. In the American Strip Cards section, a bunch of new names have been added to the Caption in Box Strip Cards, thanks to Marty Krim. In the Anonymous section, five new sets have been added, thanks to Pascal Matthys. Those include Anonymous Film Stars (Shirley Temple-Black Text Upper Case), Anonymous Film Stars (Shirley Temple-Blue Text Mixed Case), Anonymous Film Stars (Shirley Temple-Blue Text Upper Case), Anonymous Film Stars (De Privé-secretaresse), and Anonymous Film Stars (Grey Caption-Last Name Upper Case). In the German section, Ines Schulz went through all his sets and added a lot of additional names to 12 incomplete checklists. In the Misc C-K section, a new checklist has been started for ICA Artists Gum Film Stars, thanks to Mikael Hoffsten. In the Misc N-S section, some interesting album pictures have been added for the R-A Cigarillos Film Stars set, thanks to Juan Jose Ruiz. Many names have also been added to the Riquisimo Film Stars checklist, thanks to Juan. In the Dutch Gum Cards section, a new Dutch Numbered Set 10 has been added along with the Mazda Film Stars checklist, both thanks to Mikael Hoffsten. Dec 16, 2009: In the Misc C-K section, the Falcon Calvo checklists have been greatly improved, thanks to the help of Juan Jose Ruiz from Argentina. Juan is selling a large collection of cigarette cards of many subjects from Argentina and will sell them in groups of various sizes to accomodate any buyers. If you are interested in buying any cigarette cards from Argentina, he can be contacted by email at In the Anonymous section, the Anonymous Film Stars (Number in Star 1952 Series) checklist is now complete, thanks to Lance Anderson. Dec 11, 2009: Lots of people contributed to this update, lots of great new information added. In the American Assorted section, new checklists added for Felt Pennant Film Stars (BF2) and Silk Film Stars (S72-1). Those checklists are mainly the result of work by Dan Calandriello and Bob Forbes as well as many contributions by other collectors. Some additions to the Ghirardelli checklist also, thanks to Tom Boblitt. In the American Weight Machine cards section, Pat Chiappetta contributed some new names to the Peerless Series C set and the Pat No. 1546553 Set. In the Biscuit Cards section, a new checklist was added for Cathay Film Stars thanks to Amit Benyovits. In the Dinkie section, the Series 7 checklist is now complete thanks to Marc Newman. In the German section, a new checklist was added for Anonymous Film Stars (Bonanza- Bronco-Flipper) thanks to Mikael Hoffsten. In the Misc A-B section, a new checklist was added for African Consolidated Theatres Golden Jubilee Cinema Club, thanks to Amit Benyovits. In the Misc C-K section, a new checklist was added for Films and Fiction Hollywood Fortune-Telling Cards, again thanks to Amit Benyovits. In the Misc T-Z section, a new checklist was started for United Services Interesting Personalities thanks to Helen Lallo. A few other miscellaneous checklist additions were sprinkled in here and there also. Nov 24, 2009: Two new checklists added to the Chile section - Piccardo Fotografias de Escenas de Cine Serie A and B. Sep 18, 2009: New checklist added in the American Assorted section for Ridley's Screen Snappies. New checklist added in the Misc A-B section for Albert Film Stars (100). New checklist added in the Misc C-K section for Imperial Film Favourites. Some new cards were added to the Laurel and Hardy Trading Card Tour (found under the Links section). Sep 11, 2009: Lots of new cards have been added to the Chile checklists, including partial checklists for 5 new sets. If you haven't browsed the Chile listings, there are now 79 sets listed in this section, mostly from the 1930s, with a few from the 1920s. All of these sets feature Hollywood stars. There are a lot of interesting poses and film scenes in the cards from Chile. These are unique and seldom seen cards. Jun 24, 2009: Lots of collectors have helped with this latest update, it's great to get help from so many people to get the checklists as complete as possible. Amit Benyovits has sent all the missing names for the Ardath Photocards Series 12 checklist, so that one is now complete. Tracey Kersher has identified the actor on the example picture for the Anonymous Film Stars (No Name, Small Yellow Box) as Fredric March. Pascal Matthys has provided over 100 new names to the Belgian Gum Film Stars (Numbered, 2" x 2 11/16") checklist. Elvis Collector John Graham has provided additional names for the Vlinder Film Stars checklist. Frequent contributor Mikael Hoffsten has provided a scan of an uncut sheet for the Dutch Gum Cards Dutch Numbered Set 8. Ashley Phillips has added some new names to the Dutch Gum Serie F (Printed in Holland) set. Frequent contributor Bruce Parker has added some new names to the Dutch Gum Cards Unnumbered Small Text Centered set. Dan Calandriello has provided new information and scans for some American sets, including the Hollywood Star Stamps set and the Shelby Hollywood Picture Stars set. Dan also provided information for a new checklist for R96-3. Alex Tymchuk provided scans and checklist information for a new checklist in the German section called Kosmos Frauen-Schönheit und Anmut, which translates to Women of Beauty and Grace. Tony Sorsby has also contributed additional checklist information. Jun 15, 2009: In the Misc C-K section, I added many new scans of the cards from the Clinton Williams Scenes From Paramount Pictures set. These scans were provided by collector David Elliott. Cards from this set contain scenes of unidentified actors and actresses from unidentified movies. If the actors and movies are known, these have been filled in for the checklist. If you know any of the unknown information, please send it along. In the Misc N-S section, more information has been provided for the Sandorides Cinema Celebrities set. Collector Keith Pennington provided scans of a large version of these cards with a title of Cinema Stars and a back advertising Big Gun cigarettes. This set was issued in seven different ways, and all seven types are now identified in the checklist and two different types are pictured. Dec 10, 2008: Thanks to Dixie Lid collector extraordinaire Steve Leone, the American Dixie Lids checklists are now all complete. This is an area of the Moviecard Website that I've long wanted to improve, so I am very grateful to Steve for supplying the information needed for these checklists. Thanks to Dan Calandriello for giving me a push to get these done and for supplying lots of Dixie Lid scans. Amit Benyovits sent in scans of the Bridgewater 2nd Series album, so that is now available for all to see. Dec 2, 2008: Thanks to Amit Benyovits for providing complete details about the Serie CS set, which is a new checklist in the Dutch Gum Cards section. In the American Assorted section, I've added some new cards to the Anon-Film Stars (Charlie Chaplin) checklist, Royal Stars of the Movies, and Kromo Gravure Leading Moving Picture Stars. In the American Weight Machine Cards section, I've added new scans, new cards to the checklists, and added new backs to most of the sets listed. Added two new cards to the Laurel and Hardy trading card tour - Vlinder and Historia Del Cine Oliver Hardy. Nov 15, 2008: Thanks to Skip Rutherford for supplying all of the missing numbers to complete the Chile Okey Serie G checklist. Nov 15, 2008: Bob Richardson has contributed a ton of new information, mostly about scarce American sets. From Bob's