- Alta Photos - Halsey Photos Bathing Girls (early 1920s)
- American Beauty Malt Movie Stars (early 1920s)
- American Caramel Co. Movie Actors and Actresses (E123) (1921)
- American Caramel Co. Movie Actors and Actresses (E124) (1923)
- American Caramel Co. Movie Actors and Actresses (1924)
- American Caramel Co. Movie Actors and Actresses (Unnumbered - Large Photo Offer on Back) (1927)
- American Caramel Co. Movie Actors and Actresses (Numbered - Large Photo Offer on Back) (1927)
- American Caramel Co. Movie Actors and Actresses (1929)
- American Record Corporation World's Famous Screen-Radio-Stage Stars (1930s)
- Banquet, Butternut, Holsum, Schmitt's, Big Dandy Bread Movie Picture Stars (1917)
- Blatz Screen Stars (1920s)
- "Bond Bread" Movie Stars, Western Stars, Baseball Players, Boxers, Football Players, Golfers (late 1940s)
- Bowman Movie Stars (1948)
- Bowman Movie Preview Flipbook (1949)
- Bowman Television and Radio Stars of the National Broadcasting Company (Horizontal Backs) (1952)
- Bowman Television and Radio Stars of the National Broadcasting Company (Vertical Backs) (1953)
- Brody Motion Picture Stars (late 1920s or early 1930s)
- J. B. Carr Movie Stars (early 1920s)
- Channel 13 1965 TV Stars (1965)
- Clark's Bakery Film Stars (E123) (1921)
- Clark Movie Stars (1920s)
- Cracker Jack Write Movie Star's Name Here (1934)
- Frankie Darro Movie Stamp Club (1935)
- Diamond Match Covers Film Stars (1936)
- Drake's Cake Film Stars (1932)
- Durkee Prominent Actors and Actresses
- Egyptian Oasis Moving Picture Stars (T86) (1917)
- Egyptian Prettiest Film Stars (T83) (1920s)
- Fab TV Stars (early 1950s)
- Famous Stars Series Stamps (1914)
- Fatima Photoplay Stars (T222) (1914)
- Felt Pennant Film Stars (BF2) (1915)
- Bob Gale Film Star Stamps (1938-1939)
- General Gum Movie Stars (1933)
- General Gum Large Movie Stars (1930s)
- General Mills M-G-M Film Stars (1955)
- Ghirardelli Motion Picture Stars (1920s)
- Golden Grain Motion Picture Stars (T84) (1934)
- Goudey Oh Boy Gum Cards (E282) (1929)
- Gum Inc. Film Funnies (1935)
- Helmar Stamp Actresses (T332) (1911)
- Hershey Our Gang (1920s)
- Hoffman Paramount Series (1920s)
- Hollywood Bread Film Stars (1950s)
- Hollywood Publications Movie Stamps (1930)
- Hollywood Star Stamps (1947)
- Huber Bread Film Stars (1922)
- I-Car-De Mayonnaise Film Stars (1920s)
- Kashin Motion Picture Stars (1920s)
- Kelloggs Pep Photos (1947-48)
- Knotty Pine Film Stars (late 1920s or early 1930s)
- Koester's Movie Actor Photos (1910s)
- Kromo Gravure Leading Moving Picture Stars (1917)
- Lavoptik Movie Stars (1917)
- Leather Film Stars (1912)
- Leister Autographs Game Cards (1945)
- Loew's Weekly Star Stamps (1935-37)
- Lucky Strike Die-Cut Film Stars (1930s)
- Lux Studio Portraits of Leading Movie Stars (1934)
- Manford Stryker Motion Picture Stars (1916)
- Marble Gum Film Stars (late 1920s or early 1930s)
- McBride-Rothschild Popular Motion Picture Performers (1910s)
- McLaughlin's Old Colony Coffee Film Stars (1916)
- Meyer Star Pictures (1939)
- Mickey Mouse with the Movie Stars (R90) (1930s)
- Middy Bread Film Stars (1926)
- Mono Leading Actresses and Base Ball Players (T217) (1910)
- Moore's Candies Film Stars (1921)
- Morehouse Baking Co. Moving Picture Stars (D55) (1921)
- Mothers Bread Movie Star Postcards (1910s or 1920s)
- Mothers Cookies Movie Stars (1953)
- Mothers Cookies Television and Radio Stars (1954)
- Movie Millions (1930s)
- Moviebook Film Stars
- Moviebook Movie Star Flipbooks (W619) (1930s)
- Movie-Land Keeno (1929)
- Nelson Lee Library Film Stars (1926)
- Neuman Our Gang (1920s)
- North American Film Star Supplements (1917)
- Orange Crush Kings and Queens of the Movies (1924)
- Oxford Confectionery Fool's Paradise (1921)
- Pakas Stamps Film Stars
- Pallas Pictures Film Stars (1916)