contributions, there are new American Assorted section checklists for Hershey Our Gang, I-Car-De Mayonnaise Film Stars, Leather Film Stars, Mothers Bread Movie Star Postcards, Moviebook Corp. Film Stars, Pakas Stamps Film Stars, Weber Movie Stars, Wentz Stamps Film Stars, Anon-Film Stars (Charlie Chaplin), Anon-Diamond Bordered Film Stars, Anon-Film Stars (Janet Gaynor), Anon-Film Stars (Hope Hampton), Anon-Film Stars (Thomas Meighan #28), Anon-Film Stars (Mary Pickford), and Anon-Film Stars (Jane Withers). In the American Theaters section, there are new checklists for Firemens Auditorium and Keith's Harlem Opera House Movie Star Postcards. In the Misc C-K section, there is a new checklist for Indo Egyptian Film Stars (OMBI). In the Misc T-Z section, there is a new checklist for Willards Film Stars (V104). Frequent contributor Bruce Parker sent in a bunch of additions to existing checklists and those are now sprinkled throughout the checklists. Oct 20, 2008: Lots of new checklists courtesy of Mikael Hoffsten. In the Dutch Gum Cards section, new sets include Serie MLH (which has back text for Cowboy Chewing Gum) and Desco Holland. For Serie H, a new back is shown for REA Sweets. For Starbilder C, a variation card for card #105 is shown. In the Anonymous section, 4 new checklists have been added, including Anonymous Film Stars (Sterling Hayden in "Johnny Guitar"), Anonymous Film Stars (Allan Ladd #14), Anonymous Film Stars (Kenny Duncan #16), and Anonymous Film Stars (John Wayne #84). In the Miscellaneous (A-B) section, the Ami-Rose checklist was added. In the Miscellaneous (C-K) section, the Imperial Krsko Film Stars checklist was added. I believe this is the first checklist on the Moviecard Website for a card set issued in Croatia. In the Miscellaneous (L-M) section, the Milou Film Stars checklist was added. In the Miscellaneous (T-Z) section, the Terrabusi Cine checklist was added. In the German section, the Karmitri Filmsterne checklist was added, and the Anonymous Film Stars (Das War Buffalo Bill) checklist was added. July 31, 2008: No new checklists added this time, but updates to lots of sets thanks to some generous contributors. Tom Patrie continues to send new pictures for the R96 set in the American Assorted section. Tom has the majority of the cards from this elusive set and has been very generous in scanning these and sharing the images. Collector Bob Richardson has added a lot of great checklist information for some difficult sets, including the following sets from the American Assorted section - American Caramel Movie Actors and Actresses (E123), Banquet Movie Picture Stars, Drake's Cake Film Stars, Fatima Photoplay Stars (T222), Hoffman Paramount Series, Simmen's Model Bakery Film Stars. Bob has also added checklist information for the Fancy Frame Strip Cards and Film Frame Strip Cards sets, both listed in the American Strip Cards section. Hall of Fame contributor Dan Calandriello has added more stamps to the Seein' Stars Movie Star Stamps checklist. The Seein' Stars checklist was already completely the work of Dan, and now it is even closer to completion. July 17, 2008: In the American Assorted section, I added a lot of new information for the R96 set, courtesy of collector Tom Patrie. Tom sent a detailed list of most of the films listed on the cards. This is important information, since there are variations of some of the cards and the films help tell the difference between them in some cases. It is also important information because there is a Canadian version of these cards (O-Pee-Chee Film Stars) with different films listed in some of the captions. July 3, 2008: In the American Assorted section, I added pictures for a lot more of the Kromo Gravure white bordered cards. May 14, 2008: In the American Assorted section, I added a new checklist for Fatima Photoplay Stars (T222), thanks to Keith O'Leary's assistance. I also added some more cards to the Kromo Gravure checklist and added a picture of a Bowman 1948 uncut sheet. In the Misc A-B section, there is a new checklist for Alfa Filmkolaskylt 26, a 1941 set from Sweden - thanks to Mikael Hoffsten for this. There is also a new checklist for Barratt Film Stars 1930s. In the Misc C-K section, there is a new checklist for Caley Film Stars. Some new cards were also added to the checklist for Falcon Calvo Estrellas De Cine. In the Misc N-S section, Mikael Hoffsten provided information for a new checklist for the OK's Big Bub Bubble Gum Film Stars set. There is also a new checklist for R-A Cigarillos Film Stars and a new checklist for Riquisimo Film Stars. In the Dutch Gum Cards section, Mikael Hoffsten provided information for a new checklist for the Hellas High Chaparral set. May 9, 2008: Collector Bo Hafström from Sweden provided cards to start checklists for several new Swedish sets. On the Anonymous list, there is a new checklist for Anonymous Film Stars (Bessie Love - Sweden), with the card provided by Bo. On the Misc C-K list, there are new sets for Ebe Goldfilm Film Stars and Einar Ahlström Goldfilm Film Stars, with cards provided by Bo. The Misc C-K list also contains a new checklist for Clinton Williams Scenes From Paramount Pictures, a set issued in Australia. The Clinton Williams set shows film scenes with no identification of the film or stars. I have seven cards pictured in that checklist, with only 2 films identified. If there are any film detectives out there, I would welcome any help with the rest of the identifications for that set. Bo also provided a new Farris large card for inclusion in the checklists. On the Misc N-S list, Bo provided a card to start a new checklist for Pix Film Stars. Swedish collector Mikael Hoffsten provided a sample album page from the Stjarnparaden Film Stars set and additional checklist information for that set. The Dutch Gum card checklists continue to progress with the help of Bo and Mikael and other collectors as well. I added a picture of a card sheet that shows cards from the Dutch Ab Set, B Set, C Set, D Set, E Set, and F Set all on the same sheet. The picture can be seen from a link from any of those checklists. I added a new checklist to the Dutch Gum cards section, which I named Unnumbered Set 5. Mikael also provided an unopened package of cards which I think is from the Dutch High Numbers set, and I have pictured the package with that checklist. I also added a new checklist to the American Strip Cards section - Wild Colors Playing Cards Strip Cards and added some new information for the Caption in Box Strip Cards set. Three new cards were also added to the Laurel and Hardy Card Tour (found under links). May 2, 2008: Bruce Parker has been very generous in sending lots of new scans of German sets. As a result, new checklists are now shown for Austria Bunte Filmbilder 1st Series, Constantin Bunten Filmbilder, Garbaty Film-Lieblinge, Jasmatzi Ramses Filmbilder 545-816, Kosmos Film-Photos Serie 2, Orienta Bunte Filmbilder Second Series, and Zuban Bunte Filmbilder Second Series. In addition, Bruce has also supplied some new scans that have been sprinkled into the checklists of some other sets that are already there, including an interesting variation for card number 50 Douglas Fairbanks of the Josetti Filmbilder 1-272 set. May 1, 2008: I updated the majority of the checklists in the Dutch Gum Cards section. Hundreds of new cards were added to the checklists, and most of the checklists in this section are now complete or close to being complete. This huge amount of new information was provided by Swedish collector Mikael Hoffsten, a great friend to the Moviecard Website and a tireless contributor of new information. Apr 12, 2008: Collector Ulf Östlund from Sweden provided all the numbers needed to complete the checklists in the Dutch Gum Cards section for Serie H, Serie S, and Serie T. Apr 11, 2008: I updated a bunch of checklists in the German and Dutch Gum sections. These updates came from Kees Kleihues. Kees has an outstanding website which shows pictures in high resolution of tons of movie cards, mostly from Germany. I have added a link to his website in my Links section. Apr 4, 2008: A new high number card was added to the American E123 checklist (#137 Constance Binney), courtesy of Marci Kennedy. Lots of new Exhibit information was added, mostly courtesy of Exhibit collector Otis Johnson. Otis provided information for the Exhibit Gene Autry set, including pictures of all the cards in the set. Otis added information to complete the checklist for Exhibit Blue (Made in U.S.A.) 13 mm Set, which Exhibit called Popular Cowgirls. Otis also provided information to complete the Exhibit Brown 4-in-1 (MADE IN U.S.A) 11 mm Set and provided info on the last card to complete the checklist for the Exhibit BW (Printed in U.S.A.) set. Otis also provided additional information about the Mutoscope Brown Postcards set, as well as providing scans of the front and back of a very interesting Exhibit advertising flyer from 1956. Scott Mt. Joy also helped with Exhibit information, completing the checklist for the Exhibit BW (Printed in U.S.A) 17 mm Set (1950s). Adam Warshaw provided a scan of the Bob Steele portrait card from the Cutout Head Strip cards, the only card that wasn't previously pictured for that set. Frequent contributor Mikael Hoffsten from Sweden provided new information about the Dutch Gum Cards Serie FA, including a picture of an original packet used for these cards. Roger Mitchell provided information to start two new German checklists, Gebrüder Haas 96 Filmbilder and Trumpf Durch Alle Welt. Linda Fitak provided information for a new checklist for the German Lande Abbildungen Der Prominentesten u. Aktuellsten Filmkünstler set. Linda also provided various additions to many other checklists. Bo Hafstrom from Sweden provided new information about the ROSS Film Stars set, including a picture of an original packet that these cards were sold in. Bo also provided some cards for some new checklists that I'll get to in the next update. Mar 5, 2008: New checklists started for Peter Jackson Stars in Famous Films and Shirley's Gum Film Stars. Both of these checklists along with other assorted checklist updates were provided by collector Bruce Parker. Dan Calandriello provided new scans and information for the Cutout Head Strip Cards from the American Strip Cards section. A picture of a Cuban back for the American Caramel E124 set has been put up. Quite a few checklist additions for the Dutch Gum Cards have been added, including a complete list for the last series in the Val Gum Film Stars set, provided by Charles Tedesco. New links have been added to a Truus Van Aalten website and a Fred MacMurray website. Nov 10, 2007: New checklists provided for Allen's QT Fruit Drops Film Stars and La Abrosia Film Stars in the Misc A-B section. New checklist provided for Gener A Que Cambiar de Esposa, which is a Cuban set showing scenes from the 1922 Gloria Swanson film "Why Change Your Wife?" Also a new checklist for Independencia Film Stars. Both the Gener and Independencia sets are in the Misc C-K section. There is a new checklist for the Movie-Land Keeno set in the American Assorted section. Movie-Land Keeno is a game that has a group of movie star cards included. All the Movie-Land Keeno information was provided by Dan Calandriello. A few other checklist additions have been sprinkled in. Oct 17, 2007: Mikael Hoffsten from Sweden provided information for five new checklists, as follows. A new checklist was added to the Misc A-B section for Belgian Gum Film Stars Magic Photos. A new checklist was added to the Misc N-S section for Stjarnparaden Film Stars - 3 Card Strips. Three new checklists were added to the Anonymous Movie Star Card Sets section, including Anonymous Film Stars (Dutch Big B&W), Anonymous Film Stars (Dutch Medium B&W), and Anonymous Film Stars (German Big B&W). Oct 16, 2007: I added some interesting information to the Topps Hocus Focus set in the American Assorted section, including pictures of an original display box with these cards and an article that came out about them when they were released. Also pictures of all the movie stars in the set. Thanks to Dan Calandriello for providing this information. I also updated the Wild Colors Strip Cards set in the American Strip Cards section to include pictures of a lot of the cards in that set. I also added pictures of two more Laurel and Hardy cards to the Laurel and Hardy card tour (check the links to take this tour). Oct 11, 2007: I added a new checklist to the Anonymous Movie Star section - Anonymous Film Stars (Borders Like E123). I added a new checklist to the American Assorted section - Anon-Save This Photo and Letter Film Stars. I added a new checklist to the American Strip Cards section - Film Frame Strip Cards. I added a lot of information to the Cutout Head Strip Cards checklist in the American Strip Cards section, including new scans and information provided by Dan Calandriello and scans of all the known cards in the set including many variations. The Abdulla Cinema Stars (Hand Coloured-32) checklist in the Misc A-B section is now complete, thanks to Lee Towersey. The Aurelia Sultan Filmsterne checklist in the German section is now almost complete, thanks to Keith Pennington. There are still 16 missing cards in the checklist for this set, so if you have these, please email me the information so this set can be completed. July 6, 2007: I added two new checklists to the Anonymous checklist section. These include Anonymous Film Stars (Australian Hand Numbered) and Anonymous Film Stars (Sweden Small B&W). Mikael Hoffsten from Sweden graciously supplied me with sample cards and information for the Sweden set. June 13, 2007: Dan Calandriello provided many checklist additions to the Seein' Stars checklist in the American Assorted section. I moved the Hollywood Star Stamps checklist from the Misc C-K section to the American Assorted section, since this was a USA issue. I added some interesting information to the Crawford Theatre set in the American Movie Theatre section, provided by Sylvia Beadnell. June 7, 2007: I added 4 new checklists to the Anonymous section. These are Anonymous Film Stars (Buddy Ebsen), Anon - TV & Film Stars (Spanish 1970), Anonymous Film Stars (Connie Stevens), and Anonymous Film Stars (2 Stars on Front - Name and Studio Logo on Back). I added the Bruguera Todo checklist to the Misc A-B section. I made 4 updates to the Misc C-K section, including new checklists for Figuras De La TV and Kiskimaarin 50 Tulitikkua Movie Posters, and updated the checklists for Gallina Blanca Estrellas de la Pantalla and Hollywood Starstamps. In the Misc T-Z section, I added checklists for Les Vedettes Mondiales Du Cinema and TV Stars (a Spanish set), and added a few cards to the checklist for Victoria Vedetten Parade. In the Modern section, I added a checklist for Calendar 2000 Spain Movie Stars. I also recently did some updates to the American Assorted section, where I added a checklist for R63 Guess Who and updated the checklists or