- Piedmont Moving Picture Stars (T86) (1917)
- Pittsburgh Post Film Stars (1917)
- Pony Express Rider (1976)
- Popsicle Film Star Coins (1934)
- Post Roy Rogers Pop Out Cards and Roy Rogers 3D Cards (1953)
- Prevue Movie Star Buttons Cards (1948)
- Pull-Rak California Bathing Girls (Early 1920s)
- Pull-Rak Film Stars and Mack Sennett Girls (1922)
- Quaker Die Cut Film Stars (1936)
- R63 Guess Who (1934)
- R92 Movie Stars (1939)
- R93 Film Stars (1930s)
- R94 Movie Stars and Scenes (1928)
- R95 Film Stars (1939)
- R96 Movie Stars (Aquatoned in U.S.A.) (1939)
- R96-3 Movie Stars (1938)
- R133 Series of 96 (1930s)
- R134 Series of 96 (1936)
- Recruit, Coupon, Athletic Movie Stars (T82) (1916)
- Red Cross Shoes Film Stars (1934)
- Reel Mint Movie Stars (1920s)
- Royal Stars of the Movies (1950-1952)
- Royal Stars of Wonderland (1951)
- Schonwasser Bathing Girls (E281) (1920s)
- Schonwasser Film Stars (1920s)
- Screen Snappies (R122) (1933-1934)
- Sears Happi-Time Toy Town Christmas Trading Cards (1950s)
- Seein' Stars Movie Star Stamps (late 1930s or 1940s)
- Series of 100 Film Stars (late 1940s or 1950s)
- Shelby Hollywood Picture Stars (1930s)
- Shotwell Motion Picture Stars (1916)
- Shotwell Molly O' (1921)
- Shotwell Suzanna (1922)
- Shotwell Strongheart (1920s)
- Shotwell Red Grange "One Minute to Play" (1926)
- Shotwell Red Grange (12-card set) (1920s)
- Silk Film Stars (S72-1) (1910s)
- Simmen's Model Bakery, Kleen-Maid, Renz's, Tip-Top, Bro Be Co Film Stars (D56) (1921)
- Smith's Ice Cream Our Gang (1920s)
- Soap Movie and Radio Stars (1930s)
- Star Agency Film Stars (Movie Moguls Game Cards) (1973)
- Stern Film Stars (late 1910s or early 1920s)
- Strollers Film Stars (T85) (1922)
- Strollers Film Stars (Large) (T83-2) (early 1920s)
- Sun Pictures Film Stars
- T25 Between the Acts Actors (1911)
- T26 Between the Acts Actresses (1903)
- Tattoo Movie, Radio, Theatrical Stars (1933)
- Theatrical Advertising Co. Portrait Cards of Movie Stars (1915)
- Topps Hit Stars (1950s)
- Topps Hocus Focus (1948)
- Topps Who-Z-At Star (1950s)
- Topps X-Ray Roundup (1949)
- United States Baking Motion Picture Stars
- Universal Novelty Snapshots of Movie Stars (1920s)
- Universal Pictures Film Stars 1965 (1965)
- Vitagraph Players (1911)
- Vitagraph Players (1916)
- Weber Movie Stars in Gold (1927)
- Weber Movie Stars in Silver (1927)
- Wells Lamont Red Ryder Trading Cards (1952)
- Wentz Stamps Film Stars
- Were You Lucky Film Stars (early 1920s)
- Wheaties Shirley Temple (1930s)
- Wild West Days (1937)
- Williams Holsum Popular Movie Stars (1927)
- W. S. Screen Star Subjects Rounded Corners (early 1950s)
- York Stars of the Movies (60) (1923)
- York Stars of the Movies (120) (1929)
- Yuengling Our Gang (1920s)
- Anon-Film Stars (Bread Style) (1915)
- Anon-Silent Stars (Brown-Toned) (1910s)
- Anon-Film Stars (Charlie Chaplin) (1920s)
- Anon-Film Stars (Hope Hampton) (1920s)
- Anon-White Border B&W Film Stars (Charles Chaplin Bent Cane) (early 1920s)
- Anon-Save This Photo and Letter Film Stars (1920s)
- Anon-Shoulderless Baseball and Film Stars (1923 or 1924)
- Anon-Purple, Blue, Red, Green Film Stars (1924)
- Anon-Wide Border Film Stars (1929)
- Anon-Diamond Bordered Film Stars (1920s or early 1930s)
- Anon-Diamond Bordered Star in Oval Film Stars (1920s)
- Anon-5x7 Autographed 1930 Film Stars (1930)
- Anon-Green Stamp Film Stars (1930s)
- Anon-Pull Here Movie Stars (1930s)
- Anon-Tiny Perforated Film Stars (1952)
- Anon-Tiny Perforated Photo Album Film Stars (1950s)
- Anon-Gumball Charms Film Stars (1950s)
- Anon-Fold in on These Lines Film Stars (1954)
- Anon-Magazine Film Stars 1955 (1955)
- Anon-Magazine Film Stars 1959 (1959)
- Anon-Wallet Photos Film Stars (1960s)
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