pictures for General Gum Movie Stars, T86 Movie Stars, R133 and R134. Dan Calandriello provided most of the information for these updates. In the Misc N-S section, I added pictures for about a dozen more cards in the O-Pee-Chee Film Stars set. That is an interesting set because it mirrors the American R96 set, but usually with different captions that mention later movies. For example the Judy Garland card shows the same picture for both sets, but has a caption for "Love Finds Andy Hardy" in R96 and a caption for "The Wizard of Oz" in the O-Pee-Chee set. May 4, 2007: I added a new checklist to the American Assorted section for American Caramel Movie Actors and Actresses (Late 1920s). This set is very similar in appearance to the E124 American Caramel set, but was issued several years later. I moved two cards that I previously had listed under E124 over to this new checklist, as that is where they belong. I added a new back to the Peerless Cloudy (Studio in Script) set found under the American Weight Machine Cards section. The new back shows poker hands. I changed the date for BAT Cinema Artistes or Stars (B&W) Set 1 (found under the Anonymous section) to 1932. It was previously listed as 1928, but that was corrected by Laura McCullough who noticed that Greta Garbo's photo from the set showed her in the film Mata Hari, a late 1931 release. Further confirmation for the date change comes from the fact that Spanky is in this set, and he wasn't even born until 1928, making a 1928 date for this set impossible, but further confirming a date of 1932 or later. A new checklist was added in the Misc C-K section for De Film Film Stars. Apr 5, 2007: Several new checklists have been added to the American Exhibit Cards section recently. Thanks to Dan Calandriello for helping with these checklists. Two new sets have been added to the Misc N-s section, Stens Film Stars and Stjarnparaden Film Stars. Information for both of those sets was provided by Mikael Hoffsten. Mikael also provided some additional information for the Anonymous P Set (located in the Anonymous section). Some new information was added to the Hollywood Star Stamps section, courtesy of Ken Rozek. I also added scans for most of the cards in the Favorite Theater set (located in the American Theater cards section). I'm also planning to add more scans for the Kromo Gravure cards soon. For the School of Dancing Joy Amsterdam set (located in the Misc N-S section), I discovered that those cards were issued with two different back types, one with blue ink and English and German text, the other with black ink and Dutch and French text. I added scans of sample backs for both types. New information was added for the ABC Film Stars (1948) set, including scans of all of the cards in the set. That's a very interesting set, with the earliest Three Stooges card that I know of included in the set, among other interesting cards. New information was recently added for the Bowman 1948 Movie Stars set (American section), provided by Mark Hellman. Mark has also recently provided me with some very interesting Kromo Gravure information, and I hope to add that soon. Thanks to all who have contributed information recently, the checklists and other information on this website continue to become more complete thanks to your contributions. Dec 1, 2006: Three new checklists have been added for the following sets - Cigarros Gener Film Stars in the Misc C-K section, Anonymous Film Stars (Dutch Gum Style-NZ) in the Anonymous section, and Greetings Green Tint Film Stars in the Biscuit section. These are all partial checklists, just to get these sets started. If anyone else has additions to these lists, email them over to me so I can get these checklists more complete. I have been adding a lot of pictures to create picture checklists for some sets, particularly those sets that are hard to list just with text alone. For example, unnumbered sets with multiple pictures of the same stars are very difficult to checklist with text alone. Also, sets that contain multiple cards for the same numbers are difficult to checklist. I am now creating picture checklists for many of the Biscuit card sets, some of the American Strip Card sets, and some of the American Weight Machine sets. I often add pictures without mentioning this in the What's New section. Here are some sets that I've added pictures for recently - American Kromo Gravure, American Strip Card set W511, American Weight Machine sets, and some Biscuit card sets. Dec 7, 2005: Mikael Hoffsten from Sweden has supplied me with a ton of great new information about the Dutch Gum cards. These movie cards were huge in Sweden and The Netherlands in the 1950s and 1960s and there are a lot of avid collectors in those countries. New Dutch Gum sets added include the Number in Black Square set and the Dutch Serie (1/72) set. Also, some very interesting information added to the Unnumbered Studio Set 2 (Autografbilder) set, including a Kellogg's back for those cards and information about a Swedish movie that was made with those cards as a central theme. Some other miscellaneous checklist additions have also been added throughout the site. Nov 11, 2005: Lots of checklist additions and some new checklists in the Dutch Gum Cards section. Special thanks for Mikael Hoffsten from Sweden for most of this new information. In the American Weight Machine cards section, the checklist for the Peerless B Set is now complete. Thanks to Robert Shaw for providing all the missing names. I added pictures of lots of variations in the German Josetti Filmbilder 1-272 set - take a look at those, they are very interesting. In the Tobacco Products Corp. Strollers cigarette movie card checklist I added a picture of a newspaper ad for that set. Now there are 2 different ads there, take a look at them, they are very fun to see. Thanks to frequent contributor Bobby Burrell for those ads. Thanks also to everyone else who has been sending me new information, including Dan Calandriello and Lee Barrie. I still have some great new information from those two gentlemen to post, so hopefully I'll get those up in the next few days. Oct 13, 2005: I continue to add new checklists, new pictures, and additions to existing checklists on a regular basis. I don't always get around to updating this section when I add something new, so keep looking around at checklists of interest and you might see something new pop up from time to time. This time I have added a new checklist in the Anonymous section for Anonymous Film Stars (Italy-Red Border Number in Circle). Also a new checklist in the Misc A-B section for Artisti Del Cinema, an Italian set. Also a new checklist in the American Exhibit section for Exhibit Movie Stamp Pictures, with most of the information and pictures provided by Dan Calandriello for that set. I also added some pictures to the German Josetti Filmbilder 1-272 set to show cropping variations for some of the cards. I think all of the cards in that set can probably be found with minor cropping changes and other minor differences. I also added cards to some existing checklists including Dutch Serie S, Dutch H Set, Dutch Starbilder C, American Helmar Stamp Actresses, and American Weight Machine Cards Peerless B Set. Aug 2, 2005: I added a picture of a Strollers Album to the American Strollers checklist. I added a picture of a Telfer Biscuit Suzanna Album. I added pictures of a Bunte Filmbilder Album for both Series 1 and Series 2 in the German section. The checklist for the German Reemtsma Vom Werden Deutscher Filmkunst, Der Tonfilm set is now complete, along with a picture of that Album cover. I added a new checklist for Godfrey Phillips British Beauties (54) to the Godfrey Phillips section. I added a new checklist for Imperial Famous English Actresses to the Misc C-K section. I added a new checklist for Sinclair Radio Favourites to the Misc N-S section. Jul 6, 2005: I added two new checklists to the American Theater section, for the Crawford Theater and the Kinema Theatre. In the Anonymous section, I added a checklist for the Anonymous Film Stars (Victorian Premium Suburban) set. I moved the ARS Gratia Artis set from the Misc A-B section to the Misc C-K section and renamed it Film Fantasy Card Game. That checklist is now complete with a picture of the box and the rules of the game. In the Misc C-K section, I also added checklists for Fantales Movie Stars and Home Mirror Cinema Stars. In the Misc L-M section, I added a checklist for Murillo Cigar Bands Film Stars. In the Wills section, I added a checklist for Wills Actresses (Red Background), a set from the first decade of the 20th Century. In the Modern section, I added a checklist for Smash Hits Swap Cards. Jun 28, 2005: I added more content to the Vlinder checklist, adding a checklist and some pictures of the large Vlinder labels that were used on packages of the Vlinder match boxes. I moved two anonymous checklists from the German section to the Anonymous section and added a new checklist to the Anonymous section called Anonymous Film Stars (English-Dutch Song Lyrics). That's kind of an odd set, showing a film star on the front and song lyrics on the back in two languages. Most of the missing numbers for the German Josetti Filmbilder 545-816 set have been filled in, courtesy of Chris Ring. For the American set Mickey Mouse and the Movie Stars, Dan Calandriello provided identifications for all of the missing actors in this set. Some are difficult to identify because the cards don't say who they are, they just give clues to their identities. The pictures are caricatures of the stars, so that also makes identification a bit more difficult. Dan has also just created his own web page for this set with pictures of all the cards and a picture of the wrapper for this rare set. I also added new checklists for Clevedon Film Stars and Dos Amigos Artistas De Cine in the Misc C-K section. The Clevedon set contains a Lucille Ball card. Lucy is not in too many sets and is always in high demand. It also contains an early Leslie Nielson card, a star who is not on very many cards at all. The Dos Amigos set is a 1930s cigarette card set from Argentina. I think that is the first set from Argentina on the Movie Card Website, though there was at least one other movie card set from that country. I also added some more names and pictures of weight machine cards to the Weight Machine Card checklists in the American section. I also recently revamped the Biscuit card section, with more checklists and pictures. I still have a backlog of additional information to post, I'll get to it all soon. Thanks to everyone for continuing to send in more information, keep it coming! Mar 15, 2005: I recently revamped the Vlinder checklist, to add hundreds of cards. The Kromo Gravure checklist in the American Assorted section has been updated, but there is still more work to be done in that interesting checklist. Let me hear from you if you have anything to add to this checklist. I added a new checklist to the American Assorted section for Anon-Pull Here Film Stars. I added two new checklists to the Dutch Gum Cards section, for two different large unnumbered sets. I updated the Tobacco Products Large checklist and now show pictures of four different back styles. There might be more than that. If you can add info for this set, I would like to hear about it. Jun 28, 2004: I made lots of changes and additions to the Exhibit Cards section in the American section. Mar 26, 2004: I continue to add checklists and checklist additions on a regular basis. Some of the recent additions include a new checklist for Godfrey Phillips Film Star Postcards (Series 1), many additions to the Athanassacopoulo Toccos Film Stars set from Egypt (many more are needed, so if you have additions, send them to me), more American weight machine card checklist additions and pictures, including a picture of a weight machine. I also added pictures of a bunch of variations from sets such as Greetings, De Beukelaer, Godfrey Phillips Shots from the Films, Player Film Stars 1st Series, Gallaher Shots from Famous Films, and Carreras Famous Film Stars. Also a new Tichnor checklist for American Postcards of Movie Star Homes. Also a very early checklist from 1911 for a set called Vitagraph Players in the American Assorted section. Two new German checklists, for Aurelia Filmbilder and Jasmatzi Hansom Filmbilder Serie 6, courtesy of frequent contributor Laura McCullough. Many new Swedish chocolate movie star checklists from contributor Bo Hafstrom in Sweden. I usually add something just about every week, even if I don't mention it here. I just counted up the checklists and there are now 866 different checklists on the site. Jan 13, 2004: Many new checklists have been added and many updates have been made to existing checklists since my last entry here. I haven't kept this section updated very well lately, but I have continued to add content to the website. If you have any checklist information to add, let me know as I always appreciate additions from anyone. Jan 7, 2003: I added two new checklists, compliments of Maurice Kirman. These are Simonets Famous Actors & Actresses and Hill Cinema celebrities (Spinet). Mr. Kirman also provided a picture of two different Rudolf Valentino variations for the Societe Job Cinema stars set, now pictured on the site. Nov 7, 2002: I have been adding a lot of new checklists lately, scattered throughout the site. I also often make additions to the checklists already there as I find out about more cards. Email me if you can add any information, this checklist information is for everyone and it would be nice to make it as complete as possible. Oct 21, 2001: Added Amatller Artistas de Cine Humoristica set to the Misc A-B section, added El Capitan Shadow of the Eagle set and Orpheum Theatre Film Stars set to the American Theatre cards section. Oct 8, 2001: Added Henry Clay and Bock Sherlock Holmes Serie and El Credito Famosos Artistas De Cine sets to Misc C-K section. Both of these sets were issued in Cuba. Aug 31, 2001: Added many new sets to the Dutch Gum Cards section. The sets I added were issued in Sweden, but may also have been issued in other countries. Aug 1, 2001: Added a bunch of checklists for movie star cigarette cards issued in Malta. These include Atlam Celebrities, Camilleri Film Stars, Cousis Film Stars, Omega Film Stars, Scerri Cinema Artists, Scerri Cinema Stars, Scerri Film Stars First and Second Serie), Scerri Scenes From Films, and Scerri Talkie Stars. Jun 20, 2001: Added Anon-Square Brown Border Film Stars checklist to American Assorted section. Added School of Dancing Joy Amsterdam set to Misc A-S section. There are now over 700 movie star card checklists on the Movie Card Website. Most of these checklists are not published anywhere else. Jun 13, 2001: Added R96 (Aquatoned in U.S.A.) checklist to American section. Apr 18, 2001: Added two Laferme sets from Estonia. These are cigarette sets, which are covered extensively in the World Index books issued by the Cartophilic Society of Great Britain. Though I haven't seen the newest World Index books which just came out, I don't believe these sets were listed in Volumes I-IV of the old World Index. Also added Athanassacopolous Toccos 501-1300 Film Stars set (Egypt) to Misc A-B section. Apr 13, 2001: Added Anonymous Film Stars (Italy-Film Frame Border), Anonymous Film Stars (Italy-Sza Sza Gabor #48), Anonymous Film Stars (Laraine Day) checklists to Anonymous (Mostly BAT) Section. Added Vietata Film Stars and Zano Film Stars checklists to the Misc T-Z Section. Apr 12, 2001: Added 5 new Italian checklists to the Misc C-K section. These are Calzados Film Stars, Dolcificio Lombardo Film Stars, ILLM 20th Century Fox Film Stars, ILLM Sportivi, and Kelly Film Stars. Apr 11, 2001: Added Garbaty Galerie Schoner-Frauen Des Films and Garbaty Moderne Schonheitsgalerie, Second Series checklist to the German section. The Garbaty sets are the most beautiful movie star sets ever made, in my opinion. Added 4a Serie checklist to the Chile section. Apr 4, 2001: Added 4 new Millhoff checklists to the Misc L-M section. These checklists are for scarce sets issued in the Netherlands by Millhoff. Also added Liba Film Stars checklist to Misc L-M section. Mar 26, 2001: Added two new checklists to the German section - Anonymous Film Stars (German-English Text) and Anonymous Films Stars (German-French Text). Mar 20, 2001: Added Henry Clay and Bock Film Stars (Cuba) and Diaz Film Stars (Cuba) to the Misc C-K section. Added Dutch 200 Set and Dutch Postcard set to the Dutch Gum Card Checklists section. Mar 2, 2001: Added 3 new checklists to the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) section. These include Anonymous Film Stars (Large-Johnny Walker), Anonymous Film Stars (ZJ4-11 Group 3A), and Anonymous Film Stars (Ricardo Montalban- Slanted Text). Added Amalgamated Press Film Fun-1940s checklist to the Misc A-B section. Added Guillen Escenas Selectas de Cinematografia checklist to the Misc C-K section. Feb 23, 2001: Added Montgeny Film Scenes checklist to Misc L-M section. Hoffman Paramount Series set added to the American Assorted section. Feb 16, 2001: Added 6 new checklists to the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) section. Dec 22, 2000: Added Pidan Film Stars Serie A-Z to the Misc N-Z section. Added Kosmos Film-Photo Serie 1 set and Manoli Film Photos Series 505-672 set to the German section. Added Ardath Photocards Series 2 checklist to the Ardath section. Added Artistas De La Pantalla set and Brugal Film Stars set to Misc A-B section. Dec 6, 2000: Added nine new checklists, mostly for sets issued in Spain. Added Anonymous Film Stars (Gertrude Michael #27) set, Anonymous Film Stars (Red Number) set, and Anonymous Film Stars (Yellow-Fancy Borders) set to the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) section. Added Artistas de Cine - 132 Cromos set to the Misc A-B section. Added Milliat Freres Les Artistes de Cinema set to the Misc L-M section. Added Nestle Film Stars (Spain-B&W) set and Super Cigarrillos Famosas Celebridades del Cine set to the Misc N-S section. Added Zaragoza Spanish Weight Machine Film Stars set to the Misc T-Z section. Added Anon-Purple Film Stars set to the American Assorted section. Dec 1, 2000: Added J. Wix Scenes from Famous Films Third Series checklist to the Misc T-Z section. There are now approximately 660 different movie star card set checklists on the Movie Card Website. Nov 29, 2000: Added Mother Productions The Hollywood Dead checklist to the Modern section. This is an unusual set in that it shows the graves of the stars. Nov 27, 2000: Added Amalgamated Press Film Fun set to Misc A-B section. Nov 22, 2000: Added a massive new section about Chile movie star cards. Chile issued at least 69 movie star sets in the 1930s, and these are listed. Cards from South America are elusive, and any help in completing these checklists would be most appreciated. Oct 18, 2000: Added Anonymous Film Stars (Text in Black Rectangle) set to the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) checklist section. Oct 4, 2000: Moved the Anon-International Rounded Corners set to the Dutch Film Stars section and renamed it Maple Leaf Film Stars (International Rounded Corners). Sep 21, 2000: Added York Stars of the Movies set to the American Assorted section. Added four new sets to the German section, including Bulgaria Bunten Filmbilder, Constantin Goldfilm Serie 1 and 2, And Massary Caid Bunte Filmbilder, 2nd Series. Aug 3, 2000: Added German Serie B set to the Dutch Gum Cards section. Although this set was clearly issued in Germany, it looks like the Dutch Gum Card sets and the design probably originated there. July 25, 2000: Added La Novela Feminina Cinematografica and La Novela Semanal Cinematografica checklists to Misc N-S section. July 20, 2000: Added Farris Film Stars to Misc C-K section. Added Mazetti Film Stars to Misc L-M section. Added Anonymous Film Stars (Australia-1933) and Anonymous Film Stars (Blue Number) to Anonymous (Mostly BAT) Section. July 19, 2000: Added Amatller Colecciones Amatller set to Misc A-B section. Added five Juncosa checklists to the Misc C-K section. July 12, 2000: Added two Bruguera sets to the Misc A-B section. Added Foto-Pelicula set to the Misc C-K section. Added Exhibit Purple Cowboy set to Exhibit checklist in American section. Added Western Movie Stars Homes-Small set to Movie Stars Homes Postcards checklists in American section. July 11, 2000: Added Talk to Texaco set to the Modern section. June 21, 2000: Added 2 new Belgian Gum Film Stars checklists to the Misc A-B section and modified all Belgian Gum listings to make them easier to identify. June 20, 2000: Added seven checklists to the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) checklists, all anonymous sets issued in the small country of Malta. June 14, 2000: Added Mundial Film Stars Serie V set to the Misc L-M section. June 13, 2000: Added four new Spanish card checklists to the Misc N-S section. These include Nuria Film Stars Serie M, Eduardo Pi Artistas De Cine Serie 4a, Pidan Film Stars, and Riucord Galleria Cinematografica Serie A. Also added two new Guillen checklists to the Misc C-K section. June 8, 2000: Added four new Spanish card checklists to the Misc C-K section. These include Enciclopedia Cultural de "Chicos", Gallina Blanca Estrallas de la Pantalla, Glorias Del Cine, and Guillen Film Stars (Small). Added Anonymous Film Stars (Bud Abbott) set to the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) section. June 7, 2000: Added Lyons Maid Famous People set to Misc L-M section. Added Schonwasser Film Stars set and Strollers Film Stars (Large) T83-2 set to the American Assorted section. May 30, 2000: Added Anonymous (Number in Star) set to the Anonymous (Mostly (BAT) section. May 26, 2000: Added 7 new checklists to the American Exhibit section. May 9, 2000: Added Anon-Biscuit Style (Joan Leslie) set to the Biscuit Cards section. Added Aurelia Sultan Film u. Sport im Buntbild set and Batschari Mercedes Aus Tonenden Filmen Filmserie 4 set to the German section. May 1, 2000: Added Hellas Tietokilpa set to Dutch Gum Cards section. Updated checklists for many of the Hellas sets. Updated BAT Cinema Artistes checklist in the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) Section to include cards #51-100 which can only be found with Finnish/ Swedish text backs, and included a picture of one of the Finnish/Swedish text back versions. Apr 28, 2000: Added three new checklists to the Mystery Sets section of the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) section. These checklists are Anonymous Film Stars (Robert Taylor #49), Anonymous Film Stars (Claudia Cardinale #78), and Anonymous Film Stars (Jean-Claude Brialy #90). There are quite a few sets in the Mystery Sets section - if any of you out there are card detectives, take a look at these sets and see if you can identify any of them for me. Apr 27, 2000: Added Mickey Mouse with the Movie Stars and Series of 96 checklists to the American Assorted section. Apr 25, 2000: Added Hjemmets Favoritserie 1957 checklist to Misc C-K section. Apr 24, 2000: Added Egyptian Oasis Moving Picture Stars (T86) checklist to the American Assorted section. Apr 20, 2000: Added A.L.I. Film Stars and ARS Gratia Artis Movies checklists to Misc A-B section. Apr 19, 2000: Added Serie N set to the Dutch Gum Cards checklists. Added Neilson's Movie Actors and Actesses in their Famous Characters set to the Misc N-S checklist section. Apr 17, 2000: Added Reemtsma Vom Werden Deutscher Filmkunst, Der Tonfilm and Star Parade checklists to the German section. Apr 14, 2000: Added a checklist for Wills Stage and Music Hall Celebrites set to the Wills section. This is an Australian set issued in about 1904, making it the earliest set checklisted on the Movie Card Website. Apr 13, 2000: Added W538 Film Stars Strip Cards checklist to the American Strip Cards section. Added some new information on the W511 Strip Card set. Apr 12, 2000: Added Anonymous Reverse Transfers and Anonymous Film Stars (Lana Turner #36) to the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) checklist section. Added Serie Cinematografico checklist to Misc C-K section. Added Anon-Write Movie Star's Name Here checklist to the American Assorted section. Apr 11, 2000: Added Anon-Tiny Perforated Film Stars checklist to the American Assorted section. Apr 6, 2000: Added Caramelos Estampas Cine Serie C and Serie H checklists to the Misc C-K section. Apr 5, 2000: Added four new Australian Licorice checklists to the Misc A-B section, including Film Stars - Brown 1st and 2nd, Popular Recording Stars, and Shirley Temple Jane Withers Dimples sets. Also added Schuh Cinema Stars (Color) checklist to the Misc N-S section. Mar 31, 2000: Added Foto Carnet and Famosas Estrellas De La Pantalla checklists to the Misc C-K section. Mar 24, 2000: Added Times Roy Rogers In Old Amarillo, Times Roy Rogers South of Caliente checklists to Misc T-Z section. Added Obsequio Fotografia de los mas Populares Artistas de la Pantalla (Cuba) checklist to the Misc N-S section. Mar 15, 2000: Added BAT Beauties, Series 2 and Series 3 checklists to the BAT section. Added Anonymous Cinema Stars (Maurice Chevalier) set to the Mystery Sets section of the BAT section. Feb 23, 2000: Added Tucketts Photos of Film Stars checklist to Misc T-Z section. Feb 8, 2000: Added Elefante Blanco Film Stars and Historia Del Cine checklists to the Misc C-K section. Both these sets were issued in Spain. Also, an anonymous set which I titled Anonymous Film Stars (Sean Connery #28) was added to the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) section. Jan 28, 2000: Added Westminster Stage and Cinema Stars checklist to the Misc T-Z section. Added Mr. Softee Top 20 checklist to the Misc L-M section. Have added additional checklist information to a lot of the existing checklists over the past month or so. Jan 11, 2000: Added Bombones Lape Film Stars checklist to Misc A-B section. Added Cine-Fotos Estrellas De Hoy Y De Siempre, FHER Artistas Del Cinema, Guillen Artistas De Cine, and Kwatta Film Stars B 193-222 checklists to Misc C-K section. Added Godfrey Phillips Film Stars Postcards Series 2 and 3 checklists to Godfrey Phillips section. Added B Set (name in caps) checklist to Dutch Gum Cards section. Jan 3, 2000: Added a new checklist for an anonymous set from the 1960s, possibly issued in Canada, to the Anonymous (Mosly BAT) section. I called this set Anonymous Film Stars (Audrey Hepburn #80). Added a Premiere Magazine Movie Poster Cards checklist to the Modern section. Dec 14, 1999: Added a new section called Biscuit Cards. This section lumps all the cards of the unique biscuit style together. I decided to do this because most of these sets are anonymous and putting them in one section will make it easier for collectors to find checklist information for sets of this type. Most of the information in this section was already in the Movie Card Website, though I have added a General Information page about Biscuit Cards, and a new Anon-Biscuit Style-Text in Shaded Rectangle set checklist. I also put links to pictures of most of the biscuit cards in my checklists to make it even easier to identify the Biscuit cards. I also added a De Beukelaer 1-100 checklist to the De Beukelaer section. Dec 10, 1999: Added Gum Inc. Film Funnies (R48) checklist to the American Assorted section. Dec 8, 1999: Added two checklists to the BAT section - BAT Cinema Stars Set 12 and Anonymous Film Stars (Rectangle Captions). Added Belgian Gum Film Stars (Unnumbered) to the Misc AB section. Added Kwatta Film Stars C325-384 to the Misc C-K section. Nov 30, 1999: Added a new Kwatta Serie B. 97-192 checklist. Nov 24, 1999: Added some new checklists and improved the checklists for a bunch of sets. In the American Movie Theatre Cards section, I added the Loring and Columbia Paramount Series set, and renamed the Royal Theatre set the Distinguished Players set, since that set was issued by at least three different theatres and probably more, with Distinguished Players a common title on the cards. In the American section, I moved the Film Stars and Animals set from the Assorted section to the Strip Cards section, since I found out that those were strip cards. I added a Movie Star Homes Postcards section to the American section, with two sets checklisted. Added four new photocard checklists to the Ardath section. Completed the De Beukelaer 701-800 checklist, and included a picture of the album cover and an inside page. Added the "C" set checklist to the Dutch Gum Cards section. Nov 16, 1999: Added Godfrey Phillips Cinema Stars (32-Color) checklist. Oct 28, 1999: Added 3 new Ardath Photocards checklists (Set M, 11, and 12). Added American Beauty Malt checklist to American Assorted section. Added Wild Colors strip card checklist to American Strip Cards section. Oct 6, 1999: Added a new checklist for Neilson's Chocolate Movie Actors and Actresses set in the Misc N-S section. Sep 24, 1999: Added a new checklist section called Dutch Gum Cards. This section will cover all the myriad of movie star gum card sets from The Netherlands and related sets issued in other countries. Many new checklists have been added, and some other checklists including the Val Gum checklists have been moved to this section. The Hellas sets from Finland have also been moved to this section. Added Van Houten 2de Serie and 3de Serie checklists to the Misc T-Z section. Added Ardath Photocards Group 9 checklist to the Ardath checklists. Added Abdulla Cinema Stars (Brown Tone-32) checklist to the Misc A-B section. Sep 20, 1999: Added Construcciones Rod Fans Film Stars checklist to Misc C-K Section. This is a set of fans, not exactly cards. Added Ruiz Romero Film Stars checklist to Misc N-S section. Both of these sets were issued in Spain. Sep 17, 1999: Added 2 new checklists to the American Assorted section. These are Egyptian Prettiest Film Stars (T83) and Kashin Motion Picture Stars. Added 2 new checklists to the Misc A-B section, including A&BC Film Stars and BFF Film Stars. Aug 26, 1999: Added 3 new checklists to the American Exhibit Card section. Added Kursaal Film Stars checklist to the Misc C-K section. Aug 16, 1999: Added Chocolat Revillon checklist to Misc N-S section. Added Anonymous (Marlene Dietrich #30) checklist to Anonymous section. Aug 13, 1999: Added 3 new Kwatta checklists to the Misc C-K section, added Ackermans Film Stars checklist to the Misc A-B section. Aug 11, 1999: Added 7 new checklists to the German section, including Aurelia Sultan Filmsterne, Brinkmann Bunte Filmbilder 2nd Series, Garbaty Moderne Schonheitsgalerie, Greiling Bunte Filmbilder 1st Series, Massary Caid Bunte Filmbilder 1st Series, Orienta Bunte Filmbilder 1st Series, and Zuban Bunte Filmbilder 1st Series. Added 2 checklists to the Anonymous section, including Anonymous Film Stars (David Niven #24) and Anonymous Film Stars (Gilbert Roland #139). If anyone knows the identity of these sets, please let me know. Added Shelby Hollywood Picture Stars set to the American Assorted section. There are now 400 checklists on the Movie Card Website, the only source for vintage movie card checklists. Aug 5, 1999: Added Salem 210 Film-Fotos set to the German section. Also added some new cards to the Brinkmann Bunte Filmbilder checklist. Aug 4, 1999: Added 2 sets from Chile to the Misc C-K section. These sets were both put out by Compania Chilena de Tabacos with their Cigarrillos La Ideal cigarette brand. Jul 23, 1999: Added Zito Imperial Gum Film Stars checklist to Misc T-Z section. This set was issued in Yugoslavia, the first set I have checklisted from that part of the world. Also added an Anonymous Wallet card set to the American Assorted checklist. Apr 13, 1999: Added 2 new sets to the Modern section (Futura Screen Goddesses and Cecil Court Famous Film Directors). Added 2 sets to the American Assorted section (Drake's Cake Film Stars and Anon-Film Stars and Animals). Mar 24, 1999: Added 2 sets from Spain to the checklists. The Biblioteca set was added to the Misc A-B section, and the Federico Diaz Sanchez set was added to the Misc C-K section. Mar 20, 1999: Added Godfrey Phillips Cinema Stars (52) checklist. Added Jasmatzi Hansom Film Photos 1-168 checklist to German section. Mar 8, 1999: Added 3 new Exhibit checklists and 1 new Peerless Weight Card checklist to the American section. Feb 10, 1999: Added 2 checklists to the Misc A-B section (Aguilitas Estrellas Del Cine from Cuba, Abdulla Cinema Stars Hand Colored-32). Added 2 checklists to the Misc N-S section, both from Premier Tobacco. Feb 8, 1999: Added Hill Famous Cinema Celebrities, Series D checklist. Feb 3, 1999: Added 8 new checklists to the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) section. There are a lot of Mystery Sets in this section. If you can identify any of these sets or provide more information, please let me know. Jan 28, 1999: Added two new checklists to the Godfrey Phillips section (Cinema Stars (32-BW) and Stage and Cinema Beauties (50)). There are now 360 checklists on the Movie Card Website. Jan 27, 1999: Added four new checklists to the Misc T-Z section. Jan 21, 1999: Added two Kitchen Sink checklists to Modern section. Added Mothers Cookies Movie Stars checklist to American Assorted Section. Jan 18, 1999: Added 4 new checklists to Misc C-K section. Jan 15, 1999: Added Godfrey Phillips Cinema Stars (1924) checklist. Jan 11, 1999: Added 18 new checklists. Added five new checklists and updated some other checklists in the German section. Added nine checklists to the Anonymous section. Added one new checklist to the Wills section. Added one new checklist to the Misc N-S section. Added two new checklists to the Modern section. Jan 1, 1999: Added 2 new Topps checklists to the American section. Dec 23, 1998: Added 12 new checklists to the Misc C-K section. These include 7 different Hellas checklists from Finland, 3 Clovis checklists from France, a Kwatta checklist from France, and the Every Girl's Paper Film Stars set from England. Dec 5, 1998: 31 new checklists added to the American card section. Oct 28, 1998: Added Cigarros Aguilitas Serie Artistica (Cuba) and Bucktrout Cinema Stars OMBI (Channel Islands) checklists to Misc A-B section. Oct 26, 1998: Added Telfer Biscuit Suzanna and Tobacco Products Corp. (C142 Strollers Canada) checklists to Misc T-Z section. Oct 23, 1998: Added Danmarks Film Serie checklist to Misc C-K section. Sep 26, 1998: Added 23 new checklists to the German Section. Aug 30, 1998: Added 5 new checklists to the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) Section. Aug 29, 1998: Made many miscellaneous additions to incomplete checklists. Aug 23, 1998: Added three new checklists to the Misc A-B section (three different Amalgamated Press checklists), also Sarony Cinema Stars (50) and N. V. London Caramel Works Filmsterfoto's Checklists to the Misc N-S section. Aug 20, 1998: Added new checklists for Hoadley's Film Stars and Myers and Metreveli Hollywood Peep Show. Aug 19, 1998: Added a new checklist to Misc T-Z section, for C. J. Van Houten Filmfoto's Serie 1 from the Netherlands. Aug 4, 1998: Added two new checklists to the BAT section, one new checklist to The Misc C-K section, and one new checklist to the Carreras Section. There are now 243 checklists on the Movie Card Website. Aug 2, 1998: Added two new checklists to the Wills section. July 26, 1998: Four new checklists added to the Misc A-B section, two new checklists added to the Misc L-M section, two new checklists added to the Ardath section. July 18, 1998: A new checklist section was added in the American section for decks of movie star playing cards. Three checklists are listed in this section. June 28, 1998: Five new checklists were added to the Misc C-K section. These Include Cavanders Cinema Stars, Cereal Foods Popular Film Stars, Churchman British Film Stars, Hill Famous Film Stars (with Arabic text on the back), and Klene Shirley Temple Cards. May 24, 1998: Ten partial checklists were completed, some more variation information was added for Godfrey Phillips Shots from the Films, Carreras Famous Film Stars. Mar 26, 1998: New checklists added to Misc N-S section. These include Sinclair Film Stars, series 1 and 2, and Sherman Pools Famous Film Stars. Feb 8, 1998: Three new checklists added to Godfrey Phillips section. These are Beauties of the World-Series 2, Film Stars (Australian), and Stars of British Films. Dec 19, 1997: Misc L-Z was split up into Misc L-M, Misc N-S, and Misc T-Z. 13 new checklists were added to these sections. The 1960 Film Stars set was moved to the Anonymous (BAT) checklist section and renamed Greetings Film Stars. Dec 18, 1997: New checklists added to the Anonymous (Mostly BAT) checklists. Dec 6, 1997: Misc A-K was split into Misc A-B and Misc C-K. 13 new checklists were added to these sections. Nov 17, 1997: Four new checklists added to the Dinkie section. Nov 15, 1997: Several incomplete checklists were completed. These include Edwards, Ringer, and Bigg Cinema Stars (25), Sandorides Cinema Celebrities, and United Kingdom Cinema Stars. Nov 1, 1997: A new German section was added to the checklists. Three sets are Checklisted to start with. Oct 28, 1997: Three new checklists added to the Godfrey Phillips section. Oct 25, 1997: A new American section was added to the checklists. 14 American sets are checklisted, with more to come. A new writeup about American cards was also added.